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View Full Version : Anyone remember Keith Sturt?

nice castle
6th Dec 2007, 21:31
He was my Step-Grandfather, until his untimely death in the Syerston crash in a Vulcan. I never knew him, and he was in my family for a very short period of time. In a recent attic clearout, I came across a 5 Sqn pewter tankard which belonged to him. It is fairly bashed up, and has clearly seen some quality action!

To cut a long story short, a friend of mine works on (the newly reformed) 5 Sqn as a Flt Cdr on Sentinels, and so I gave him the tankard to benefit the Sqn, and said to use it as he wishes. It turns out he'll be pressing it into regular service as a CR pot in the Sqn bar, which I thought was great news - better than it gathering dust in an attic somewhere.

So, having asked around, the surviving members of my family don't really know much about him, hence this post. I gather he became a Rolls Royce TP after leaving the RAF, but have no knowledge of his time in the RAF other than, of course, he was on 5 Sqn.

It would be good for my friend on 5 to be able to say a few words about the man who's tankard has ended up back on the Sqn after all these years. All dits and info gratefully received and duly passed on.:ok:

17th Dec 2007, 07:35
"Vulcan Test Pilot " by Tony Blackman has a piece on Pages 151-153 who like me thinks the pilot was unfairly blamed as this Vulcan had been looped and rolled by other pilots before the accident,as it was the prototype. It may have been overstressed prior to the accident.

It is nice that he is remembered.

Dan D'air
17th Dec 2007, 12:55
Nice Castle,

Try the link at the bottom of this page, or over on the Mil Aircrew forum, failing that look out for the names BEagle, ORAC and Pontius Navigator, between them they seem to have flown every type going and have an encyclopaedic knowledge of Vulcans etc.

Good Luck and may Keith RIP.

Mark Johnson
28th Oct 2021, 18:43
Keith Sturt is my Great great Uncle on my mother's side. My great grandmother was his Sister. My grandad recently went into a care home and the picture of Keith that had sat on top of a cabinet in the corner of the lounge for as long as I can remember became mine after I enquired after it.

My Grandad is now 96 and we don't know how much longer he will be alive. No one else in the family is old enough to remember him, so all first hand memory of him on our side of the family will die with him.

My Mum attempted to contact Catherine Coulthard in another forum without much luck so it would be great to get in contact with other relatives.

I wear a Vulcan pin to remember him every November 11th.
Please do get in touch.
Mark Johnson.

Pilot DAR
29th Oct 2021, 12:21
Welcome Mark, History and stories about test flying are very welcomed here!