View Full Version : QantasLink (Impulse) Recruiting again.

11th Feb 2002, 11:55
Just thought that maybe you guys and girls would like to know that Impulse are about to recruit more flight attendants for Hobart basings.

Apparently they advertised last week in the local newspapers in Tasmania for expressions of interest for a Hobart base.

They said that they are ONLY excepting applications lodged through their website at <a href="http://www.impulseairlines.com.au" target="_blank">www.impulseairlines.com.au</a> , and would NOT accept any paper cv's or phone calls.

So if any of you, or your friends are interested, then log onto their site.

I have posted this information as a general post to all of you seeking careers as flight attendants. I do not work for them, but I do have friends in there that do.

Hope this may be of help to some of you.

<img src="cool.gif" border="0">

Mr Seatback 2
14th Feb 2002, 13:02
All true faar canal - NOW will people begin believing me that we're STILL recruiting??!!

Hobart base pretty much on the cards (cards that are being kept close to the chest of MD Bevan Coote...!) - Recruiting beginning of next month out of Hobart, then Melbourne, and BACK AGAIN to Sydney!

Flew with one of my mates who became a recruiter for the last intake, and showed me the dates he was flying to these places for recruiting seminars...Apparently, looking at 6-8 additional aircraft, with required crew of well over 100 flight attendants...

PLUS - despite the ENORMOUS number of people who've flown before, they still look at people who haven't - and give everyone a fair chance of getting through (they've recently recruited a few people who've never flown before)...so just because there's a large number of Ansett, Kendell, Flight West, etc. ex f/a's out there - don't think they have it in the bag people!

Good luck to all those who apply!!

15th Feb 2002, 11:11
hey guys!

I went to an Impulse group interview day on the 28 jan...unfortunately i wasn't succesful!

Do you think i will get a second look at if i apply to them again, for the Hobart base?

What are your thoughts?? <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

15th Feb 2002, 17:07

if u need a copy of the word document from the impulse web site...drop me an email:

[email protected]

i saved a copy to my computer!!!

good luck!!!