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View Full Version : High white blood cell count

13th Nov 2007, 23:58
A recent blood test indicated elevated white blood cell count...besides the usual causes due to recent infection, can there be other causes like food, counterindication due to medicine or supplements etc? Anyone willing to share their experiences? Thanks

14th Nov 2007, 00:29
many years ago whilst working in the ME felt a bit 'buggered', urine was packed with WBC. I went downhill fast and ended up in hospital for a week or so - never found out what it was though there were mutterings about blackwater fever...

all of which is prolly no help at all.....

15th Nov 2007, 22:33
Raised white cells are a common problem,with a multitude of causes, and form part of the bigger clinical picture.

Speak to your doc, if everything else checks out, he will likely monitor the situation (more blood tests) 'till things settle down.

If it turns out to be blackwater fever, I'll show my backside in the Vatican.