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1st Dec 2007, 14:37

i dont know if i am posting this in the correct place but recently i have heard of quite a few incidents involving the thompsonfly aircraft.

I was on a flight from coventry to Barcelona when we lost cabin pressure and had to make a rapid decent then re route to paris.

A few weeks later i heard of the same problem from coventry to a destination and they had to make an emergency landing in paris.

Again recently i heard of a thompsonfly aircraft having trouble with one of its engins after takeoff

Are the thompsonfly aircraft quite old. Someone told me that some of the thompsonfly aircraft were bought "seccond hand" from the middle east.

look forward to hearing some other views.


Right Way Up
1st Dec 2007, 16:25
You would be amazed at the amount of companies that have no incidents & then suddenly they just keep coming. I do not work for Thompsonfly but if it helps reassure you, the crews are very good & will deal professionally with anything that comes their way.

1st Dec 2007, 16:54
Regardless of where they came from Middle East, USA or indeed Europe once operated by a UK registered airline they must satisfy CAA requirements the same as a brand new a/c operated by another UK airline.

As for their age all of their current 737's with the exception of three are second hand. The 757's are old some bought new some aquired of other operators/lessors and their 767's are a mixture with their older ones being phased out 1Q2008.

Thomsonfly (no P!!! drives me mad!!) are not the oldest operator of any of their aircraft types but neither are they the youngest aircraft operator. But they are safe, thanks to the hard work of our dedicated engineers.

I do take offence, I am not of middle eastern origin myself but the comment that they are second hand and from the middle east is quite offensive, Does that make them any more dangerous or unsafe than a "second hand USA aircraft?"

As for where they came from I do not know nor care as it has no basis on your question.

Sean Dillon
1st Dec 2007, 18:54
Thomsonfly (no P!!! drives me mad!!)

I'm furious when I see easyJet spelt with a capital 'E'

2nd Dec 2007, 11:51
Sorry Thomsonfly, :)

I didnt mean any offence to anyone when i said that the planes come form the middle east, i just meant that the conditions that the aircraft are used in is more hostile, Hotter weather and sand in the air etc...

i know that the aircraft have to be up to uk standards and the engineers do a fantastic job to keep all the aircraft worthy of flying. :)

The crew all acted in a very professional way to re assure all of the passengers. Even the ones that didnt put their oxygen mask on. lol :)

thanks for the response.

Pilot Pete
3rd Dec 2007, 08:27
So the original point you were trying to make was?


Tony Flynn
9th Dec 2007, 19:57
They all do that :}

9th Dec 2007, 22:24
Where aircraft come from is important, and relevant. In fact their entire operating and maintenance history is relevant.

If a plane comes from Afghanistan I think it's important, despite CAA requirements, as something may be missed or have been covered up. This is not offensive to a person from Afghanistan, merely reflecting the FACT that airline maintenance standards in other parts of the world (middle east included) are not as high as those of CAA/JAA.

There are airlines of many countries worldwide which are not permitted to use British airspace due to concerns with safety. There is a list somewhere, so maybe someone else has the link.

4th Jan 2008, 23:04
I may have imagined this, but didn't BCAL acquire a DC10 from Afghanistan, one which got caught up in military action of some sort....?!
(I could be mistaken, though.)