View Full Version : The Election 2007, Who and why ?.

16th Nov 2007, 10:29
Interested to know who others are voting for and why.

Everytime you turn on the TV, there it is, the parties slagging each other.

I'll be voting Labor, not because i like Labor, it's because i detest what little johhny is doing to our society:

Union attacks, whilst many Union reps of the past have conducted themselves in a digusting manner ( IMHO Joe MacDonald in WA for example ), Unions/Federations in any form are supposed to be the advocate of their members, how is that evil ?.

Cost of living, for the average Joe, the house prices are dis-proportionate to wages.

AWA's do not seem to benefit anyone one that does not have bargaining power, yeh yeh people should have chosen their careers more wisely, hang on, we are in aviation, I do not think we can throw too many stones on that one.

Liberals claim the government being debt free and the huge boom we are presently seeing as their doing.

What bollocks that is, the government is debt free due to the GST, i.e sticking it too the mums and dads, incidently personal debt is higher than ever, and not all from plasma screen TV and HSV car sales.

Present boom, all China, soon to be India, infact many many businesses moving offshore for the tax benefits and cheap wages of third world countries.

Let em rip......

16th Nov 2007, 10:50
Like you LRT, not because I like Labour.

However- the working life of semi/ low skilled workers in small businesses has gone to the sh!thouse under Work Choices.

Last year I was on the receiving end of the new Work Choices legislation when I was given notice at the Employer that I was working for at the time. Finished the 3 month Probation period with good feedback and permanent job offer- then only 10 weeks later was advised "your position will be changing next year and you're not the natural fit for it- you're now working your notice". There were no details as to what was going to change and I wasn't offered any training to make me suitable for the future role.

Rang a Solicitor who specialises in Employment Law the same day, and was advised that because I worked for a small business (under 100 Employees), I had no recourse to any unfair dismissal rulings.

This could happen to anyone who works in a small business!
Apart from doing some casual flying, I made my mind up that day to do something about it- I start my Accounting Degree in February.


16th Nov 2007, 12:00
sick of john howard, dont like peter costello

ill be voting rudd

16th Nov 2007, 12:34
I agree entirely with all the previous posts in what's been said. I'm a swinging voter, but have now made up my mind. The campaign launches showed me that Rudd was more economically aware than Howard. I have found that the present Government have become too arrogant and will say and do anything to get votes.
I, too will be voting Labor. Another reason, I can't stand Costello and that 'smirk' of his. I was thinking about voting Greens, but wanted to be sure of every possibility in getting rid of Howard.

16th Nov 2007, 22:31
I think anyone who votes for RUDD is taking a huge risk and a vote for the GREENS is essentially a vote for labour!
Someone mentioned house prices above; think about it! The availability of easy money has been the problem; people borrowing upto 100% of the value of a property is what has caused most of the issues in housing now basically because the arrangements left people with no room to move and anyone who thinks voting labour in is going to bring housing prices down really should think again.
As for workplace stuff; when was the last time we saw strike action in this country! (YEARS!!!)
I suggest:


Whiskey Oscar Golf
16th Nov 2007, 23:06
Ahh Askari good on you for trotting out the politics of fear. Nice to see there's some out there who follow the line.

I'll be voting ALP because I don't live in a marginal electorate and I won't be seeing any of those funky last minute funding proposals come my way. I also like the idea of regulated labour markets because as has been shown by strong growing European economies like Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, and a host of others, if you talk to your workers you might just get more out of them. Rather than take this or bugger off.

I believe workchoices as it stands is unstable. People at the top who have sellable skills move constantly to the highest bidder, losing skillsets, disrupting workplaces with this movement. It costs every time an employee leaves who you want to stay.

On the lower end you have a race to the bottom. With the employer constantly reducing conditions in the race to stay competitive. This again causes movement and in the lower end creates the same instability. It also creates uncertainty within employees often resulting in changes of employment types, often quickly, which can decimate companies.

A regulated workplace means people are on the same all over so employers can retain by being good employers. This results in less movement and more stable workplaces.It also allows for companies to be competitive with workpractices rather than short term runs to the wages bottom. This phenomena of people staying in jobs for two or less years is directly related to unregulated workplaces and individual agreements.

As to the rest, I'm a climate change sceptic and believe at the end of the day there's not too much difference as they are both trying to capture the middle ground vote. They both trot out the same lines it's just that the ALP might have a few more safety valves in there for the badly disadvantaged.

Good Luck Comrades

16th Nov 2007, 23:33
People are worried about Johnny handing over to Costello...

What about Rudd being overpowered by Julia Gillard?? Sure vote one for Rudd, then 6months in Julia puts up a challenge. Last person I want running the country is Julia Gillard.

Think wisely people.

16th Nov 2007, 23:39
Pretty well a fait accompli
I wonder if I will live long enough to see another Coalition government.
I would think they will scatter after this.