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View Full Version : What do engineers do that 'irk' you?

3rd Nov 2007, 10:47
There was a similar thread about Pilot's a little while ago, so I thought this might be interesting too.

To begin one thing that makes me want to scream is when a fellow eng offers to hold the torch and then shines it anywhere BUT the fiddly little bolt I'm trying to remove and can't see S***!

3rd Nov 2007, 11:22
Pull the heads in tightly and then bend the legs into the nut castellations so that they're difficult remove in tight locations.

Not pig-tailing locking wire's another one.

3rd Nov 2007, 13:08
How about moaning old f@rts that complain how hard done by they are but you never see doing any work,apart from in the galleys?? Or just lazy people in general who think their job description is to turn up,late,and get onboard as soon as possible to chat up the girls.....

3rd Nov 2007, 15:55
Primates that tighten up panel screws to just under braking the head off torque. Then destroy whatever is left of the head.


3rd Nov 2007, 20:00
All of the above and Stupid Pilot snags.........

As in the description of the fault beggars belief......

you get things like engine U/S (piston)............... I have had that one :ugh: turns out it misfired once and had never done it again..

Or another one flaps stuck down............ check plane and they are up. asks and get the reply ohh we had a play on the ground and got them to go up........ they work now, :ugh: so whichever microswitch that was sticking and causing the problem is now no longer traceable...:mad:

Shiny side down
3rd Nov 2007, 20:48
walking off with the techlog, so you can't actually brief on what may or may not be wrong (deferred).
15minutes prior to departure, it resulted in an aircraft swap...

Even more distressing, actually getting a cup of tea before I even get offered one.

4th Nov 2007, 07:28
In a line enviornment, using battery drills and bits as a first attempt to remove screws.
walking off with the techlog, so you can't actually brief on what may or may not be wrong (deferred).
15minutes prior to departure, it resulted in an aircraft swap...
Pilots usually have plently of time gossiping in the fwd galley with the outgoing crew for them to tell you what the snag was, in the mean time I'm going to get the aircraft servicable for flight, until that CRS is signed the aircraft is going nowhere, there's no point in briefing if your not flying.
And sometimes that cup of tea we get before pilots is the only cup of tea we,ve had for hours so while your WAITING FOR THE TECH LOG why don't you go and make one yourself, or are the brewers too complicated for you.:D

chemical alli
5th Nov 2007, 02:03
getting a cup of tea before you your lord ship only puts you in your rightful place.

ie a/c on ground and rts not signed i am god

a/c on ground and rts signed you have control

a/c in sky you are god

6th Nov 2007, 09:50
its an old one............


still gives me a chuckle!


6th Nov 2007, 19:53
When an avionics guy comes over and tells you how to change an engine, gearbox, or anything else which doesn't consist of anything to do with him.....

Also people borrowing tools and not putting them back drives me insane, and the see it as reasonable to not buy a certain tool because, "whats the Point you've got one..."

I'm feeling the red mist lower, so i'll leave it at that..:mad:

Golden Rivet
8th Nov 2007, 06:53
.........come in on a nightshift to find someone has done a Dunny on you, and the handover is six pages long http://www.thegoldenrivet.com/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif


9th Nov 2007, 14:07
Deny and lie...


10th Nov 2007, 01:59
Bad housekeeping :=

Siguarda al fine
10th Nov 2007, 04:16
When the say "It sounds OK" (why dont they have speakers instead of gauges?) when it obviously isnt.

11th Nov 2007, 09:41
My 'irk' once was; being on a Island, when a replacement a/craft comes in. The senior eng with it can't wait to leave. When he does, you find out a 300 hrly insp is due in 11 hrs, by which he could have stayed to help out. Hate that ! :mad: