View Full Version : Air Pacific - Bright & Rosy?

2nd Nov 2007, 08:40
Ladies & Gentlemen,

Let it be known that 'recent events at FJ - The Island in the Sky - airline' have prooved once again that the mgt are NOT, I repeat NOT


eg. - The termination of an EXCELLENT contract Capt. The reasons cited
by mgt are BULLSH*T. From what I hear from F/Os, this guy flew the
acft like it was on rails.
- MORs that have NOT been forwarded to CAFFI (CAA Fiji Islands).
- The selection of Trg Capts new to the Coy AND new on type, which
has resulted in some 'undesirable incidents'.
- The 737 Fleet Capt insisting on doing certain new Capts final SIM
- Standing down F/Os without discussing the issue with the Capt
- Standing down a Contract Capt and his F/O because they sought
'clarification of the RFS CAT' at a remote island airport. The mgt
said he 'refused to operate'. BULLSH*T AGAIN.

Must away and pack my bags - SUN GLASSES, Arabic phrase book, etc etc. Ah, E M I R A T E S here I come.

Dragon Spice
2nd Nov 2007, 09:04
Paris Hilton's uncle should be fired!

2nd Nov 2007, 10:52

Its not only Paris's namesake that should be fired, but a few more. Now where shall I start?

The baby of the fleet?

Let it be known that it has come to the attention of us right seaters that one of our brethern was acousted by none other than a horse (commonly known to children as GG's ) during a flight and quized on a few Capts acft operation. The F/O we believe was a little guarded in his replies but the Horse said;

" I want that in writing!"

The F/O (as we all do) sought counsel from a Capt. The Capt said DONT write and discuss this issue with the Union. However, the Horse called the F/O a week or so later asking for the said report. Then a few days later, the F/O was called, still hadn't written the report so a taxi was sent to his house (on a day off) and he was taken to the hanger, put in an office and told ;

"Write that report or else!"

Me thinks this is a report under duress, NOT a free CONFIDENTIAL report.

Some of us were also quized on the same Capts acft operation after our SIMs.

It seems to us that the horse dosn't like dairy farmers! This dairy farmer was on to something BIG. I mean he had been working on this project for 4 yrs!!!! He was about to 'break dirt' as they say.

Now about the farmers acft operation.

IT WAS BLOODY EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did a couple with him. The farmer would sit down with you and go through the sequence stage by stage. Check lists in detail and cross reference performance tables so everything was known. The result would be a sim debrief;

-"Thats a good pass to both of you. Any questions?
Lets go!"

I personally looked forward to flying with the farmer - even though he could talk all day about cows, grass, fertizliser, etc. He could be half way through explaining something and still spot a minor point if you were PF.

He flew the acft as if it were on rails.

However we hear that his contract was terminated due to

- unacceptable acft operation and poor sim performance.

That is BULLSH*T!!!!!!

FJ Mgt were green (note that this is the colour of the BULLSH*T) with envy.

Must also go and practice my Arabic.

Next time I might discuss some RFS issues, or ETOPS. Now that is where the framer really knew his stuff. The HORSE pulished a memo stating 1230 miles as FJ 737s 180 min ETOPS. The framer showed me the Boering Aera of Operation tables.- You aviators out there take a look and tell the rest of us what you find. Bet you cannot find 1230 miles in the 180 min column.

Moce Vinaka until next time.

Sun glasses, arabic phrase book, Travel guide to the WORLD.

2nd Nov 2007, 18:49
Hey Bula Bandit,

Good to see someone else from the 'Island in the sky' airline has the balls to speak out about the 'green runny waste stuff from cows' that oozes, no that is incorrect - it flows like Niagra falls in the summer!!!!!!!! from the top floor.

I must agree with you, the farmer did fly the NG like it was on rails. He and the other two longest serving contract Capts should have been Trg Capts long ago. BUT we all know the horse (GeeGee)has them in his 'black book'. The taxis are crap and stoney creek is right in what he said. The farmer would not take any crap - he knew how to deal with ****. Sweep it clear off the yard and into the **** pond! The 3rd is a pure gentleman - he too knows his stuff. a real professional aviator. But truth be known, all 3 are probably seen as a threat to the old bald knacker! BTW, did the horse always 'stir the pot' like a vibrator when below DH? He personally gave me the ****s the way he landed.

Arabic lesson so must away -

3rd Nov 2007, 05:25
get a room guys!:hmm: :E

Dragon Spice
3rd Nov 2007, 13:20
Is it true that the requirements to have a frozen ATPL do not exist anymore? I hear that guys are hired now and given a year to do their ATPL's.

From my understanding Fiji aviation has lost some top pilots (from Air Pacific, Sunair and Air Fiji) due to the fact that they werent hired as they werent a relative of one of the FJ captains or top management.

3rd Nov 2007, 20:22
Dragon Spice - never a truer word said.

However in defence of the next generation, they are good operators.
But - the selection of the first lady was very political.

Now back to the green waste (SH*T) 'flowing from Niagara';

Another 3 pilots are off to learn Arabic. They are leaving NOT because of PAY or LIFESTYLE, BUT because of the SH*T from the HORSE and the PHotel.

- one was a 737 chk & Trg Capt.
- other Capt had been a Trg Capt but resigned because of the HORSE sh*t
- 3rd was a 747 F/O. If my memory serves me right, he was the F/O with the farmer when they operated SYD-NAN with 1x less cc due sickness out of base. The PHotel had assured them that CAAFI dispensation had been approved. However when they got back, - you know the story - IT DIDNT FU*KING EXIST. THE PHOTEL FU*KING LIED AGAIN - just like he did in court over the sacking of a 767 F/O. I know the farmer was pretty blunt with his comments to the PHotel FRONT DESK. (Probably the first nail in his coffin).

More recent events;

Did you hear about-

- a new 737 Trg Capt putting cushions in the Capts window to block his view and the do a NDB app at NFFN while on a revenue flt?
- another new trg Capt got a block clr NAN-HNL (this is a MTOW, 20.9t fuel, 6:40hr sector ldg on fumes), then climbing everytime the optimum level was 300ft above actual level. F/O (who was vastly more 737NG & ETOPs experienced) advised him NOT to operate this way - BUT you know Capts - so they arr HNL having burnt 700kg MORE fuel than Flt plan.

HOwever- BOTH are still Trg Capts because they have brown noses and drink at the horses trough!!!!!!!!!!!

In Sha la - is that how you spell it?

Must away and check my arabic.


Dragon Spice
4th Nov 2007, 01:40
"First Lady"....you'll have to give me more clues.

I absolutely agree that the New Generation are good operators. I suppose that it was a blessing that the guys who left werent hired as they dont have to put up with the current dictatorship. These guys did the hard yards in the domestic scene (crap equipment, crap pay, crap conditions etc etc) and 99% of them had a flawless flying record...ie no incidents. Now, compare that with the few guys who were hired after the mass exodus to the gulf. Few of these new hires have 'files' as thick as a novel! I suppose that one of these guys wud have "CHEERed" during the exodus.

Air Pacific would be the ideal job for many locals if it werent for current situation at FJ. Who would want to leave a lifestyle of a tropical paradise. The salary might not be that great when compared to the current market rates but atleast you're not a million mile away from friends and family.

4th Nov 2007, 10:01
Dragon spice,

The First Lady is a rather nice lady - BUT the manner in which she was recruited was very unethical. The second lady - (who is also rather nice), had been a Brazillia F/O for a couple of yrs. She had applied to FJ, BUT had been ignored for yrs, then interviewed and turned down - "Not good enough, - never will hire you etc etc". Then the First lady gets 1000hrs (just, but with no comd) gets a "Come to the office" phone call, arrives to find TV camera & press etcetc. Let me point out that the First Lady is of blood that can apply for 'support' from "Affirmative Action Policies' (commonly know as Blueprint policies - ie. Govt policies aimed at assisting ethnic Fijians).
THEN, a couple of weeks later, the 2nd lady gets a phone call - "Start on Monday". Note here that AIR PACIFIC give you job offers that do not allow you to give your current employer full notice. BUT when you want to leave AIR PAC at short notice, NO FU*King way will they let you go a second early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies, appologies to both of you for discussing your recruitment and employment with FJ. I hear that you are both competent pilots. The issue I am raising here is the manner of FJ's recruiting.
Nepotisim has no place in aviation - But we all know it is everywhere.

What's the word for nepotism in Arabic?


Dragon Spice
4th Nov 2007, 10:49
Ahh yes thanks for enlightening me 737Capt. There are alot more sad stories inline with the 2nd lady's intake. Atleast she was hired. As mentioned in one of my earlier threads...there are alot of excellent blokes who missed out on FJ due to not having any bloodlines in Air Pacific or not being eligible for the "Affirmative Action Policies"! One of these blokes (although not being the most polished) ended up with Pacific Sun after leaving for Air New Zealand Link with another good bloke. I suppose he is regretting accepting a position with PS as he is now firmly cemented in the left hand seat of an ATR with no sight of moving to the jets. The other guy made a move to HK via Air NZ Link.

I must say the guys who werent eligible for the "Blue Print Polocies" who made it to FJ arent very good examples of doing the hard yards. One guy S/O A.S had a very poor rapport with colleagues while in domestic. He got into this line of job for the uniform and luckily enough his Dad bought him a 737 rating (am suprised that he even made it through the type rating course...even after a few attempts).

Anyways apologies for "hating the player" and not the "game".

All in all my best bet is that FJ could be a dream job in paradise once the top level monkeys are removed.

4th Nov 2007, 11:53
Hi all,
reading this post with interest as am ex-AP and now O/S.Agree that the management is a lot to be desired for.I think they were and are still not in touch with the folks at the businss end.What is wrong is the slagging of the airline itself.It was a nice place to work with some of the most competent people I have flown with.My experiences tend to differ with some regarding the mentioned contract pilot and the ATR driver.I didn't agree with there professionalism having flown with both.I respect that things might have changed..Some of the folks that have been trained by GG and the past C&T's have excelled in other major carriers.AP is losing a lot of experienced guys and I think well done if you want to broaden your horizons.It also does not mean that those staying are idiots.They have their reasons.It can be a racist environment but that example is set from the top.Do something about the CP not his hitmen.

4th Nov 2007, 13:02
I would have to agree with coco, the problem comes from the top, and like any waterfall will always flow down, in this case to the hitmen, cronies etc. Management will tell you that they will not hold anybody back from leaving, that's fine, what a pilot on the fence would rather hear would probably be Air Pac is interested in retaining you, what can we do to make you stay ? But I sadly suspect this is the same at any company any where in the world. To all Air Pac guys. chin up, been there . . . . . . got sick of it so I left. Moce mada.
BP :ok:

Marvin Martian
5th Nov 2007, 01:26
Let's not forget the Chinaman while we're talking

Flight Detent
5th Nov 2007, 01:45
Air Pacific were also very difficult to get along with back in 2000, when I operated the 747 Classics for them. I was employed by an agent located in Sydney, and they were not ethical or trustworthy either....the end result....I left!

