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1st Sep 1999, 12:26
Very senior captain was asked to help talk one of the F/A's out of the toilet which she had locked herself in. Aparently she did so because she didn't get her period... The captain with 3 kids of his own and a world of experience finally managed to convince her to come out.

A few days later..
F/A called the captains home, his wife answered and he was flying again. "Never mind" she said and asked his wife very innocently to pass the message to him "Thank you, not to worry i got my period" Click.

Ouch, this captain had some explaining which to this day thinks that his wife still doesn't fully believe the "real" story.

Nav Light
1st Sep 1999, 14:04
I don't know about that one.......I can't believe a F/A would lock herself in the dunny over a late period, especially when pregnancy tests are SO available, and you can be late!!! Maybe, he s crewed her, there's a lot of that going around, especially where I work, but it does seem a bit strange!!!!!

1st Sep 1999, 22:22
Sounds like a touch-and-go to me!!! ;)

1st Sep 1999, 22:22
Sounds like a touch-and-go to me!!! ;)

7th Sep 1999, 06:15
No touch and go fellas, this was for real, the f/a in question did not know the Captain and he was only involved when the senior f/a decided to contact him.

Fair suspicion though.

11th Sep 1999, 14:50
Sorry but this is a cue for a joke! :)
A captain after arrival back at base went to a hotel room with a cabin crew hed chatted up the whole flight. After 5 hours of sheer unadulterated screwing he got dressed and drove home.
Entering the driveway he had an attack of the guilts when he saw his fat old bag of an ugly naggiong wife standing at the house door. Well he thought the old battleax had stood by him thick and thin these past 25 years so he thought he should tell her about it and be honest with her for once in his life.
His wife stood there fuming as he related a minute by minute description of what he did with the girl. He saw his wifes face get redder and redder with murderous anger in her eyes as he talked. Boy am I gonna get it! he thought.
After a minute his wife blew a fuse. "You bloody bullsh*tting a*sehole! You were out on the p*ss with your copilot again werent you!"

Nav Light
16th Sep 1999, 16:51
I think that Captain had seexxxxxxxxx with that there girly!!!