View Full Version : need a sponsorship

26th Nov 2007, 10:26
I'm 17 yrs old. Doin Advanced Level in Sri Lanka. I wnt 2 bcom a pilot. But I don't hve enough wealth 4 it. I would b glad to hve a sponsorship.
can sombdy guide me 2 a proper plce :) :) :) :) :)

26th Nov 2007, 10:30
Jetblast in 3...2...1...go


26th Nov 2007, 11:31
The vultures are circling, so before they swoop hn, check out this link:


If that doesn't turn up what you're after, try the search function. Still have questions? Feel free to ask away :ok:



Nearly There
26th Nov 2007, 14:13
Give Ryanair a call, they will probably do it, very helpful company..:E

26th Nov 2007, 14:20
ooooh yet another jibe at Ryanair.
think there are only a few airlines that do sponsorship, pretty rare these days.
try looking at CTC. there will no doubt be a thread on here that will shed some light.
LL Snowman.

Nearly There
26th Nov 2007, 14:45
Sorry could not resist, Im bored..:E

26th Nov 2007, 15:27
Depending on your academic prowess, you could consider joining the Sri Lankan Air Force.

Lots of publicity going round there at the moment and the Tigers are keeping everyone busy.
I understand that you will not be paid very well there but at least you will be able to fly and learn something.

I think that your fear of using vowels might be a problem so I would get some help with that. Pls stp wrttng stff like dis.......it makes you look like a moron.

Nichibei Aviation
26th Nov 2007, 15:54
As someone pointed out, the army is a solution.

Give me a couple of days and I'll see what I can find.
In the mean time I can give you some crazy advice, that is to get a green card to work in the USA, and try to find a job there before you leave.
Some employers might give you accommodation if you promise to work well. There is no use staying in Sri Lanka to earn money there, the wages are way too low.
You can also ask a flight school to work for them as assistant (cleaning, scheduling, aircraft cleaning, oil checks, put the aircraft in the hangar at the end of the day...) in exchange for flying lessons.
Anyway, try to pass your high school (A-level) with a good mark.

You are going to do it the hard way (unlike the mummy & daddy sponsorship scheme) but you will be rewarded: airlines will love your story ;)

26th Nov 2007, 21:48

Forgive the very poor manners of many who have replied. I think they forget what it was like when they were 17 trying to sort things out.

You have little chance of getting an airline sponsorship in a foriegn country because employment laws rule you out; you won't even be eligible to apply. If you are a Sri Lanka citizen, then your only hope is a Sri Lankan airline or the military.

You will encounter countless obstacles and your own resourcefulness will determine whether you can go under, around or over them. As soon as you let arses like those who have made rude replies above discourage you, your progress will cease. Learn to ignore them, as their discouraging remarks are the first obstacles you must bypass. I suggest walking over the top of this sort.

Good luck; you'll need plenty, but even more perseverance, grit and determination.