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View Full Version : GAF Nomad Chief Test Pilot 1976

30th Oct 2007, 14:39
Can anyone help me identify the signature on a flight postal cover or be able to advise me who the Chief Test Pilot on the GAF Nomad was after Stuart Pierce, who died testing an aircraft in Aug? 1976.
Have tried posting image with no luck. Can email picture to anyone that thinks they can help
The TT

30th Oct 2007, 21:06
if memory serves correctly, Peter Reddell, ex-RAAF TP and all round good guy.

30th Oct 2007, 21:14
Thanks John

30th Oct 2007, 21:39
.. don't know the background to your request but, if you contact Red (last heard of doing some engineering work (plus a bit of flying) with SQ (?), say g'day for me .. and do ask him to relate the tale wherein he and Stuart found themselves in a paddock north of Melbourne .. he has a lovely and dry way of describing such events ...

Must be starting to slow down, I think ... left GAF in 74 and the history is starting to get a bit blurry in the brain cells ...

John Farley
31st Oct 2007, 19:40
Stuart Pearce's last flight from Avalon Victoria was on 6 Aug 76

Take care TT


31st Oct 2007, 23:19
.. and Patrick well remembers that day .. to this day. Salut !

31st Oct 2007, 23:27
Peter Reddell's back in aussie after a 6 year stint working for airbus in operations (380), toulouse.

Sydney I think...

1st Nov 2007, 00:24
.. must track him down for a convivial next time driving through ..

Cpt. Underpants
1st Nov 2007, 11:38
Wasn't Peter with Cathay for a while in the early 90's? The name rings a bell.

actus reus
2nd Nov 2007, 04:01
Yes, Peter was with CX vice SQ. He did not fly; however, but was in the Performance Engineering section of Flt Ops. Don Burns was the 'guru' of all things aerodynamic and I cannot recall who worked for whom.