View Full Version : Red Bull Air Races - Pics

2nd Nov 2007, 08:10
Have been very fortunate to be overnighting in Perth during the Red Bull Air Races this weekend. Grabbed a couple of pics during the practice run today.
Thought good to start a thread for people to share their pics of this awesome event.


2nd Nov 2007, 08:12
How straight is this guy. Razor like precision!!

Howard Hughes
2nd Nov 2007, 08:36
The links don't work you need to be a member, so I am assuming they are not your pics?:eek:

2nd Nov 2007, 08:48
Thanks for the headsup HH
Corrected the links. :ok:

And yes, for clarification, can safely say it was my finger on the trigger today.

Launchpad McQuack
2nd Nov 2007, 08:56
Awesome pics :eek:

Would love to go there next year.


2nd Nov 2007, 14:58
Simply amazing stuff, seen it on TV from some of the overseas round. That would be a great job though! never a dull moment :)

Thanks for the pics, hope everyone keeps them coming. I shoulda bit the bullet and forked out and went down for the wknd. Regret it now! :*

Howard Hughes
2nd Nov 2007, 20:54
Great pics...:eek::ok:

3rd Nov 2007, 06:56
Couple from today....



3rd Nov 2007, 07:06

3rd Nov 2007, 07:21
A Small Sequence Clipping one of the Markers








3rd Nov 2007, 09:37

Thanks for the shots , damn good and flying as well.

Dog One
3rd Nov 2007, 23:16
Nice photography!

4th Nov 2007, 07:57
Awesome pix dude, nice work! :D

Just a comment about the series here....
I really enjoy following the series as well, I think the next step is to introduce a junior formulae where they run slower biplanes (a fleet of Pitts would be good), all the same engine, ie: for example, the S2S (with the bigger snout) like ours but single seat which has the downrated version of what those Edges' run (310+hp). So it would be a very close series. But I think to tackle the problem I am getting at would be to rid the field of Edges! This would leave the Extras and MX designs, even make it possible to enter the fray with a single place Giles or even the new Swiss Votecs would be adequate - of course the pilots are all hand selected, so it is only going to grow as the organisers want it to...I just don't like Edges! (they are an astonishing all-rounder ,both aerobatic comp flying and racing, damn it!).


4th Nov 2007, 09:18
Spent the day underneath the approach to Langley Park (the grass paddock beside the Swan river that doubles as a runway) it was very impressive watching some of the side-slipping to get into the strip.
I have chided myself senseless for deciding to leave the camera at home.

4th Nov 2007, 21:16
But I think to tackle the problem I am getting at would be to rid the field of Edges!


If you were paying such close attention to the series, you probably would have noticed the winner of the round, Ivanoff, was flying the Extra 300SR :eek:


5th Nov 2007, 01:49
M14P, The biggest hurdle I can see for the expansion of the series is purely the logistics.

While I don't have any solid figures, the disassembly and transport of one aircraft would have to be immensely expensive, especially considering the aircraft is likely to do less than 3(ish) hrs of flying at each location.

I think a feeder series would be a great addition, though not with a pitts!, can you imagine re-rigging the thing at every location after putting the wings back on? I would suggest 15 pilots sharing 3 or so stock Ea300l's or S's. Or perhaps Cap 222 etc.

Yes this disregards issues of personal preference of setup, sponsorship markings etc, but surely more cost effective. There is plenty of the top guys still running around with just the generic Audi or Seat sponsor markings, and no individual sponsor.

Which leads me to the question, how does the series remain financially viable? for both RB and the competitors?

5th Nov 2007, 08:13
Amazing flying. TV doesn't do this race justice. Glad we came over to see it for real. Precise flying right on the edge of the envelope. A gust of wind, g-stall and there goes two seconds off the lap. The young fella from 2FTS has got it right when he describes this as some of the best stick and rudder flying in the world. Excellent:ok.:

Jose Cuervo
6th Nov 2007, 01:59
Bring on the Playstation 3 and X box versions! I wanna have a go!

