View Full Version : Airlink/Pel-Air

11th Nov 2007, 13:38
I don't want to hear the pro's and con's of either operator, or whether you think so and so smells like something or other, all I want to know is being owned wholly by Rex, and should the cadet program go ahead, what will happen to direct entry recruitment at the operators I mentioned? Will it mean that there won't be any vacancies for off the street qualified direct entry guys as they'll be chock full of cadets or what? And please don't bother with the "Why would you want to work for them blah blah" comments.

11th Nov 2007, 16:23
With both operators starving for experience within the ranks and only some silly cadets signing up for a 5 yr commitment, I would say Direct entry into any of these outfits is will continue for a LONG time. :ok:

11th Nov 2007, 23:30
I got in - got out and looking back....

I loved every minute of my Pel Air time.

2000 hours total and a well written application should at least get you a phone call from the turbo prop recruitment guys. When I was last there which was a while ago they were looking for the right people. The hours were negotiable.

They have a great selection of bases around the country and guys progress really quickly if they keep their head down.

There you go - positive comments
How strange for PPRUNE!!!!

12th Nov 2007, 01:13
Salamundi thanks I appreciate them! Why are the minimums for Pel-Air higher than those at Rex though?

12th Nov 2007, 02:41
To be honest......
No idea. When i joined Pel I had 2300 total which at the time I thought was a lot!!!!!
The powers that be told be that I scraped the bottom of the barrell and was lucky to get in with those hours.... And then they go and put on five guys with 1500 or less!!!!!

Like I said. They want good people with a level head. If you have the hours you will progress quickly, and if you dont, you will be stuck in the right seat. Still.... turbine time is turbine time, just get in, and then get out.

That being said. I left just before REX took over so I don't know about their recruiting situation currently