View Full Version : What do they mean?

B A Lert
15th Nov 2007, 01:50
Qantas "leaders" such as Dixon and Gregg constantly describe Jetstar as their 'value based airline'. Does this mean that they consider travel on Qantas a rip-off?

Why don't they cut to the chase and just describe Jetstar as their 'no frillls airline' or 'low cost airline'? These people spin like a bloody top -they must be so very giddy. :E:E:E

15th Nov 2007, 05:36
You are alert. Many people in the aviation world live in fairyland and waffle on about "legacy" carriers LCC's etc. They are all airlines flying similar aircraft. Some charge lots because they can (monopoly). A five dollar sandwich cannot make a $300 increase in fare cost.
Let's call it what it is-a high cost airline.

Eastwest Loco
15th Nov 2007, 11:06
Hi Bushy

You would be amazed at the number of times you can find QF flights at same or lower fares than the alleged low cost carriers.

You can also override the LCC's web based systems to drop the cost of the same journey if you use your brain.

I am obviously a jaded old fart as if I cannot afford to fly Ratair (and despite being a Travel Agent I still buy market fares and enjoy Club Dicko) I stay home - simple as that.

That is the only way to have an airline take responsibility for you in mid journey (apart from the rare case) if it all goes pear shaped. The LCC then turns into a HCC.

Best all