View Full Version : CHIRP

20th Aug 2001, 19:14
Has any uk cabin crew member ever used this facility? :confused: :confused:

Sick Squid
20th Aug 2001, 22:41
CHIRP, which stands for Confidential Human Incident Reporting Procedure only officially opened its doors for Cabin Crew reports a few months back, although knowing the nature of the beast such reports would ALWAYS have been welcome and acted upon, IMHO.

For those who have never heard of this scheme, it is an entirely seperate body from the airlines and regulators, set up as a charitable trust, who receive, publish and recommend action based on reports from aviation personnel. Most of the reports come from Pilots, ATC and Engineers. These reports are often of events which have not lead to an incident, but had the strong potential to do so, and were not reported to the company or authority for any number of reasons (of which fear for job security is a common one.)

I would strongly recommend everyone involved in aviation to have a working knowledge of how CHIRP operates, and the confidence to use its system whenever you feel there is a safety issue which may not receive proper treatment from your company, or may in some way incriminate you... with CHIRP, you can tell the world what went wrong, helping your colleagues to avoid a repetition of the incident, or alternatively highlight unsafe work practices without fear of comeback.

They are on the web now at CHIRP (http://www.chirp.co.uk). Visit the site, and PSR777's question will be answered, as there are a few CC reports on there. Remember, it's only been a couple of months since CC were officially included, hence the low number.

Personally, I feel the presence of CHIRP on the web is a double-edged sword. In favour, it allows wider dissemination of reports, and therefore increases the chance of prevention. Against, it allows non aviation people who work for the lowest of the low gutter press (The Daily Mail, in particular) to use the issues out of context and write ill-informed articles which do nothing to further aviation safety, but merely fill a sensational column in their rag, thus discouraging further reporting. However, they'd probably always have got hold of the paper version anyway....

That, however is the price we pay in this information-led society. CHIRP is invaluable, and a credit to those who set it up in the first place.


[ 20 August 2001: Message edited by: Sick Squid ]

20th Aug 2001, 22:52
Thanks Sick Squid.

I was only asking because I knew about it. The problem is that it is up to the individual airline to pass on the information to the crew. Some do and some dont as is the nature of the business, BUT I feel as you do it IS an invaluable tool to help prevent what may occur in the future. We are all not perfect and I for one welcome the help it can give me as a SCCM on board.

Any cabin crew reading this, PLEASE do not pass up the opportunity to take a look at least at the website www.chirp.co.uk (http://www.chirp.co.uk)
Anyone who has made use of this website, it would be good to hear from you.

Cheers :cool: :cool:

[ 20 August 2001: Message edited by: Psr777 ]

25th Aug 2001, 18:58
Have been trying to raise awareness in my company amonst the cabin crew , it would be nice if say the flight safty officers or crm teams promoted chirp on renewals and refreshers as it may just help break a link of the chain building to a future incident.

If your company hasn't mentioned Chirp ask your seniors or flight deck lets get the word around.

27th Aug 2001, 22:55
CHIRP is an invaluable resource. I receive the regular bulletin by request, as a private pilot. But I was also, until very recently, cabin crew. In both areas, there is much to be learnt, if only in the There-But-For-The-Grace-Of-God.. sense. Commercial pilots in the UK will -- I hope! -- know about CHIRP. But it should be much better publicised among other tribes within aviation. It seems to be the only chance to learn from other peoples' experience, with no mud hurled and with Blame an irrelevance. Glad you brought this up, Psr777!