View Full Version : General Apology

31st Oct 2007, 04:32

we've had some discussions on JHAS not responding to resumes sent through.

And we're probably appearing to be doing that right now. All I can ask is that you bear with us, as of last Friday we need to contact several hundred people as we are being deluged with applications. Jenny now has extra people on it and another starts this Thursday. The really unlucky ones amongst you will have my rather crusty voice at the other end of the line.

I promise we'll get back to you, it's just going to take us some time given the current rate applications are flowing in.

I'd like to express a general thankyou to everyone who has applied and apologise for the time it has taken or will take us to get back to you. As a general rule if you can have your licence documentation etc ready to go that will also make the turnaround time much less when we eventually do catch up.



31st Oct 2007, 04:56
Ahhh Manager Communication is something we dont usually see these days.......


training wheels
31st Oct 2007, 09:46
Sorry, but who's JHAS?

31st Oct 2007, 10:30
John Holland Aviation Services

No SAR No Details
31st Oct 2007, 11:21
Hundreds eh????

31st Oct 2007, 11:58
Yep.. Total call count required is now over 400.

31st Oct 2007, 12:03
Well done, Romulus.

It's refreshing to see a manager use known forums to communicate what can be under the circumstances. To other "managers"......... Please take note.
While I am not an applicant and do not work for JHAS, I think that this is so worthy of mention at a time that other managers are just sitting on their hands (hoping the problems will just go away) and doing nothing except find fault in others as a remedy.:ok:

Buster Hyman
31st Oct 2007, 12:20
Hey Romulus.

I'd mentioned JHAS to another chap who eventually did apply & he got back to me the other day saying he got no response. I'll make sure to pass on your comments.:ok:

31st Oct 2007, 12:38
Hey Romulus.

I'd mentioned JHAS to another chap who eventually did apply & he got back to me the other day saying he got no response. I'll make sure to pass on your comments.:ok:

No probs.

As with every process something can go wrong, people can always PM me here but don't expect an official response from a rumour website....


Buster Hyman
31st Oct 2007, 13:36
but don't expect an official response from a rumour website...
...is that official?

31st Oct 2007, 13:59
I understand that you have problems reponding to your applicants....yet people are at the core of JHAS...your words

I would have thought that your business plan would have accomodated more than 1 hr person...or an appropriate strategy to adjust...indeed given your proclaimed mantra of people are our core i find your applogetic nature demeaning, your tactics will be studied by business schools ( not sarcastic) your applogetic nature plays to those who crave communication...that is all..so do not celebrate your shortcomings

ROM you are a great sales person.. that is whay JHAS exists howver HOLLAND is not that patient a parent...your posting are a reflection of a great sales person playing to those who have been neglected, time will tell but you are a peice on the chess board...it gets eaten alot

31st Oct 2007, 22:50
I understand that you have problems reponding to your applicants....yet people are at the core of JHAS...your words


I would have thought that your business plan would have accomodated more than 1 hr person...or an appropriate strategy to adjust...

It did, and even then I (please note that the fault in this area is fully accepted by me) underestimated demand. We had overflow capacity from corporate and we had a contractor on as well.

Still wasn't enough and another has been added.

indeed given your proclaimed mantra of people are our core i find your applogetic nature demeaning,

You are correct. I should be telling everyone to f*ck off for being a pack of ingrates and that they should turn up and queue outside the guardhouse whilst we inspect teeth and fetlocks and choose who we want on any given day.

Or perhaps not.


your tactics will be studied by business schools ( not sarcastic) your applogetic nature plays to those who crave communication...that is all..so do not celebrate your shortcomings

No celebration whatsoever. By now I (again note this is personal opinion) wanted our full quota for the A380 project recruited and inducted and working on other types in the hangar until training rolls around. Didn't happen so we adapt and modify our strategy a touch.

ROM you are a great sales person.. that is whay JHAS exists howver HOLLAND is not that patient a parent...your posting are a reflection of a great sales person playing to those who have been neglected, time will tell but you are a peice on the chess board...it gets eaten alot

Yep. At some point I fully expect to be eaten. I am many things (and thanks for the salesman compliment) but a hypocrite isn't one of them and whilst I think the pretty much the entire JH group is an excellent place to work I won't claim we are perfect.

I think we have something new and different going on here and we have the opportunity to build a good solid business. In order to do that I expect people to put in and leave a lot of the baggage of the past outside, exactly the same as I have to do.

The HR team have busted their arses to work with the business to more than doble the number of employees in abot 3 months. We're pushing back on a number of business opportunities because we're so busy that to take anything substantially more would be foolish. Over time we'll do more and more, but in order to do that we need more people on board and fully inducted etc. It's a matter of record that I'd like B1 trfaining to have started, but more importantly we have found a backlog of human factors and other training we need to deal with so rather than chase the shiny new stuff we've made the call to focus on the basics first. Frustrating in some ways but from our viewpoint as engineers the foundation must be there before the rest can follow.

Thanks for the warning about chess pieces, I'll be careful, or at least as careful as a blue sky salesman can be!


1st Nov 2007, 01:16
Can you please tell me what positions and operation people are applying for "John Holland Aviation Services"

Thanks chaps:ok:

1st Nov 2007, 01:26
Can you please tell me what positions and operation people are applying for "John Holland Aviation Services"

Thanks chaps:ok:

Without getting into advertorial mode there are some roles within the A380 project team that require filling. Aviaiton Project Management, Fleet management, line station management that sort of thing.

1st Nov 2007, 01:34
Wingers you are an idiot

1st Nov 2007, 03:37
I knew a General Apology once. He was CO to Major Screwup and Corporal Punishment.

Poor joke, but I had to do it.

16th Dec 2007, 07:53
closely related to Captain Chaos, no doubt.

16th Dec 2007, 12:22

Well done Sir. As has been mentioned previously, you don't come across this type of courtesy often. To me, this is a direct reflection on how your company in all probability, values it's employees, which apart from the a/c are the next most valuable asset.

A few companies could take a valuable lesson from your 1st post.

Loose rivets
16th Dec 2007, 18:32
Certainly far removed from Chief Pilot Apocryphal.

On seeing a foot high pile of applications on his desk, he took half of them randomly and put them in the bin/trash.

"The last thing I need is unlucky pilots!!"

17th Dec 2007, 00:03
Received the email last week.
Cheers romulus.