View Full Version : infomatiom on cabin crew

tomcat 406
15th Feb 2001, 15:17
can anyone please help with any infomation on contact names Phone numbers or address for cabin crew in australia or abroad as I have dual citizenship british/australian. I have phoned Qantas recruitment number no luck and the same goes for most of the airlines .I would be happy to do a course but due to the quantity need help on choosing a decent one.If any one could pass on any tips or expertise I would be most grateful.Thankyou

17th Feb 2001, 02:55
Tomcat...it's not worth doing a course. Waste of money I think. You either have it or you don't and cabin crew H.R. will know it.
Ad's are in major Aust papers today - Sat 17th feb for full time positions with QF in Perth & casual positions in Sydney & Melbourne.
They're doing walk-in's & you've only got 5 mins to really sell yourself to them!! So start on that sales pitch....good luck!

tomcat 406
26th Feb 2001, 06:38
thankyou cart_tart for your advice .It is refreshing to recieve honest feedback in regards to positions within cabin crew.I did ring up and inquire about positions in perth, melbourne and sydney but it was a phone up and all positions were taken.Please can you tell me of an address I could send my resume to.You see the problem for me is I live in queensland and finding out an adress is near to impossible it must be the heat up here. Is it a strong requirement to speak a secound lanuage as i can speak africaans (basic that is). Listen thanks for the info and advice much appreciated

[This message has been edited by tomcat 406 (edited 26 February 2001).]