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View Full Version : Eddie Todd ???

6th Nov 2007, 17:16
does any one know what Eddie todd is up to and where to find him ???

md 600 driver
6th Nov 2007, 21:43
saw him in breighton last sat /sun

7th Nov 2007, 07:04
Sometimes calls in to Sandtoft airfield but AFAIK he now lives in Spain.

20th Nov 2007, 18:59
i was thinking of doing some advanced training, and heard on the grape vine that eddie todd was the man as he's been there done it, got the book,tee shirt and cap to go with it when it comes to training.....
i also hear that he has got himself an R44 and is offering advanced training???? instead of the usual straight & level flight thats offered from the usual fto's around my area...
can anyone shed any light on his abilities and further more how to contact him..