I feel better now!


Marvin Martian
5th Nov 2007, 02:09
Now that untrustworthy agents are mentioned, let's not forget that a good deal of APs crew comes thru the Rev from Akl.
Goes hand in hand doesn't it.

5th Nov 2007, 02:34
FD I agree.Contract pilots employed by AP got a raw deal.This comes from an inherent culture within the company that anybody can be replaced.They do not equate the loss in terms of losing a 10 year Capt and being replaced by a new S/O.For a long time the company also thought that a lot of local pilots were not good enough to make good with other international airlines.How wrong they were as so many are Capts with these major carriers.The management including the recently retired Asian gentleman from Canada did not value the stable core that had remained with the company for so long.Once again I think the overall job was quite good but there was at times underlying racism and sadly AP has become now a training ground rather than a resting point.And I doubt this will change as long as PH is there.The funny thing is that it is he who cannot make good outside Fiji and the folks he thought were not good enough have.I understand things have changed somewhat regarding C&T as some folks there a little while ago marked according to personality rather than ability.We realise now having being exposed to other systems what utter crap that was.Saying that, once again I found most of the guys really excellent to fly with and quite easygoing as well as professional.I do hope for the sake of those staying that it all improves there as not everyone can leave.

Dragon Spice
5th Nov 2007, 02:35
How many locals have left FJ for greener pastures since this exodus began? I am aware of a couple in QR with the bulk going to EK via Oman.

And could anyone give me an indication of local salaries at FJ from 737 F/O all the way up to 747 skipper.

What were the cabin crew like to work with?

Dragon Spice
5th Nov 2007, 02:39
Cocoblue...with reference to your last post...was the racism issue between the locals and expats or the Fijians and Indians?

5th Nov 2007, 02:44
Not sure about salary scales any more.But they did get 23% PF (locals) and decent O/N allowances.Guys are all over the world -VB,CX,EK,QR,PB,Oman,India and I believe a few going to interview in Etihad.
The cabin crew were friendly and professional and I think personally quite good.

5th Nov 2007, 03:01
Dragon I think that the contractors were there doing their jobs to feed their families as quite a lot came there after the AN collapse.Some locals did not like the fact that so many had been taken in and had stopped the local pilot progression.This was of course the companies fault and not the individual contractor.They were just fulfillling their role.Not all locals saw it this way though.So there was some animosity there.
Regarding racism between the two races,I think there was an underlying feeling present.And as stated in my earlier post this attitude came from the CP.Day to day operations were smooth and it was not visbly present.There was a period of approx 8-9 years when no Indian pilot was recruited.In fact one of these guys was told numerous times that he was psychologically inept as stated by his psych test.That Indian gentleman is now a new Capt with the co.The guys got along well,in fact very well but I think if an Indian pilot did certain things which broke co.laws,he was dealt more harshly than a local Fijian pilot.CP kept some people after certain incidents .Some of these guys were not fit enough to be baggage handlers let alone professional airmen.Saying all this I must put emphasis on the point that a lot of guys on line did not have this mentality.And lets not forget that FJ is not all Indians and Fijians.There are a lot of other races involved and they have had similar experiences.Once again line was good,CC good and it was an absolute pleasure to fly with most

5th Nov 2007, 21:23
Coco Blue

The farmer NEVER wore his hat (he had a full head of hair so didn't need to cover the bald patch!), but I found his professionalism to up there with the best. Even in the ****test wx and doing a GA in windshear you always felt relaxed. Never seen him tense ever. Always cool and calm. But if wearing a hat makes you 'professional' then ?

Politics is what screwed him. I will miss his strawberries & ice cream, smoked sausages and BBQ sauce 'crew meals' on the HNL & YVR sectors. He knew how to enjoy life. We all enjoyed flying with him. CC would welcome with open arms on long trips- something to do with the chocolate in his bag!

Moce Vinaka:):)

5th Nov 2007, 22:00
I spent a while out there some years ago and enjoyed it but for the racism exhibited toward us white guys.

The FA's were a good bunch although a little reclusive on overnights; treated much, much worse than pilots in the company
The FO's wer amongst the best I've seen, particularly the INdian guys (Fijian born Indians). The local guys were ooutstanding, but the Indian guys just a touch more professional.

GG must have changed; when I was there he was a good bloke so the waterfall effect must be changing him.

I have fond memories of the FO's skills, overnights in downtown Suva, Singh's Curry House for the best curry in the Pacific, having a coldie with BIG Sam (the nicest guy yoou could meet)and Raj (quiet but so professional), and Josh as a checkie (they don't come any better).

All the best to the guys still there. I hope the local guys aren't getting screwed too hard by the mgt.

5th Nov 2007, 23:37
The use of metaphors such horses, farmers, cows, green faeces.. its all too confusing... Dont suppose someone would like to just stick to the most under-used language... plain unmetaphorised english.

Just a thought from a slow witted being.


6th Nov 2007, 01:12
Bulabandit different people have had different experiences with the said gentleman.I respect yours was good,mine was not.There is more to professionalism then wearing a hat,I agree.I wish him all the best because he was a nice guy.At my time GG and the mentioned guys were awesome.I cannot comment on how they are now.It is a good company with some very nice people and thus my initial post,can't bag the whole company because there are a few rotten apples.

Dragon Spice
6th Nov 2007, 02:33
Coco...I agree that there are some good guys in FJ and it being a good company but werent these issues of racism and nepotism brought forward by the good guys?

I also noticed that unity within the Fijian pilots was very strong. They helped each other out wether it was for recruiting, professional advice or just moral support. This was obvious even with the FJ pilots being supportive of their Sunair and Air Fiji brethren. On the other hand there was no such thing with the Indian pilots. It was every man for himself. No support or help from the senior Indian pilots at FJ for their bro's in domestic. Even within FJ the Indians arent as true to each other as their Fijian colleagues. Please dont misunderstand me...I only say it as I saw it.

We all agree that FJ has potential to be a dream job where at the end of the day the pilots can be happy and show the true Fiji spirit.

6th Nov 2007, 04:28
Dragon the typical line pilot does not have much sway in the company to make big changes.The culture in the company is much like the culture in FJ itself,changes come from people on top and if they are a bit indifferent themselves then you tend to have an entrenched system.Day to day we still tried and once again would like to point out that it was an underlying problem rather then in day to day activities.I totally agree that the Indian pilots were not as helpful to their own kind as the local Fijian pilots.In fact a lot of Fijian pilots were much more helpful to the younger Indian pilots.That can be taced to the two cultures itself,one being individualistic the other communal.The point I was trying to make as a lot of other posts have is that the company has lost lots of good guys because of some management decisions and attitudes.I do not want a slanging match between the two races as everybody generally got along well.But the atitude of management did encourage this sought of behaviour in a subtle way.That was MY experience.There was only a very few that behaved this way.Ph and TW and these guys ruled the place like it was their kingdom.They have potentially destroyed a very good company.I wanted to participate in this thread because I did not want guys to absolutely trash the company and say how everything was rotten to the core-it is not.There are some absolutely wondeful guys stil working there.AP gave us a start which has allowed to excell elsewhere and I for one do not want to trash it just because I am now out of it.My disagreement is with the management and their attitudes and how they still operate and haven't learnt a thing.Our experiences with individuals differ.That is very normal.
Apologise for the long winded response.

flying fijian
6th Nov 2007, 10:59

Sad to see the level to which FJ has deteriorated since I left.The rant I see here is testament to the union busting policies put in place by TW and his mgt team.Leave the race issue out of it.

Got to give FJ credit for training its pilots well. FJ pilots are highly regarded and appreciated in EK,QR,WY,KA and elsewhere.



7th Nov 2007, 00:19
From the Fijitimes.com.fj website...

Air Pacific will spend $1.6billion on five Boeing 787-9 from a Boeing aircraft company in Seattle in the United States of America, says chief executive officer John Campbell.

In looking at increasing its fleet, Mr Campbell said the airline would be receiving two aircraft in 2011 and another three in 2012.

Mr Campbell said the order for the aircraft was placed in 2004 but the delivery would be in four years.

"It will mean that all of our wide-bodied aircraft fleet are common so we will utilise one type of spares, a common group of pilots and cabin crew which will provide considerable operational efficiency," Mr Campbell said.

He said the aircraft would be extremely capable and could economically cover flights from as short as two hours to as long as 17 hours.

"This is ideal for our entire current and potential network covering points as close as New Zealand and as far away as South America, China and India non-stop," Mr Campbell said.

He said the aircraft was capable of carrying 20 tonnes of cargo and 320 passengers fully loaded and could cover all international points on their existing network and additional points which were under review.

"The B787-9 is extremely fuel efficient, burning less fuel than the 250 seat B767 and saving around 20 per cent in fuel burn per passenger versus the B747," he said.

He said the airline would almost double its capacity over the next five year with the B787s.

"While the wide bodied aircraft seat capacity will increase by around 36 per cent, operational efficiency of the aircraft will virtually double our seat capacity ensuring ample seat availability for tourism and Fiji residents travel needs," Mr Campbell said.

With delivery of the B787 aircraft, he said they would operate five B787, three B737 and share two ATR42-500 aircraft with Pacific Sun.

"It is probable we will also take another B737 between 2009 and 2011 to accommodate forecast tourism growth to Fiji," he said.

He said the aircraft would be leased on a short term basis.

"At the moment we operate three B737 aircraft, one B767-300 and two B747-400 aircraft and share use of two ATR42-500 aircraft with Pacific Sun."

Lets just hope that the "forecast tourism growth" that Campbell mentions does materialise... its just hard to see it with all these mickey mouse political games being played. :ugh:


Dragon Spice
7th Nov 2007, 01:25
Whats the outlook like for Air Fiji with the arrival of Pacific Sun?

Can anyone give me some figures for salaries from Pac Sun upto Air Pac?

8th Nov 2007, 02:36
FJ is a tragic story

They lack the capability or experience to intoduce the 787

Qantas will eventually fold it into the JQ stable

8th Nov 2007, 03:14
Pundit ,
the airline has been around for 50+ years introducing and keeping all sorts of aircraft in that time and over the last 20 odd years have made a profit every year except one or two during the coups.The management are tragic but not the airline.Experience wise most of the Capts if not all have had 10+ years as F/O's and are good operators.In fact AP have been quite conservative with their expansion.I think if J* can take over a national airline then I suppose they can also take over Qantas.I think to make such a broad statement you should be able to quantify it with some solid facts and understanding of the situation not only in AP but Fiji itself.


Leftseat 1
8th Nov 2007, 03:21
How come so much politicing in this neck of the woods.
Had a holiday there few years ago,seemed very relaxed.
How many pilots does Air Pacific have.

8th Nov 2007, 21:43

my apologies, I was refering to the management of the airline as being tragic, not the staff.

