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16th Nov 2007, 21:24
I need some advice please.

Many years ago when I was young and naive I found myself holding at an RAF Station near Basingstoke where I fell in with the wrong crowd and spent a number of hours flying left seat in something named after a large black cat thingy.

Although it was a huge blast I subsequently returned to the world of fixed wing and thought I had put a life of teetering heads behind me. Despite an occasional nagging desire to try it again I thought I had the willpower to resist.

A couple of days ago, in a moment of madness, I ducked into the offices of a local helicopter operator and went on a flying lesson. That old but vaguely familiar feeling of euphoria returned, the autorotation demo left me hankering for more and the hovering exercise left me in a sweat and going cold turkey.

Today found me drawn into Transair, scouring the top shelves for Helicopter pilot’s manuals. I feel I have to buy a new logbook and keep fingering the card with the school number on it wanting to make a further booking.

What should I do? Is there a self-help group for people like me or should I just give in and succumb to the inevitable?:{

16th Nov 2007, 21:28
That's like walking into a boozer and asking for the phone number of Alcoholics Anonymous :}

Go for it 'cos I can guarantee that won't be sitting in your retirement home wishing you'd never flown rotary.



17th Nov 2007, 03:03
To fly is heavenly - to hover divine.

See you at Silverstone one day! :)


Flying Lawyer
18th Nov 2007, 09:13
Advice needed?

"Just give in and succumb to the inevitable."
You won't regret it if you do, but will if you don't.

With a similar UAS background, like you I had little interest in helicopters. Then someone offered me a trial lesson. I was curious, and it was free, so accepted. I was immediately bitten by the bug and, after careful consideration (for about a day), succumbed to the inevitable and started training.
No regrets whatsoever - far from it. Flying helicopters opens up a whole new world of aviation.

Go for it!
I guarantee you'll enjoy it. :ok:

Floppy Link
18th Nov 2007, 09:22
...and you don't need a new logbook. Save the money for 25 seconds flying time instead.

One logbook, helicopter in blue, fixed wing in black. Works for me!

18th Nov 2007, 14:37
Run Forrest run!!!:}

Just kidding.Good Luck on the decision.
Alt 3.

18th Nov 2007, 21:53

Might have to mortgage a child or two but what the heck.

Tudor, hows the new job going? Will keep you posted about JW.


18th Nov 2007, 22:00
Nah, just send them up the chimneys or down t'mill.

I can promise you, that when you have an incentive like this to save, you can do it. You'd be surprised where you can making cuts; after all, ones expenditure always expends to fit the income!



18th Nov 2007, 22:28
Thanks Whirls
Bishop Bonner = Dereham? As I will soon be donating all my wordly to Sterling at NWI please let me know if you have any chimney's that need sweeping!

19th Nov 2007, 06:08
Indeedy - at last, someone's who's got it!!!

If you need any further info about flying from Norwich, feel free to PM me.

However, as I have a wood burning stove, only a toddler could get up the flue and not even I'm that heartless! :}



19th Nov 2007, 11:39
You are still in the first stages of addiction, it is not to late there is a chance of recovery, but until you admit to yourself you are hooked there is little we can do for you.
Try explaining to her that shall be obeyed,:{ or as last resort
helicopters anonymous
PO box 500E, all donations welcome to help another sufferer:E