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View Full Version : ctc Wings, is it a good deal?!?!?!?!?

6th Nov 2007, 19:39
Hey there everyone,

I have just completed the application form for the ctc cadet wings program and was just wondering if anyone has any thoughts about it? Like most people i love flying, i work for an airline at the moment as cabin crew, have always wanted to be come a pilot but haven't got the money to do it.
Don't get me wrong i'm not looking for a free ride, but the sponsership route looks like the best deal!
Any thoughts??

7th Nov 2007, 04:43

7th Nov 2007, 13:48
Yes, a very good deal.

7th Nov 2007, 13:52
You can get all the information you want on the CTC cadets thread, no need for a new thread.

8th Nov 2007, 14:37
I agree - it's definitely a good deal. The training may not be completely free, but it is heavily subsidised. You're not 100% guaranteed a job, but no one who has completed the wings cadet course has not got a job... which is a better record than other FTOs!

8th Nov 2007, 19:39
Hi Easy1,

I had a long conversation with HR staff, a training captain and a trainee pilot from CTC on Friday. Negating the obvious selling tactics used to get you to part with your money, I found their approach better than other flight schools I’ve looked into for my training (I mention no names). The selling point for me is that the bond for the wings cadet scheme is unsecured. They informed me that they underwrite half the bond which allows you to take it out unsecured from HSBC. I was also informed that apparently not one of their cadets has ever been refused the unsecured bond because of the underwriting (even those with poor credit ratings).

On the job front apparently the majority of the trainees are put with an airline towards the end or soon after training, of which the bond is then passed to the airline who supplies the type rating. However, you are only paid an allowance during the type rating period. After which a cadet salary is paid, with loan repayments by the airline, with some interest payments on top.

Ultimately the bond is still your responsibility and you never get something for nothing, but at the end of the day this appears the most financially friendly integrated scheme around at the moment. However, please don’t take all I’ve said as the gospel truth as I’m sure there will be, people who strongly disagree with what I have said. Regardless of this its won me over, ill be applying soon.



9th Nov 2007, 14:24
You got the jist of it, docash1983. However, if you look in the other thread about CTC you will see that less than 5% of the applicants make it through the selection tests. All the best, though :)

26th Nov 2007, 20:01
The training CTC give is actually pretty good, You can't classify an FTO by the opinions of one person who may have formulated his own opinions based on one individual. My advice would be to trawl through the masses of pages that are already on here about CTC and formulate your own idea. Its you parting with your money and embarking on that long steep road, and only you can decide. As some of the better informed people on here have already stated, there is no such thing as a free lunch, but as schemes go its a pretty sweet deal.
Ok after your 6 month line training period you are not Guaranteed a Job, however CTC's literature states time and time again, its not like its a big suprise, if one thing can be said about aviation, its that nothing is certain. That said practically every cadet who has completed the wings course has gained a job in the RHS so far. As I am sure you are aware aviation is a fluctuating business, not without its risks, you could spend that amount of cash at other FTO's and they would not guarantee you anything either, so what have you got to lose?

good luck anyway.


26th Nov 2007, 21:01
Not too sure if this is relevant..........CTC threads on PPRuNe are in abundance. I've not found as many or anything as extensive about Cabair or OAT (for example).

Read into this what you will :ok:

26th Nov 2007, 21:25

That's because the Moderators merge almost all Cabair, FTE, OAT posts into one thread per FTO. They do it to some degree for CTC as well, but there seems to be less consistency. I'd hate to think anyone would make such an important decision based on post frequency, etc. Also keep in mind many FTOs have their own forum where wannabes get a lot of answers, but I'm not sure CTC has one, so maybe people have to ask more here.

27th Nov 2007, 03:47
CTC has its own forum as well... downside is that you need to pass selection to get access... all the other info relevant to their application process is well stated in their website.