View Full Version : EU Parliament - ETS Vote

old,not bold
14th Nov 2007, 09:47
(Brussels, 13 November 2007) Responding to the vote by the European Parliament today on the inclusion of aviation into the EU emissions trading scheme (ETS), Sylviane Lust, Director General of the International Air Carrier Association (IACA) said:
“Let there be no doubt that the Parliament’s punitive design of the ETS scheme would damage the aviation sector beyond repair.”
“The elements of the scheme as voted today, and topped by a multiplier, would amount to approximately €11bn per year in additional costs for airlines which they are unlikely to be able to absorb.”
“We continue to support the ETS in principle but it needs to be properly designed and affordable. It is now up to the Member States to take responsibility for designing a proposal that, above all, takes account of the impact of a scheme not just on aviation but also on European competitiveness.”

Discuss! Pressure from all sides on Member States' administrations is needed. This is a major threat to the industry.

For coverage on IACA's reactions, see also :
Reactions from other airline associations :
- AEA : http://www.aea.be/dbnetgrid2//htmleditor/UploadFiles/PR07-30.pdf
- BDF Germany : http://www.bdfaero.de/downloads/071113_PM_EU_Parlament_treibt_Kosten_in_die_Hhe.pdf
- IATA : http://www.just4airlines.com/j4_dox/email/detail.mv?story_id=32632&story_sk=&cat='please%20select%20(all)'&acc_code= (http://www.just4airlines.com/j4_dox/email/detail.mv?story_id=32632&story_sk=&cat=%27please%20select%20%28all%29%27&acc_code=)
Press coverage in the US :
- http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/14/business/worldbusiness/14emissions.html?ref=business