6th Nov 2007, 04:32
TOGA, how long/short was this grass strip? Sideslipping into land must prove to be a short strip or was it because of the treelines? Cheers, AG

control snatch
6th Nov 2007, 07:30
It was so disappointing not to have more RAAF prescence on the weekend. A few PC9s just doesnt cut it in my book.

6th Nov 2007, 07:36
The strip is about 750m long. The sideslipping is not because it is short it is because they are flying extremely slippery aeroplanes with no draggy bits and also because the view out the front of those things is er...somewhat limited!
The Comet.

6th Nov 2007, 07:42
Adding to that the sideslipping is good if you want to get on the ground quickly. Hammer in on final as fast as you want, throw it into a sideslip to wash off the speed and throw it on the ground. You could fly the 1 degree approach but nobody has time for that these days.

There were many a pilot that chose not to land on the grass because they felt it was a little short. (Mostly the poms!)

6th Nov 2007, 08:17

Don't know the length of the paddock. Side slipping those particular aerobatic aircraft is necessary as they do not have flaps.

The ailerons are nearly full-span, so side slipping is really the best (only?!) method of approach path control. It allows an increase in rate of descent, while keeping the speed under control.

And there where some good sized palm trees not far from the threshold!

And at times there was a reasonable x-wind on the 45 aswell!

So for all those reasons I was pretty impressed with the airmanship shown!


6th Nov 2007, 23:25
Yeh good point, Pitts' are tiny wee things though they could probably be stored in one piece and transported accordingly.
I have some figures actually, it costed each US Unlimited aerobatics team member, to go to the World champs at Grenada this year, US$25-30K JUST for transportation, not reassembly, or testing, or flying, and fees, accommodation...
They have been trying to get the US Air Force to allow them to charter a C5 Galaxy, as it would halve the costs for everyone by getting everyone under one roof. Apparently they have a senator on board who wants to help with this for next time....

I hadn't noticed about Ivanoff, I only check the results occasionally....Amazing though, how is that possible!!
Stock or factory 2 place Extras or S's could be the answer. My thinking was another category, similar to the T6 Havard section at Reno, a very competitive, closely fought contest.

Certainly a logistical nightmare, must be the same sort of level as Formula 1 when it comes to moving the 'circus' around the globe...

6th Nov 2007, 23:28
Yep for sure, these machines don't generate much lift at low speed and low power settings...
When I'm joining a busy pattern in the Yak it is a pain in the ass, having to fly a standard approach with a 50mile final, with something that descends like an elevator with power coming off...if I'm followin a wee piper or cessa I would swerve left to right on final to keep the numbers in sight and not bother with flaps at all and not start descending from circuit height until onto finals.
fun n games!
Speaking of Vis, in those pics on this thread, I noticed how bloody bad the vis must be when on the ground in one of those Zivko products....with the mid wing, and long wide snout, there is just no vis, it looks like you cannot see anything bar a couple of small strips inboard of the leading edge left and right of the nose - crazy...even the Pitts has better vis I would imagine although I haven't sat in a 540 before.

7th Nov 2007, 08:06
Primary design consideration is high performance flight, everything else is a secondary consideration.


That video illustrates your point! Expensive composite MT prop strike.

7th Nov 2007, 10:04
Lucky for the crabon prop....it might be expensive but not like a full engine strip and rebuild:uhoh:


7th Nov 2007, 11:02
M14P, even a Pitts S1 has a wingspan of 17+ft, while the average shipping container is <8ft wide internally. Wings are coming of one way or another as far as I can see.

J, I think the fact that he had a spare about says it all, the big mt logo wouldn't come cheap.

8th Nov 2007, 02:22
Is that right well can't say I have ever shipped an aeroplane overseas....

8th Nov 2007, 09:43
I'm not sure if the last comment was in sarcasm or not?, I have never shipped an aircraft in a container either, though would be glad to be proven wrong. Common sense seems preclude wings on shipping though, for geometrical reasons as stated.

Sorry for drifting the thread guys.