QF withdrew from Nadi ops many years ago to codeshare with AP. They still have a significant influence on the board and I would suggest to you that AP strategy is strongly influenced by the major shareholder. (Indeed the CEO is an ex-QF strategic planner who has a very close relationship with the JQ CEO.)

And, will JQ one day take over QF? maybe not in the immediate future, but come the next downturn........ Those airlines with low cost base alternatives will survive

9th Nov 2007, 03:41
it is funny when we were there we used to call AP the original Low Cost Carrier due to the abysmal pay they had.QF still has a lot of influence with strategic decision making within the company.AP is still a goverment owned airline with QF having 47% ownership and unlike JC or J* is not a fully owned subsidiary and while QF can influence it,it is not the parent company and therefore cant just integrate it.But yes they do just about everything in line with QF policies.


9th Nov 2007, 04:40
Thats because the current CEO, is a QF puppet. The best CEO FJ ever had was Mike McQuay, we were going place then . . . . . but in true Fiji style we had another coup . :ugh:

13th Nov 2007, 04:54
[Politics is what screwed him. I will miss his strawberries & ice cream, smoked sausages and BBQ sauce 'crew meals' ]

Don't forget the ever abundant sour grapes.

16th Nov 2007, 01:22
"Is it true that the requirements to have a frozen ATPL do not exist anymore? I hear that guys are hired now and given a year to do their ATPL's."

Sadly enough, it's all true. Guys getting in now with incomplete ATPL subjects and minimum hours.......a classic recipe for sh*t stew.....Can barely talk the talk...you can just forget about walking it mate......but what really makes it sad is that you have guys out there who have trully done the hard yards but been discarded for reasons unknown to us................Word over the grape vine is that one of the new s/o(incomplete ATPL) intake is a magistrates son...hmmmmmmmmm:yuk:

16th Nov 2007, 01:34
"How come so much politicing in this neck of the woods.
Had a holiday there few years ago,seemed very relaxed."

Holidaying is different from actually livng and working here......and to answer your question.....roughly alittle over 100 pilots in all(expats and locals alike) but this number fluctuates on a monthly basis.....fundemental law that govern economics "supply and demand":ok:

Melanesian Blue
16th Nov 2007, 10:22

18th Nov 2007, 07:48

Another THREE (3) Contract Capts have voted with their feet this week. I've lost count the number that have gone 'back to whence they came'.
(They are going so quickly I hardly get on first name terms with them!!!!!!!)

BUT the real issue here is that 2 of the 3 are Training Capts - NOTE that they have only been TC's for a few months, and only been with Air Pac a couple of months longer. Us lowly assistants have more time on type than these 'Training Capts', not to mention ETOPS time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been highlighted over the last few months with a few HNL flts that have given us cause to 'discuss' our concerns of the inexperience in the left seat!!!!!!!!

Sad think is, the 'black sheep' (as the farmer put it) are still out in the cold. He often said "sheep don't drink with horses".

I wonder when our FJ management will start asking questions. The training bill must be near equal to the 747 fuel bill.

23rd Nov 2007, 19:57
:= I agree no less with you Bulabandit. Its unfortunate that the management can only work so hard to frustrate the A/P employees by doing silly things but at the same time can't even acknowledge the rapid increase in training costs that the company has unnecessarily incurred due to their short sightedness and utter ignorence. I can only guess that the Bean counter sitting at the top is either not getting properly informed of what is happening down below or he's got his head buried in the sand hoping that his stooges can pull something good out of the bag....:ugh: Safe flying GG..(I mean girls & guys)

James Fong
24th Nov 2007, 07:23
hey bula bandit ... Did you read my article in the papers to john cambell .. as usual I got no reply ... hi

Pilots For Better Pay

This is in reply to John Campbell’s article on pilots leaving for better pay in the Middle East, F/T 29th/08. No airlines in the Middle East pay USD200,000 tax free a year (USD$16,666 per month)as quoted by Mr Campbell. Also he should work his calculations again because 5 pilots leaving out of 102 pilots is 4.9% of his pilots on the payroll not 7%. Exaggeration seems to be his nature. Log onto the Emirates Airlines website and you will find out the starting salary for First Officers on the Boeing 777 (entry level) is approximately USD7,000 tax free per month. The other airline with ex-Air Pacific pilots is Oman Air which pays its pilots approximately FJD9,000 tax free per month for a First Officer on the Boeing 737. Mr. Campbell failed to mention that Air Pacific has also lost pilots to Virgin Blue of Australia. Virgin Blue pays AUD110,000 per year for a first officer on the Boeing 737 (entry level).

In addition to these salaries are health covers, school fees and accommodation. Mr. Campbell and Air Pacific believes that the remuneration for Air Pacific pilots is attractive. I am told the starting salary for Boeing 737 First Officers is approximately FJD50,000 to FJD55,000. Does he expect a logical thinking person with family to stay in Air Pacific and work for peanuts. Mr. Campbell continues to hoodwink the public on this issue. Can Air Pacific tell us what they have done to try and retain the local pilots? I believe they continue to delay any sort of negotiations with the pilots union for an increase in remuneration. Passengers pay the same air fare with Virgin Blue, Qantas and Air New Zealand, yet you compare what salaries their staff are paid (cabin crew, engineers, etc) in comparison to Air Pacific.

As a matter of interest, Virgin Blue Cabin Crew get paid more then the Air Pacific pilots on the Boeing 737 and they have cheaper fares then Air Pacific. There is a global shortage of pilots in the world today and Air Pacific will continue to lose more local and experienced pilots. I believe Air Pacific also has problems retaining expatriate pilots. They pay expatriate First Officer’s NZD500 per day and they work close to 20 days a month and earn NZD7,000-NZD10,000 a month and that’s tax fee! Yet Air Pacific continues to say they cannot compete. Management continues to deprive the local pilots and other skilled staff of their real worth. Air Pacific has lost many pilots and will continue to lose more if they don’t wake up and face the music. Cabin Crew and Engineers will be next. Fiji was cheap labour, but not anymore. There is a saying Mr John Campbell “when you pay peanuts you get monkeys”

Is the real reason there is no urgent concern about pilots leaving Air Pacific is the long term plan to fly Jet Star (Qantas low cost carrier) here, where Air Pacific will just be a name brand on our ticket and not our island in the sky.
s head still in the hole ... here it is

24th Nov 2007, 09:31
In addition to last weeks Contract Pilots resignations(x3), we have 4 (FOUR) local pilots off for interviews next month.

Two will be learning basic Arabic and the other two getting jobs closer to their families residing in AUST.

NOTE; the exodus is from the 737 fleet. Something smelly about horses? (Gee Gees)


James Fong
24th Nov 2007, 22:15
Bula everyone
Yes people everyones leaving. Only the ones that have family connections will stay. The world is at our feet as we speak but Air pacific thinks otherwise. They still think that they are the emirates of the south pacific. I wrote an article in response to JC comments in the fiji times dated 1st september but he never replied ... in case you guys missed it i have it below ...enjoy .. i will be writing another one again soon:ugh:

Loss of pilots

This is in reply to John Campbell's statements on pilots leaving for the
Middle East, (FT 29/08).

No airline in the Middle East pays $USD200,000 (F$327,439)) tax free a year
or (USD$16,666 or F$27,285 per month) as quoted by Mr Campbell.

He should work his calculations again because five pilots leaving out of 102
pilots is 4.9 per cent of pilots on his payroll and not 7 per cent.

Exaggeration seems to be his nature.

Log onto the Emirates Airlines website and you will find out the starting
salary for first officers on the Boeing 777 (entry level) is approximately
US$7000 (F$11,460) tax-free per month.

The other airline with ex-Air Pacific pilots is Oman Air, which pays its
pilots approximately FJ$9000 tax-free per month for a first officer on the
Boeing 737.

Mr Campbell failed to mention that Air Pacific has lost pilots to Virgin
Blue of Australia, which pays A$110,000 (F$147,602) per year for a first
officer on the Boeing 737 (entry level).

Additionally, these packages include health cover, school fees and
accommodation. Mr Campbell and Air Pacific believe the remuneration for Air

pilots is attractive but I am reliably informed the starting salary for
Boeing 737 First Officers is about F$50,000 to F$55,000.

Does he expect a logical thinking person with family to stay in Air Pacific
and work for peanuts.

Mr Campbell continues to hoodwink the public on this issue.

Can Air Pacific tell us what it has done to try and retain local pilots?

I believe it continues to delay any sort of negotiations with the pilots
union for an increase in remuneration.

Passengers pay the same air fare with Virgin Blue, Qantas and Air New
Zealand, yet you compare what salaries their staff are paid (cabin crew,
engineers, etc) in comparison to Air Pacific.

Interestingly, Virgin Blue cabin crew is paid more than Air Pacific pilots
on the Boeing 737, despite the fact that their fares are cheaper than Air

Air Pacific pays expatriate First Officers NZ$500 (F$575) per day. These
pilots work close to 20 days a month and earn NZ$7000-NZ$10,000
(F$8057-$11.571) a month tax-free.

Yet Air Pacific continues to say it cannot compete.

Management continues to deprive local pilots and other skilled staff of
their real worth.

Air Pacific has lost many pilots and will continue to lose more if it does
not wake up and face the music.

Cabin crew and engineers will be next.

There is a saying Mr Campbell that when "you pay peanuts, you get monkeys".

One wonders whether the real reason there is no urgent concern about pilots
leaving Air Pacific is because of a long-term plan to fly Jet Star (Qantas
low-cost carrier) where Air Pacific will just be a name brand on tickets and
not our island in the sky.

James Fong

27th Nov 2007, 00:01
John Campbell's comments and recent behaviour in respect of his pilots and selection of executive managers (or more to the point his failure to select an EGM Ops) indicate the coup may have occurred in the wrong building. It should have been FJ's head office.

28th Nov 2007, 10:11
What ever happened to Tony W?

I bet he is off in the Canadian woods spend his 'Harmony Bond' money - you know the $2.0million that was paid over to Harmony for codeshare HNL-YVR just a week before Harmony went bust.

WHO DID the 'Due dilligence"?

Now what is the Fat duckling doing about that?

1st Dec 2007, 18:43

FJ could be a great place if people grew up!

Mgt here is all 'back door' work. Just heard the 737 Fleet Mgr is asking F/Os for dirt on Contract Capts. Dont know whats his problem. All the pilots (Capts and F/Os) here are of a good standard. BUT morale, well thats something you read about. Certainly none here. It seems that any Capt who stands his ground or queries something is GUILTY of the most serious crime on earth and will be shot on sight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The 737 Fleet Capt said in a meeting a few months ago-
-"if we insist on flying to every piece of legislation, then we will not be
flying to alot of the places we do. These countries cannot afford
the level of services that exist elsewhere on our network. The people
will not have the service they need and many of us will be without a

Thank God (In sha la) that there are other airlines out there looking for 'good HONEST pilots'.

