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View Full Version : Channel 4 tonight (Monday).

Al R
12th Nov 2007, 20:11
Stock up on the cous cous and latte, hitch up those hemp underpants and switch the telly to C4. Enjoy if you will, Time Team (on now) rummaging through D Day sites in Normandy and at 22.00, 'Forgotten Heroes'.. a tale of 3 men and the real cost of war over the past 6 decades.

Guzlin Adnams
12th Nov 2007, 20:59
Autumn watch.....Kate Humble talking beavers....pity about Bill Oddie.

Seriously, Channel 4 sounds like a must watch.

Al R
12th Nov 2007, 22:00
Did anyone just see the account by the Malaya veteran of meeting the mother of one his mates who got killed, next to him? Apart from the fact it was simply heart wrenching and humbling, he made the point that Tommys mother lived in 1960 poverty, but that if Tommy had come home, he could have helped her and improve her life too. The loss is everywhere..

Max Shutterspeed
12th Nov 2007, 22:10
Compulsive viewing.

I feel torn between needing to hear what they have to say and guilt at the fact that they had to sit before a camera and relive those memories, in some cases obviously buried in a deep, dark place in their minds.

Sadly, the people who should be made to watch it are blissfully unaware of the wreckage.


Uncle Ginsters
12th Nov 2007, 22:21
Just watching 'Forgotten Heroes' on C4. What a sad, sad depiction of the lingering pain of PTSD.

You can only have utter respect for what those chaps have been through, and utter shame about their treatment. It does show that this is not a new thing and we, as a nation, are still nowhere near having the infrastructure to deal with it.

When will the powers that be listen to the plight of men like these, who whilst still living, have still given their lives in the service of the Country.

Words fail me.

Uncle G

Al R
13th Nov 2007, 06:39

For every elderly man we see, from places like North Africa, Malaya, Korea.. there are probably a hundred that we didn't. How many of us can remember an elderly relative who was jumpy, irritable, always distraced and we thought that was just them.. well, being them? A completely wasted generation, one that suffered in silence.

The RBL made about £30 million from the Poppy Appeal this year. The old boys are getting less and less in number now. In 30+ years though, we're going to have to provide ongoing care for thousands who fought in Corporate, Grapple, Granby etc. The possibility for neglect is horrendous. What will happen if all our care homes are sold off, for instance. Will these men and women get the care they need and deserve?

Al R
13th Nov 2007, 11:23
One only has to think back to the disgraceful way that the MoD treated the PTSD class action Mike, to realise that they (and the g'ment) doesn't give a stuff about the troops. Whether they're on ops, in their homes or after being injured. It will be the same tomorrow as it is today, and as it was yesterday.

The g'ment, the MoD and the RAF (all) treat illegal immigrants better than they do injured veterans.