1st Dec 2007, 20:00
Well things have changed since my time there. GG never mentioned that sort of rubbish during my very pleasant stint at FJ.

In fact, it was quite the opposite. When I once landed after almost 8 hours from HNL with the statutory reserves, but barely, he called me and said he'd like to see more fuel in the tanks on landing, and if that meant a diversion, then that would be more desirable. You don't get any more conservative than that.

I was always impressed with the pilot standard, both expat and local, and I never had to query a maintenance issue.

4th Dec 2007, 06:45
Ladies, Gents, fellow aviators,

We are gathered here on this wonderful world for what?
- to be screwed by mgt when and where THEY like
- to be held on a thread awaiting their almighty call
- to serve them without question.

There is ONE very important FACT that has NOT been brought to the attention of the congregation:-

Ladies, Gentlemen. Fellow aviators,

It is my duty to inform you that 'Paris Hiltons Uncle' has the dubious honour of being given a 100% VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE by FALPA (Fiji Pilots Union). This arose after the dismissal incident of a 767 F/O some yrs ago. The dismissal incident eventually ended in legal action where the Hotel namesake was in the witness box. The Judge commented "I cannot accept your testimony". Now that is a polite way of saying - YOU ARE A FU~KI# LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!

It is also some note that the Hotel does now NOT reside in Fiji, The suburbs of Sydney are more to his liking. However, he will make all attempts to not allow other Fiji Nationals to reside outside Fiji. What you say - 1 rule for me, other Rule for U.

Definetly NOT a 'FIT & PROPER PERSON'. But why/how does he still suvive?

Inshala - It is NOT the will of A..

5th Dec 2007, 00:36
737Capt, dont suppose you would know where one could find the court proceedings for that case would you...

Would be an interesting read...


5th Dec 2007, 01:18
I don't think this is correct............."NOT" all members voted against.....not all members voted...period.:=

6th Dec 2007, 20:48
Is there an agency which is looking for contract NG captains for Air Pacific?

7th Dec 2007, 18:49

Dont waste your time with the island in the sky (FJ). There is a lovely 737NG op here in Oman. Muscat is very western. Good housing and facilities - eg. schools, social life etc. www.omanair.

See you soon.

8th Dec 2007, 05:44

Thanks for the advice.

Approximately how many nights out of bed do you have each month with Oman Air and how does this compare to FJ?

8th Dec 2007, 08:49
Varies - but no more than 3. Most nights back by midnight. Occassionally get the regular all night to Indian sub cont, but thats no big deal.

Nearly half the Air Pac 737 pilots are either hear at Oman, Emirates, or Qatar. Another 2 at Emirates interview this week.

This should tell you the 'Real truth' of our home country airline. Its not the acft, its not the operation, MUST be the MGT.

Moce Vinaka.

8th Dec 2007, 09:03
Thanks very much - did you have more nights out of bed at FJ?

8th Dec 2007, 19:41
Yes - But we managed to get the Contract pilots to do the graveyard shifts!

9th Dec 2007, 10:16
737 Capt,
Wow!The Air Pac attitude at it's best.Why should I do the graveyard when the contractors can do it..it's only fair!:D

12th Dec 2007, 06:15
:ugh: Another Contract Captain has just resigned.....whats next? I guess only time will tell. :confused:

12th Dec 2007, 11:50
why the :mad: is he still there, doesnt anyone have the guts to speak out and have him thrown back to London or back to his motorbike cop job.

12th Dec 2007, 12:13

flying fijian
13th Dec 2007, 10:01
Yes WY is recruiting and will take any FJ NG rated pilot.9 A330s,10 737NG by 2011 and 6 787s for delivery in 2012.Also looking for ATR rated pilots.

13th Dec 2007, 20:26
:ok:Sand pit here I come......I better look for that Arabic guide book and learn the culture too.....might as well put in the extra effort and earn some decent Dough rather than being treated like a monkey and expected to behave like a gentleman/lady....wheres my sunny everyone?:cool: Can someone Please...Please tell me what Omans contact is? I am really...really desperate to get out of here. :{

14th Dec 2007, 19:09
Just to add to the previous about M.PTL's integrity (or LACK ie NON EXISTENCE);

He has had a couple of 'incidents' on the 747;

- approach hot & high at LAX ended in a G/A
BUT it was all the SECOND OFFICERS FAULT, and

- Taxi at LAX went wrong, but dont worry IT WAS THE SECOND OFFR's
fault! (again)

This guy is not worth the sh*t that he deposits down the porcelin.
The audacity of a Capt to blame a S/O when the S/O was NOT in the operating seat is beyond belief. His integrity didn't disappear with the dinosaurs, he didn't have any in the begining !!!!!!!!!!

I bet he also put the knife in on the farmer. Who else has been screwed lately by FJ?

14th Dec 2007, 23:38
noun- HONESTY, probity, rectitude, honour, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness

I cannot find one of the above words to even be in the remotest sense used to describe FJ mgt. In particular Paris Hilton's uncle or the other Hotel owner. (does he still own the Capricorn ?)

opposites- dishonesty,

Now thats a word that DOES discribe the Hilton and the Capricorn!!

adjective- fraudulent, corrupt, swindling, cheating, double-dealing; underhand, crafty, cunning, devious, treacherous, unfair, unjust, dirty, unethical, immoral, dishonourable, untrustworthy, unscrupulous, unprincipled, amoral; criminal, illegal, unlawful; false, untruthful, deceitful, deceiving, lying, mendacious; informal crooked, shady, tricky, sharp, shifty; Brit. informal bent, dodgy.

Now thats a bevy of words that ALL best describe FJ mgt and in particular the 'UNFIT and IMPROPER PERSONS.

Moce vinaka!!

15th Dec 2007, 03:05
come to the gulf boys few more pay hikes around the corner:)

15th Dec 2007, 10:20

Its not only FJ Mgt that can be classed under the dishonest banner but at least ONE of our own (speaking figuratively). It is well known that Ned Kelly was a little colourful in his report (described earlier by Bulabandit - that was written under pressure by mgt) on the farmer. We all know he has a chip on his shoulder and has a grudge against all Contract Capts. Even we find him different and he - Capt Ned - always knows better. I heard a Trg Capt had to shut him up when he was Safety F/O. Capt Ned kept tell the F/O (& the TC) what they should be doing. Sound familiar?

Meet me for a beer and the sunday afternoon nipple roast by the pool.;):E:ok:

16th Dec 2007, 05:03
Can anybody give me a head count of who is left at the Island in the sky?

I know the Hotel has move camp to SYD -but will not approve of any other local doing likewise!!!!


16th Dec 2007, 07:26
About 100 drivers, both local and expats. If expats are also complaining about the mgt, then something is seriously wrong.

16th Dec 2007, 17:37
Island in the sun::ok:
It use to be locals against expats! ****e they even use to write letters to immigration to hinder or stop some expats contract?:ugh:
Now Expats and Locals have ! Wot? joined forces!:D
Never a dull moment.:D
Perhaps if you all had some past integrity and joined forces years ago, and supported each other when you had the chance, you may not be in the position you are now in.:E
You only have yourselves to blame, you made it really easy for Mgmt to shaft you.:E
Maybe just a little bit of anamosity?:mad:

17th Dec 2007, 01:02
:=Hi hoggsnort....both local and expats have their own battles to fight with AP mgt. Concerning your thoughts about the two groups fighting mgt together, well....the Playing Field has to be Level First before such a thought can be considered....if you still can't grasp that then you might as well p:mad:of and stir dirt somewhere else.

Compliments of the season to you and your family.


17th Dec 2007, 03:38
But it does bring a smile to my face:
You know FIJI is a country that believe it or not I LOVE DEARLY:
I hope you enjoy a #3 "fiji baby" or 12 , and all the best to you sir, and your family, and your country for the festive season & new year.
But look at your: "topic posts", go through the rest of Prune: and get back to me on what you notice:
Perhaps, and just perhaps everyone else has grown up a tad, apart from the odd, and not the norm personal attacks alot of you all launch from your screen.
Alot of the names you mention I know one way or another, a couple of you where my F/o's, some of you I Hold-Held in alot of respect, perhaps and maybe more than you now apear worthy of?.
Aviation has always been, and always will be: vote with your feet:
Doesn't matter what country you are in or from.
Sincerley: God Bless my FIJI::{:{:{:{:{

17th Dec 2007, 05:15
Hi Hoggsnort..........good on yuh mate! Thanks a lot for your thoughts. Its good to know that you still feel for the "Island in Sun".


ai pai
18th Dec 2007, 00:59
hi there any chance of getting a f/O position with air pac just completed type rating.any contacts .any special person to get a hold of so to speak?by the way im 29 dont know where 8 came from.!!


puma pants
18th Dec 2007, 07:01
Bu:mad:er me dead! Have you not read this thread. Don't encourage the slime at the top of this outfit. Your post shows why they can get away with this type of BS.

18th Dec 2007, 07:55
Young man,

Some of us have gone to great lengths to enlighten the world and you 'wannabees' that Air Pacific 'the Island in the Sky', is not an airline one should have on ones CV. Let me make it quite clear -

- the acft are good
- the route structure is good
- the cabin service was good , but now due to 'economisation' it is fair
(all the goodies are gone - but its still better than QF or NZ)
- the cabin crew are generally great to work with

But the problems;

- scheduling and 'operational control' of delays etc leave alot to be
desired. (look in the dictionary for 'communication'!)
- Mgt is ? (it may be better if I did NOT go to print on this topic)
- PAY! (ask yourself why are so many locals AND contractors
are leaving?)

Even if I had the direct tel nos of those who say 'YES', I would be doing you a dis-service if I gave them to you. However, may one suggest any of the following;

- Emirates
- Qatar
- Oman
- India (they will fly your arse off - but a word or warning, be
EXTREMELY careful what and where you drink)

One hopes that this has not been too dis-heartening, but one should appreciate ALL FACTORS in potential employers.

Moce Vinaka

18th Dec 2007, 08:13
737 Capt and Puma Pants, how impertinent of you both.

And how stupid suggesting that AIrPac is not a desirable employer to have on your CV. I don't believe you said that 737 Capt.

ai pai, go for it, and don't be intimidated by a bunch of wankers who want you to make a sacrifice so that they can satisfy their vindictive natures.

I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't try those airlines suggested by 737 Capt, but don't be dictated to by others.

I spent some time there a few years ago and it was a very pleasant stay. From what I read it may have deteriorated, but don't let that stop you from having a go at your first jet job. If you don't like the conditions/salary, then don't go, but certainly have a look.

Contact Rishworth in NZ; last I heard they were handling recruitment, and maybe IAC as well.

18th Dec 2007, 09:03

Just how many years ago and for how long did you work for Air Pac and on which acft?

As you can see, things have changed!!

I will agree, things were OK some years ago, prior to the latest MD. The current situation is very much different and not for the better.!

18th Dec 2007, 09:13
Porkchopper, I was on the 737, but as for how long ago and when I left, well that may identify me.

Let me say that the 737 CP must have changed dramatically if he's up to what is alleged here. And as for having him on new checks to line, that'd be great. He was about the easiest checkie I ever came across.

I'm not disputing that things have changed, and never did.

What I am saying is that you shouldn't be trying to deter a new guy from joining for your own selfish reasons, whatever they may be. Let him make up his own mind.

It's not unlike some lunatic on here pushing for pilots to boycott Jet*, a couple of years ago, because in his opinion the T&C were sub standard. Well F*** him. The T&C will always be sub standard to somebody, and attractive to somebody else. It comes under the category of 'that's life.'

If the current MD is Campbell, then I was there during his time.

18th Dec 2007, 16:33

Well if FJ was so good, why did you leave?

18th Dec 2007, 18:47
Porkchopper, you're an abrasive, provocative chap aren't you.

You ask why I left, so I'll tell you.

AirPac was no more than a stopgap for me; that was made clear to all when I arrived. There wasn't much money in it, but it suited for those times and it was commuting. FJ is not the first good job I've left over the years though.

But I left with a lot of regrets because I really did enjoy it there, and very few, if any, of the problems that are being revealed here were present at the time.

From a pilot's point of view, the issues aren't much different from those experienced in other airlines; envy of pilots by management and those responsible for rostering, etc., can make for an uncomfortable time if you let them get on top of you. Most airline employees across the world are out to points score against pilots, unfortunately.

I read through these posts, and from what I gather, some of what is reported here is no more than hearsay, and I'm sure we've all had experiences with the rumour mills in airlines.

No doubt some is true, but that was not the thrust of my post.

I condemned those who would attempt to influence others in an attempt to achieve their own selfish aims.

I heard (and this is hearsay) that FJ recruits are having a 2 year contract put in front of them with onerous penalties if it was broken. That would (if it's true) be a good enough reason to look elsewhere first. But who are we to say? If it suits the prospective employee to sign a 2 year contract, or 10 years for that matter, do others have the right to intervene. I think not.

18th Dec 2007, 19:49
Apart from everything else thats happening around Air Pac, I certainly encourage you to give it a try. Achieving success comes with a bit of sacrifice, thats the way I see it....or look at it as a stepping stone to bigger and better things. I am also not pleased with the way the mgt are handling things around here, but that won't stop me from encouraging other drivers to take their first step, so to speak. If its your first jet job, then Oman Air and Spice Jet may be your other good options. The last I heard was that they were interviewing pilots with type ratings and with no line experience. Good luck mate.:ok:

puma pants
19th Dec 2007, 09:24
Ha ha! You got me there. Wind up!! If you are serious though, try Pacific Blue, they'll take anyone.

19th Dec 2007, 18:21
There you go ai pai. More choices for you...Pac Blue that is, as puma pants (thanks for the tip:ok:) just mentioned. Once again, good luck:ok:

21st Dec 2007, 00:06
If Air Pacific Mgt are so good, then why come mid Jan will they be short 6 Capts on the 737 fleet? 737 fleet full complement is only 22. They are also short of 767 F/Os. However, us F/Os are bored with the amount of fishing & surfing - on the net that is for other jobs- instead of flying. There are 27 of us on the 737. Yet they have no plans to upgrade us onto the 767. They would rather employ contractors. Whats the logic? Must be to piss us off more so we ALL go overseas.


21st Dec 2007, 03:03
There is a worldwide shortage of pilots and it's only getting worse.

Air Pacific is in an enviable position to not be affected but must act now.

Luckily for A/P being a pilot is still a sort after job in the islands. One only has to glance at the local flying schools busting at the seams. More than enough manpower for our small fleets future needs.

Unfortunately if Mgt doesnt start promoting faster and filling the gaps with locals therefore enabling our domestic boys onboard with the ensueing trickle down effect through the schools.
We will be worse off because the locals will keeping moving overseas were we feel more appreciated.
And when the bigger carriers get really really desperate and lower their standards then the majority of our contractors will be off like a bat outta hell.

Dont forget we locals love our country. And Air Pacific is our national carrier, therefore our first choice. And it is with a heavy heart that many of us have left and will keep leaving.

23rd Dec 2007, 06:15
QF to drop code share in new year.
J* will pick up all AUS-FIJI flights with new 320/1:ok:

Going Boeing
23rd Dec 2007, 08:35
jetstar787, you seem to be unaware that QF own 49% of Air Pac - they were Qantas' first LCC and I believe that the Air Pac remuneration is even lower than Jetstar Oz.

QF to drop code share in new year.
J* will pick up all AUS-FIJI flights with new 320/1

I don't believe that Jetstar will ever be given the Fiji routes because no-one can create the holiday ambience as well as the Air Pac cabin crew. Also, the A320/1 would be too small to replace B744's/B767's.

Yes, I do know you were just fishing. :ok:

Leftseat 1
24th Dec 2007, 08:49
jetstar 787 is more than just fishing.
info.from a vey reliable source says it will happen.
But then again who gives a stuff,I would rather get off in Hawaii and have 24hrs off than do a return Nadi.

24th Dec 2007, 09:55
Unless you are an Air Pacific pilot.
This airline is going down the drain. Mid Jan the 737 fleet will be 6 Capts short out of 21-22 full str. BUT we have 27 F/O's sitting on the FLAT seat doing safety pilot and only getting ONE handling sector/mth. The CEO who left this year under a $2m Canadian cloud has not been replaced. One would think this would be high priority.

Flights are being cancelled - in the week before Xmas !!!!!!!!!! That will please the punters NO END!!!! Come all the way from HNL/LAX expecting a connection to Samoa - and its NOT OPERATING due CREW shotage. BUT the mgt dont have the ball* to say that . Its always 'technical/operational' reasons.

Happy New Year. More interviews coming.

Moce Vinaka all

25th Dec 2007, 04:29
Ho Ho Ho,
Another year is about to close and it looks as if 'The Island in the Sky' is about to close also. If the IATA audit on QF picked up 50 odd points, how many did they find in FJ? - Probably a 'War & Peace' size novel.

Its a shame that such a lovely operation has been screwed by a few AR$E#oles.

Nepotism, lying, cheating, to name a few of the charges. The sad thing is that the main knifeman lives in SYD. His loyalty to HIS country and employer are suspect. Why shaft so many people? His credibility has been proved suspect (if not downright fraudulent) in court, yet he still survives. What has he got to keep his position?

He is certainly a man of NO principles worthy of the position he holds.

Happy New Year to the rest of you.

25th Dec 2007, 09:57
Well another year is about to close BUT I am sure we will NOT see a new leaf turned over by any of our management!
Same old same old........S#it.
The rotten apples are still here.

Merry Xmas all (except those that make our lie miserable)
Emirates interviews keep on rollin on - Yippee!!:)

25th Dec 2007, 19:46
:)Compliments Of The Season To You All My Fellow Aviators. I Wish You All A Successful And Safe 2008.;)

27th Dec 2007, 01:17
In a report by The Fiji Times, an internal assessment of Fiji’s international airline, Air Pacific, has been ordered by its Managing Director, John Campbell, following a series of disruptions to its flight services caused by technical problems.

The review will examine the airline’s procedures in maintenance and airport management as well as customer service in a bid to prevent further delays which have already affected around 2000 passengers.

Last Friday, a specialist team of engineers from Singapore Airlines arrived to repair Air Pacific’s Boeing 747s after the aircrafts experienced mechanical problems.

"They are here to undertake a thorough review of various faults that have occurred on the B747s over the last two weeks and of the spare parts support provided by their airline,” said Campbell.

Air Pacific leases two Boeing 747s from Singapore Airlines and the wait for new parts from Singapore had been one of the main causes for the delay, said Campbell.

The Boeing 747s will be leased until 2011 when Air Pacific will receive new B787-9 Dreamliners.

For the betting men....JQ will be playing a major role in FJ by mid year....

Syd eng
27th Dec 2007, 01:54
Whats the QF share in Air Pacific nowadays?
Bet they(Air Pac)won't be too happy if JQ starts cutting into their hand earned market share.

27th Dec 2007, 03:01
What's the politics like over at pacific sun?

27th Dec 2007, 09:01
Pacific Sun ( ex Sunair) is no more than a shadow of big Mumma. Its identical even down to the internal mgt problems, eg,

- Shortly after being bought by FJ, Sunair (Pacific Sun) was in such a shambles, that even FJ mgt could see that things were not good and THEY needed to do something immediately.


- send 3 FJ mgt over to Pac Sun for 3mths to sort the shambles.

Well this might have worked IF FJ had selected competent mgt. BUT FJ chose 3 of the worst - The grand old Aunt of half the airline who was too busy singing gospel to answer tel & email calls from Boeing. (Boeing 747 SIMS were fully booked for months and FJ had committed themselves to trg 747 F/Os BUT you guessed it - FJ had forgot to book SIM slots again as is usual - The Grand old Aunt was responsible for this minor detail!!!!!!!!!!)
Boeing had some cancellations and being the good boys they are called FJ - BUT no answer. The B boys were smart - they called CAA Fiji Islands and got the problem sorted- well done Jim (at CAAFI).

There is more competent management and day to day operational control achieved by the cleaning ladies than by >>>>>>>>>>

.......to be continued (after Arabic lesson)


27th Dec 2007, 12:13
The B767 had an unsked engine change in Syd last week which added to the dramas.
As I said, JQ will pick up the QF share and let FJ on their own.

29th Dec 2007, 16:40
Saturdays (29/12) Air Pac B747 Auckland flight delayed for 2 hours out of Nadi due to no F/O's. Solution......company asked a mgt 747 Capt (who is RHS qualified and is supposed to be on leave) to fill in...which didn't work out because he wanted to cut his own deal (ie. a third party didn't agree to his proposal)....next solution....the company asked another mgt Captain (who is also RHS qualified and was supposed to be sick) for a favour...he agrees and the company paid for and sent a helicopter to pick him up from where he was. Now that is what you can call proper management :D...ha..ha!

30th Dec 2007, 09:25
"the company asked another mgt Captain (who is also RHS qualified and
was supposed to be sick) for a favour...he agrees and the company paid
for and sent a helicopter to pick him up from where he was. Now that is
what you can call proper management"

BUT sadly NOT 'FIT and PROPER'

The issue here;

- The Mgt Capt was declared SICK on the Roster, however he OPERATED
a flt.

Now that is bending the rules a little too far.

As I said in the opening thread - NOT FIT & PROPER PERSONS.
These people change rules to suit them selves, and shaft others along the way.

Happy New Year all.:ok::rolleyes::=

Ian Cognito
30th Dec 2007, 22:46
Just wait 'til Rugby season to see what that does to sick leave.


2nd Jan 2008, 13:37
guys we're all waiting here in the gulf come over moneys good:eek:

ai pai
7th Jan 2008, 01:14
what are the chances of working for air pacific rhs 737 in the beginning of this or anytime this year for that matter?seems alot of arabic books being sorted!

1st lady
13th Jan 2008, 06:19
Jus apply,see what happens:)

13th Jan 2008, 14:59
With 27 F/O's on the 737 fleet where we only need 20 for the 3 acft, I cannot see much hope for recruitment as WE DONT HAVE ANY CAPTS!!
Latest laugh is they trained one American Capt, checked him to line, and He has not been seen since. That tells you alot.

Personally I am sick and tired of fishing, surfing, painting house, & other menial tasks (study for next interview).

Mgt will NOT see the significance to this minor detail in running the airline. FJ are 6 Capts short on the 737 fleet (full strength is 22 incl mgt pilots). Flts have been cancelled lately due NO CREW ie CAPTS!!

Next minor (really a FU##ING BIG) detail is there is only ONE capt with 737 SIM checking status ie. GG the horse. I dont see how CAAFI are allowing this bumbling circus continue to operate. Perhaps thats why Jetstar is here recruiting Cabin Crew for Nadi basing come Apr 2008. I bet 'waddles' (short, fat - not allowed to say that so - broad & short, lives on the top floor) knows what Jetstar is up to and the plan they have for us.

You all have a nice day now.

13th Jan 2008, 21:14

Swamp Heron
15th Jan 2008, 01:10
Don't sweat Bulabandit 'cos I hear that "waddles" will soon be brought in to line by our illustrious " safety officer " who still believes he is going to get T W's job.;)

15th Jan 2008, 16:27
Do we have one?
I never seen any 'Safety training' ie. dissemenation of information that is generally freely available in any opther airline.

There have been that many changes on the hanger upper floors that the office doors have swung clear off their hinges. I hear the Mgr Line Ops has changed AGAIN!! Who is it going to be this month?


15th Jan 2008, 17:11
Any truth in the rumor that the previous Safety Officer (or is he still the current SO?) departed SYD in 744 WITHOUT doing a Cabin Safety Brief. Bet CASA wont tollerate that 'Lapse of procedure'.:E:E

16th Jan 2008, 01:34

AIR Pacific is spending $2.4billion to purchase three Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners in what is believed to be the largest transaction ever undertaken by a Fiji company.

Air Pacific chairman Nalin Patel said the aircraft will be delivered in 2016 and 2017.

"These are in addition to the five B787-9 Dreamliners purchased by Air Pacific for delivery in 2011 and 2012," he said. "The aircraft have a list price of $US580million ($F886.443m).

"This brings the total fleet order to $F2.4billion, the largest transaction ever undertaken by a Fijian company." He said that commitment showed the confidence of the airline in the future of Fiji's tourism industry and the overall growth of passenger and cargo business within the South Pacific over the coming decade. The first five B787-9 Dreamliner aircraft to be delivered in 2011 and 2012 would replace their current fleet of two Boeing B747-400 and one Boeing B767-300ER aircraft and provide for forecast growth.

Mr Patel said the three additional aircraft would create around 160 new jobs for pilots, cabin crews, engineers and support staff in Fiji. He said the aircraft would be funded through cash flow and borrowings.

"A decision is yet to be taken on the ratio of the aircraft to be acquired by outright purchase and sales and lease back," he said.

Marvin Martian
16th Jan 2008, 09:54
Looked like the 400 was broken again in Syd this week.(still there after 1800L)
Not a good sign.
Can't be long now before they close up shop.

16th Jan 2008, 16:35
Guys, guys, guys heres the situation Gulf Air ordered 24 B787, Qatar 2 b777 a month for the next year, fast track promos at emirates, Oman Air 5 A330's 2009 followed by 6 B787 from 2012 currently talking for 3 more and A350's as well building quite a few domestic airports and to be serviced by a fleet of regional jets in 2010 and to boot payrise just got approved today for another 25 % so to coin a phrase for the local boys "moce Viti" come over guys its all happenning up here in the sandpit.:)

16th Jan 2008, 18:19
duckknocker buddy, your rose coloured view of Bahrain, Abu, and Doha is touching, but I'd put money on guys looking at CX before looking at the gulf region. Living in the sandpit gets boring after a bit mate:ok:

16th Jan 2008, 19:19
H1....yeah mate,would agree......but heres something that will crack you up...pulled two jokers out of KSAN day before yesterday,both lived in phoenix,.....the Emirates joker wanted CX info and the CX joker wanted emirates info..

....we were all up in the cocpit having a chinwaggle,B/S-ing on our predicaments.......(the grass being greener on the other side stuff:ugh:)nobodys happy mate.... :(

17th Jan 2008, 10:37
Is it true that the Capt who departed SYD in 744 WITHOUT doing the cabin safety brief IS THE COMPANY SAFETY OFFR?

Now that is what I call 'stretching the rules'. I bet CASA has a different view.:=

18th Jan 2008, 15:40
Fijibitter- Dont worry about a little lapse in the safety procedures.
Its nothing that a boom cannot fix.

Check the back of your FJ QRH - under the Manoueves section.

Situation : **** ie. Eng FAIL
ACTION: Lift carpet
Sweep S**T under carpet
Lower carpet over s**T Re-engage Auto Pilot.

This action need not be a recall item.

Swamp Heron
19th Jan 2008, 11:15
Yes, Fijibitter that is correct. The "S O " was in command of a delayed flight out of SYD very close to curfew time. He taxied out for RWY 34L at taxi speeds close to 50 knots ( his own admission ) and just beat the curfew. To AP management he is a hero which is a hugh plus for him because he has his sights set on a management job.

The Cabin Crew involved think otherwise and an MOR has been filed by them. No problem for our " Safety Officer " because all MOR's, as he likes to boast, are filed with him anyway. Hopefully the cabin crew checked the box " Mandatory" in which case the MOR will be loged with the regulatory authority ( CAAFI )

Moce mada

Swamp Heron

19th Jan 2008, 15:43
This ladies and gentlemen, is just another reason that any self respecting aviator SHOULD NOT remian in the employ of such an airline.

For Mgt to even consider that his actions 'near curfew time' were acceptable shows how little they (The mgt) respect safety.

I understand the SYD procedure is "if you are cleared to TAXI BEFORE curfew then you continue to Takeoff'. Thus there was not reason to hurry, breach a REGULATORY PROCEDURE, and compromise SAFETY.

May I suggest that the cabin crew send a copy of the MOR DIRECT to Uncle Jim or his replacement.

Not a proud day for the 'Island in the Sky'.:=:=:(:(

21st Jan 2008, 04:47
Is that to say that Uncle Kim is leaving?


21st Jan 2008, 11:16
There comes a time in everyones life that one must retire. Jim E is 70 (I think )- hes been flying 50yrs so the time is near.

Rumour has it that FJ have one of their 'family' members lined up for the slot. GOD help us all if this happens. There will be NO transparency and it will be a very sad day for aviation in Fiji.:(:(

24th Jan 2008, 22:53

Heard a rumour there are more drivers due to leave FJ in the upcoming months. Any estimate numbers of those leaving?


25th Jan 2008, 12:56
Not enough fingers (or toes) to count the departees!:E

Emirates are smiling!!:)

25th Jan 2008, 13:28
air pac or air vanuatu, they are , i beleive both short of captains, 738, i mean. anybody got the inside drum on this??

anything appreciated

25th Jan 2008, 22:50
Air Van drivers joining Air Pac, as far as I know. The last I counted, 3 Capts just joined Air Pac from Air Van.

3rd Feb 2008, 21:26

Anything further re: the "SO" (from that flight out of Syd).


hot tuna
3rd Feb 2008, 21:46
Are AP paying for the ex- Air Van Capt's B737 NG Diff's courses..

4th Feb 2008, 11:35
Basment jax

Please press RECALL - note my 18 Jan 08 report.

Air Pac mgt will be hailing the 'GREAT CAPT' as a hero. Look at it from the Commercial point of view - He SAVED US MILLIONS $$$$$$. How much would it have cost to overnight a 747 in SYD with a full load? Not to mention the knock on to the LAX flight or the next day NAN-SYD-NAN. Have you no brains man? So a minor breach of safety regs is of minor concern.


11th Feb 2008, 13:02
How is Air Fiji doing with pac sun eating away at them?

12th Feb 2008, 00:56
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 - fijitimes.com.fj

THE Transport Workers Union has called on Air Pacific Limited to reconsider their compulsory retirement age of 45 years or face losing staff to overseas airlines.

Union general secretary Kamlesh Kumar made the comment after United ArabEmirates' international carrier Emirates announced it would be conducting a recruitment drive for local cabin crew next week.

Emirates in an email and an advertisement said the airline's representatives would be at the Sheraton Fiji on Denarau on February 23 to recruit.

Mr Kumar said his understanding was that about 60 people would be recruited by the airline. "But I definitely see more Air Pacific staff applying for the posts of cabin crew with Emirates based on certain factors,' said Mr Kumar.

He claimed staff at Air Pacific were demoralised over the company's handling of recent problems.

Mr Kumar said another factor could be Air Pacific's compulsory retirement age of 45 years.

"While cabin crew at Air Pacific are required to retire from the service at the age of 45 years, Emirates does not have any compulsory retirement age," said Mr Kumar.

He said the open age criteria at the Emirates would be an attraction for interested locals. Mr Kumar urged Air Pacific to reconsider their retirement age policy because if they left at 45 they still could not get benefits from the Fiji National Provident Fund until 10 years later.

He said not reconsidering the retirement age would also lead to Air Pacific becoming a training ground for cabin crew who would then be recruited by overseas airline companies such as Emirates Airlines.

Attempts to get a comment from chief executive officer Air Pacific Limited, John Campbell yesterday were unsuccessful.

When it rains..... :hmm:


1st lady
13th Feb 2008, 21:06
Bula all,anyone with news on ANZ B767 S/Os coming over to the Island in the sky as F/Os ?

16th Feb 2008, 21:47
:DMaaaaate,Ducknocker you hit the nail on the head once more, and to go with that coin,you can have a few cold beers as well,which are as cheap as hell:}.Boys STOP your moaning and get a moving.....Moce Manda:ok:

18th Feb 2008, 21:12
Understood there was talks about spare ANZ B767 crew flying for FJ over the winter months. Now that it has been announced that ANZ is to pull out of NAN-LAX I would assume FJ is looking for more crew and aircraft or do they have plenty?:confused:
Some other interesting info out of recent articles is:

The Fiji Government owns 51 percent of the airline with Qantas holding a 46.32 percent share. Air New Zealand owns 1.9 percent
Fiji's Air Pacific has announced that they will buy a further three Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners for delivery in 2016 and 2017, in addition to the five on order for 2011-2012.
This brings the total fleet order of F$2.4-billion, the largest transaction ever undertaken by a Fiji company.
The airline's chairman, Nalin Patel, said "Purchase Rights" for a further three of the aircraft to be delivered after 2019 had been taken by Air Pacific, to be converted to firm orders at a later time to bring the B787-9 fleet to 11 aircraft.
"The first five of the new aircraft, to be delivered in 2011 and 2012, will replace Air Pacific's two Boeing 747-400 and one Boeing 767-300ER aircraft," Mr Patel said.:D
Fiji’s latest coup has cost its international carrier Air Pacific $44.9 million.:ugh:
Airline CEO John Campbell said their revenue was affected by fuel costs, high airport fees and expensive bird strikes but the December 2006 coup was a heavy cost and continued military rule would remain a “significant current barrier to improved profitability.”
Adding to Air Pacific woes are bird strikes at the Nadi International Airport. Campbell said these have added $9.3 million expenses and disruptions to flights. :uhoh:

alpine blue
20th Feb 2008, 18:56
With the rising cost of fuel, coups, increased competition, pilot exedous, and management interested only in their bouns and not long term or even shot term survival, Air Pacifics days could be numbered.

Would be a good time to leave.

25th Feb 2008, 11:40
Days numbered - never a trurer word said. Thats why WE ALL up and left.
FJ mgt dont give a dam about their most valuable resource - Personal ie. FLT & CABIN crew. They tried for years to shaft us by getting contract pilots. But now even the Contract pilots are wise to FJ mgt tricks ( & lies!). Its SHAFT SHAFT SHAFT - bend over to help the company one day and get a spear up your ar*e the next. Look at what they did to the farmer. Best Capt I ever flew with - Relaxed, high standards, followed SOPs, good SIMs, ( it was a pleasure to do a SIM with him - excellent prep with him and everything slotted into place), never took a sick day, always aval when mgt fu*ked up!!!!. Yet he was SHAFTED.

Its hard to say about your own country - but dont waste your time with Air Pacific. Great pilots and crew. Pity I cannot say that about the mgt!!!!!!!!!

25th Feb 2008, 11:43
Days numbered - never a more true word said. Thats why WE ALL up and left.
FJ mgt dont give a dam about their most valuable resource - Personal ie. FLT & CABIN crew. They tried for years to shaft us by getting contract pilots. But now even the Contract pilots are wise to FJ mgt tricks ( & lies!). Its SHAFT SHAFT SHAFT - bend over to help the company one day and get a spear up your ar*e the next. Look at what they did to the farmer. Best Capt I ever flew with - Relaxed, high standards, followed SOPs, good SIMs, ( it was a pleasure to do a SIM with him - excellent prep with him and everything slotted into place), never took a sick day, always aval when mgt fu*ked up!!!!. Yet he was SHAFTED.

Its hard to say about your own country - but dont waste your time with Air Pacific. Great pilots and crew. Pity I cannot say that about the mgt!!!!!!!!!

Is it true Aunty A from crewing has up and left also? First P, now A, who is next?

28th Feb 2008, 23:42
I suprised 737 ops have not totally collapsed without capt loopeys leadership.Said gentleman guided us every day.Directed us how to behave accordingly on and off work.he knew these aeroplanes better then Boeing, constantly shepherding us how it should be done the secret unpublished way only known to the boeing elite I sure the civil avation auth. and othe capts are now confuse without his command of ETOPS.He must be snapped up now by one of the big boys for sure .How? How are thepoor F/Os passing their sims now. He could fly(sim) single engine fail on short finals upside down on rollercoaster rails leaving us mere mortals in awe . Please please Rehire me

1st lady
1st Mar 2008, 09:54
well rumor has it that the farmer might be on his way back:D.OMG whats goin on.:*You are FIRED!!!! :O
O.K you can come bac now

1st Mar 2008, 10:50

Looks like your days are numbered as a pilot unless you can improve your english. Your post would not pass level 1 let alone level 4!
-'Please accept this as a reminder that as from the 1st March 2008 it is

an ICAO requirement that ALL Pilots world-wide have passed the ICAO

English Proficiency Test. The pass levels for this test are 4, 5 and 6.

Anything below is a failure and will be subject to retesting. Second failures

have a 3 month waiting time.

Therefore if any pilot has not completed this test (and it IS the Pilots

responsibility, not the Airline) then, unless a dispensation from the licence

issuing authority can be provided, the pilot does not have a current


2nd Mar 2008, 05:17
thanks you thanks you it is with great shame and lack dignity that I so happy to return

3rd Mar 2008, 11:17

Your homework has been marked - see below;

Thank you. It is with great shame and lack of dignity that I am so happy to return.

Correct grammer is essential when communicating in multi crew environments, especially when that multi crew ALL have english as their second language.

alpine blue
3rd Mar 2008, 13:41
Pettycoat it is bad at Air Pac. Look at it this way the pilots are paid peanuts compared to world standards, but your air fares are expensive. The cost of living is high in Fiji, cars, fuel, and food are expensive. You pay for schooling and medical care and both are sub standard. The life style is lousy, you realise this once you leave. Campbell says he can't pay pilots anymore but he pays his Qantas boys twice as much. The rostering is crap even for the 747 boys, they only think its good because they have nothing to compare it with.

The contract pilots are also not well paid. If you add the days they work in a year they are on less than the locals. Remember they get no pension, holidays, medical insurace, loss of licence insurance etc. The only pilots that will work for that money are the ex Ansett boys who cant work overseas because mummy and the kids dont want to leave Aus. As long as Campbell can get these desparados to work for nothing the locals will not get a pay rise.

So come on guys and girls you are worth a lot more and you owe it to your families to provide them with a better life style. Times are good and there are a lot of jobs out there so make the most of it. Unless you enjoy being an Air Pacific slave. Dont wait for Air Pac to go bankrupt as the jobs might not be there.:ok:

3rd Mar 2008, 19:41
Thanks yu bitter , you good boy i whip you later

4th Mar 2008, 09:02
Whips oh yes, can I watch??? Maybe I can help?? Spurs maybe?? Perhaps a riding crop or two???

Life can be so boring with out a bit of stimulation - more whips and spurs I say.!!!

4th Mar 2008, 11:54
Alpine ,
mate when you say the cost of living is expensive in FJ do you compare that to FJ(CPI 3-4%) or Dubai (10-12% CPI)What is your analysis based on?.Look at the real terms.Are you talking about the buying power ,or the dollar or the actual figure of take home pay?Do account for inflation.?I am one of those that has left the sunny shores and very happy O/S but that does not mean that AP and in particular Fiji is all bad.(left for personal reasons and differing expectations)"Paid peanuts compared to world standards"mate once again what world standards are you talking about?Life style expectancy,money,aviation upgrades,Superannuation or PF.The rostering is crap as compared to what VB,PB ,Jetstar,EK,QR..lets put facts down..do you fellas factor out 3 - 4 sectors per day with min rest? Lifestyle,how do you decide that in you comparison which has not been stated."Mummy and the kids don't want to O/S'.Mate they can(Ansett with their experience) go to Korean,Japan,India , all are commuting contracts that mght be of distance but AVERAGE out the same time at home approximately.Air Pac is not a long term stomping ground for a lot of folks.But for some it is.The management is fu##%^ed especially that CP.There are a lot f good blokes tht have left that HAVE FOLLOWED THE SHEEP so to speak.It doesn't make it wrong but as long as they have a HOME to go to when they have had enough of where they are.Some do a LOT do not.The industry will have a down turn one day... as long as the blokes are ready.
Wish all the blokes from AP the best of luck

4th Mar 2008, 21:40
There are some faint murmurings (almost inaudible) of a pay rise.

Then I woke up .All alone. Turned off the lights and went to emirates.

Jackaroo 2
11th Mar 2008, 21:33
Never fear 1st lady, the farmer will never return.
After being well and truely shafted by those who could not stand the thought of him succeeding in Fiji when they have not ie. his 1000 cow dairy farm, I hear the farmer has left the backstabbing aviation environment and bought another dairy farm in NZ -his third.
Its a real shame for Fiji that he was screwed and his dairy farm project was scuttled. The financial loss to Fiji is in the millions, not to mention the flow on credits from knowledge transfer and skills training. Last year I spent a whole day with him - the climate was fantastic and the views breathtaking. We went all over the area checking water flows in streams, spray trials of weeds and guava trees, grass trials, soil moisture readings -it dawned on me why he took me after we got stuck! He had spent 3 yrs conducting research and grass trials - including importing 3 new species of grass. I am not a farmer but to see his trial plots was amazing. Thirty plus plots of various species at different stages of growth, recording the effects of irrigation, different types of fertiliser, and various cutting options. I have never seen someone so dedicated to his hobby as he called it.
Good luck to him:ok:

16th Apr 2008, 01:56
Heard FJ made 30 Million profit ending march?

16th Apr 2008, 05:54
Heard FJ made 30 Million profit ending march?

I wouldn't worry myself about that mate. Really, it shouldn't concern any of us. Heads down,ears to the ground,work hard,fly smart and before you know it you'll be on your way to another FJ.:hmm:

24th Apr 2008, 23:53
Heard through the vine that the Air Pac FSO, above mentioned, has resigned (though resigned from what is not quite clear - posn as FSO or the co. itself). Anyone able (or wanting) to confirm?



salt sea turk
29th Apr 2008, 22:40
Yes, it is true.

Who will be the next "flunkie" in this position.

Exit door still very busy too. more departures for Emirates & Oman.

Top floor still not listening. Second floor still not hearing or seeing what is wrong all around them.

Jackaroo 2
2nd May 2008, 19:30
Gents (& Ladies).

Recent posts indicate that the question must be asked - Is FJ Mgt 'Fit to do the job?' ie. MANAGE AN AIRLINE.

Mass resignations - Why are they all leaving? Is it JUST for money?
I think not. The real reasons are more deep rooted- Just like the Kava root.

It is obvious that the original post to this thread was smack on Vref!

Great little airline - pity the same can not be said about the management.


11th Jan 2009, 20:10
Always the same people replying on every Air Pac thread.......no wonder you guys are miserable or have left. Blaming everybody else will definitely make your lives better. How about putting your names down and let the Air Pac boys & girls judge what kind of operator you were/are, if you all think you were hot stuff and could fly an "aircraft on rails" or with one leg over your head than you got nothing to lose. If you have left AP then give it rest, enjoy your new employer, career and greener pasture. If you as a pilot think you have been shafted than try having a chat with a security guard who is paid less than $2 an hour, who's required to stay awake all night only to knock off work and find his own way home in the middle of nowhere to a little tin shack home. Every airline has their flaws, AP definitely has its own....maybe its the managment.........or maybe its just ourselves.

Stay Blessed.

11th Jan 2009, 23:07
can any of you guys post the minimums to get into Air Pac?

12th Jan 2009, 02:58
This post is coming a little late but I just wanted to point out that an ETOPS area of applicability is not something you can find in a Boeing manual. AOA are based on one engine inoperative cruise speeds chosen by the company, approved by the regulatory authority, and listed in the company op specs. 1230 nm may very well be FJ's AOA. What you will find in the Boeing manual are a range of drift down and one engine inoperative speeds that you can choose from.

12th Mar 2009, 20:18
Word is a few contractors have been politely shown the door. Due to the GFC I,m sure.

16th Mar 2009, 21:22
Fijitimes.com.fj - Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"AIR Pacific is expected to this year release 12 of the 26 expatriate pilots it has on contract.

The airline will also be cutting back on its twice weekly flights to Port Vila and Honiara at the end of this month.

Chief executive officer John Campbell has reassured none of its Fiji employees would be laid off.

Mr Campbell said reduced flights had forced the national airline to cut costs.

"We are going to reduce our number of contracted or leased pilots," he said.

"At the moment we have 26 contracted pilots," he said.

"We are working with the employment company that they come through to determine how many will be finally released. But I do expect to release half, maybe 12."

Mr Campbell said they had a good relationship with their employees and the unions.

"It's quite natural that people want a pay increase and more benefits. We understand that everybody has to live and when costs go up they want adjustments to their salaries," he said.

Air Pacific operates a twice weekly service into Honiara every Tuesday and Friday from Nadi.

The Friday service was introduced a year ago.

Mr Campbell said the decision to cut back on the flights was purely an economic one based on the conditions that had driven the market down."


18th Jun 2009, 05:37
I am new to this blog...but I am just wondering if Pac Sun or any other Airlines in Fiji would give us a job if we have Aus. CPL, IREX and Frozen ATPL in Fiji with the current situation.....We know everything is not as good as it has used to be,,,,,,,but you can not take Fiji out of a Fijian :}:}!!!!!"

18th Jun 2009, 07:12
mate, from what I understand, Fiji has relaxed its rules around dual citizenship and actually welcome back ex-citizens. Pac Sun/Air Pac have been pushing to replace expats with locals for a while (on my recent flight back via ATR fron NFNA-NFFN, both pilots and relieft crew were all white :eek:) :}.

Give them a call I say.

20th Jun 2009, 08:22
Yup...I will try to call them and ask about the selection criteria of Pac Sun...!!!! But sometimes to get a job it comes to who you know and not what you know!!!!!:ugh:I am still a Fijian Citizen!!!!! Hope I get in Pac Sun with my low hours:O!!!!

20th Jun 2009, 10:49
good luck to you mate. if you do get in (and/or find out their min reqs), let me know :ok:

20th Jun 2009, 13:11
If I Iget in.......Beers on me @ EDs bar in Nadi!!!:8 We will have Fiji Bitter !!!!!:cool:Yup//.....Thats the life!!!;)

Top of Descent
20th Jun 2009, 23:36
Bula !

Going over the top of us into L.A. the other week.....


21st Jun 2009, 05:10
now THAT is a beeeeeautiful shot! :ok:

Ps. I'd take you up on that beer, but not fiji bitter - Fiji premium is much better. :}

21st Jun 2009, 09:14
that is an awesome pic@ t.o.d...

hey b919, When u get into pac sun or air pac, its your shout for jugs of regal whiskey and cola all nite long! or... one of those famous cocktails 'via via - makes u go lialia' :eek:! lol

21st Jun 2009, 12:30
U sound like an expert!!!!! Or an Expat expert :ok: Thats the way!!!!Drink Till you Drop !!!

21st Jun 2009, 23:40
forget the bitter and premium...get some SP White Can at MH...$1.99 a can...what a bargain. :ok:

22nd Jun 2009, 09:23
lol @ b919 u little modri !!!
yeh that is a bargain@troppo!! any cheaper for the case?? :}

alpine blue
22nd Jun 2009, 20:55
Hey any info on the Fiji National Provident fund.

I heard retirement benifits have just been reduced again to 15%. At one time was 25%. FNPF have also said they could be further reduced.

Also a rumor that previous governments under the command of Rambo, Jim and the Lauan Q have borrowed more than 2 billion of the 3 billion that FNPF owns. If this is true the present government cant even pay the intrest repayments on this loan let alone pay the money back. Maybe thats the reason for the 15%. FNPF used to say people are now living longer so they could no longer pay out 25% at retirement. I dont understand this as people dont live that long in Fiji due to the poor diet and poor health standards.

Does anyone know if we can get our money out if we are overseas?

Anyone have any inside info on the truth of what is happening at the FNPF. I know we get a statement each year saying they are doing very well but they could print anything and show it to us. Lets face it the same Fijian bros that have borrowed from the FNPF also stole from National Bank of Fiji untill nothing was left.

24th Jun 2009, 08:13
If u have to get money out from Fiji, .....No isn't a good time !!!! Invest in a company or unit trust...or even putting it on Fixed deposit and wait for the Economy to revive or exchange rate to comeback to its original state and then you start pulling out your money in small portions because by the look of things, Fiji would be a good place to invest in the future after democracy!!!! :ok:The problem during NBF scandal (my opinion) was that there were not enough media coverage or internet to blog aginst those who were in power and so the public was least informed of what was happening to their money. Today, thanx to technology, those who are in power are always on their toes that they don't leave any trail on what their left hand is doing....they wouldn't even have to think twice before moving their left hand to grab whats not theirs because the "World Wide Web"is watching and waiting to blog against them so that their image is tarnished until they die :=Mr. Alpine...don't stress on what is happenig with your money because it is almost impossible to take them out now after so many regulations imposed by the interim government as measures to prevent money from leaving the country,just have a positive "HOPE and FAITH" what the future has for your money....Vinaka !!!

@ Propelled.....:{ U want a bargain??? Try J Santaram Supermarket @ Robertson Rd. in Suva.....they sell it for $3/litre !!! Now that is way stronger then ur "VIA VIA" and make you twice the "LIA LIA":8.......If u can not wait for Christmas .......Just come down to YSBK..." I know some of the guys who work for AIR BP who will spare you a litre or two of AVGAS.....:yuk: Just becareful that you don't detonate:=.......!!!! C ya Propelled.....Moce mada!!!!

29th Jul 2009, 10:42
Air Pac management in all their wisdom, experience and knowledge came up with the most cost effective method to bolster it's financial status quo. Stop the pilots from access into the tabua class lounge and QF business class lounge. Saving a presumably AUD$45 per head.(QF) Here's an idea. How about do away with most of the unnecessary "middle managers" as the last CEO did. Those jesters including CEO J.C should learn something from the CEO of JAL. He took a huge pay cut because he felt it wrong on the conscience to accept such an exorbitant amount while people were being laid off and the company struggling. Stop the greed J.C, stop trying to amass your retirement nest egg by exploiting the needs of a few. Stop the unnecessary implementation of incompetent managers. If you feel you not up to the task then step aside. To think that after over half a century of operations, Air Pac would have evolved to a more dynamic,fluid operation with more idea crunching and stimulating strategies. Obviously not.:ugh:

29th Jul 2009, 18:53
on aother note... sorry hijacking..

anyone have any details on northern air service?

a/c and conditions?

only required for a mate so take your time...:ok:

12th Mar 2010, 11:47
was interesting to see that Mid East Airlines ie Emirates are hiring again any more local boys with Arabic Dictionaries handy especially with all the competition V OZ and soon Jetstar to enter the fray which asks the question for the pilots........ AIR PACIFIC BRIGHT AND ROSY= 787????:confused: or sunglasses and Arab dictionary????:confused: Reading the mid east forum emirates are desperate any more mass exodus of FJ drivers?? could finally break the back of Air Pacific once and for all....would be a shame really...

12th Mar 2010, 20:49
Bowring - FJ back is already broken. That fat duck - ala JC the Qantas mgt reject - has been quietly chopping away at what quaility had. Now NOTHING works on the 738 fleet - bkn videos, seat backs, trays, Even some LCCs provide a better servic. Shame on you JC.

5th Apr 2010, 05:25
@ Xcel, Nothern Air's still got the islander running, plus they now own the DQ-YES, but they had problems with the left wing (i think it was), and one of the engines they bought had almost run out of hours.

with the routes...they practically do inter- island charters, but most of it is VFR.

5th Apr 2010, 09:51
Hallelujah...well girls and boys,a new boss has been appointed,time will tell on weather he will be what FJ needs,he certainly has all the qualifications for the job!!

5th Apr 2010, 10:49
:DWell done to the Board for choosing this time a qualified person for the job:ok:being a pilot and involved in the operations side logistics/flight ops might be in for a revamp could be for the better of the company:bored:not for those who are in there for reasons other than suitably qualified for the position!!! ....interesting and I guess exciting times for the brothers:) and all involved.

Safe flying

31st Oct 2010, 21:05
Any whispers/rumours on the fleet change for FJ?
Airbus? or Boeing?
any timeframe...the 787 delays will make it interesting to see what boeing offers as a package to FJ and surely Airbus will counter they have been both in Nadi to negotiate...

High 6
23rd Nov 2010, 12:04
A few questions for those in the know. Any updates on the Airbus vs Boeing issue with Air Pac? When do the extended leases for the B744 end?

23rd Nov 2010, 19:17
With the speculation of more 787 delays they could be leaning towards Airbus but can the A330s range be viable NAN - LAX?
or 767s with upgrades interiors and winglets at a bargain price from Boeing?....

24th Nov 2010, 06:24
QF A330-200s do AKL/LAX no problem so why not?:rolleyes:

24th Nov 2010, 06:51
I see pacific sun is axing the BN2 services in favour of the DHC6

24th Nov 2010, 20:20
Yes ...getting rid of junk to concentrate on flying more junk...good planes in their days,but in great need of upgrade.

25th Nov 2010, 02:08
A Canadian registered Twin Otter arrived in Nadi last week, who is the owner/operator...BN2 replacement ?
744 leases terminate July and Nov 2013, according the AP Annual Report.

1st lady
3rd Jan 2011, 19:29
I believe it belongs to the owners of Kaibu Island.

Pacsun is going to replace 2 old Twotters with 2 old Twotters,BN2 going away .

1st lady
11th Jan 2011, 04:50
any news/updates on the latest redunduncy rumour at FJ??

alpine blue
7th Feb 2011, 06:58
Cant believe people still think Air Pac will get 787s. Open your eyes you need money to buy Air Planes.

I heard they might get rid of the 747s and get two extra Twin Otters with extended range tanks!!!

7th Feb 2011, 09:26
Yep FJ needs cash...787 on the backburner I reckon...3 choices for lease arrangements,767 winglets,777-2 or A330.Current 767 lease expires in september,so an announcement will be made soon.

alpine blue
19th Feb 2011, 14:15
Can anyone clarify this rumor I heard down the pub regarding Air Pacific management pilots.

Was told that the Air Pac Training/Management Captains are rostering themselves for office duties that don't exist. On top of this they come to work in the morning hang arround looking busy for a few hours then go home, however they fill out their time sheets to show they did a full days work and collect a full days per diem.

Its a shame that whilst a select few carry out this corrupt practice for finacial gain others are loosing their jobs!