View Full Version : A Solution to the Pilot Shortage???

24th Oct 2007, 06:07
Heard this from the refueller today, his sister in law overheard a conversation between a certain regional airline executive and a mining boss discussing a possible way to attract pilots without paying them more. EPAULETTES. More gold bars (or silver as the case may be) on the shoulders should keep em happy! Gold (or silver) could be supplied by the mine itself, it's a win-win situation for all.... Any thoughts?

Pinky the pilot
24th Oct 2007, 06:16
I would suggest that this particular executive really needs to be taken out behind the nearest hangar for a quiet talking to! :*

24th Oct 2007, 06:22
I dun want more stripes, I just want some pips on my shoulder as well, :}:}. But an extra stripe would be good too.

Paper Planes
24th Oct 2007, 06:41
It's crazy how these executives think they can attract or keep pilots in aviation when they come up with rubbish like that. :yuk: Maybe they see us on the same level as a Taxi driver? Even they are probably making more money than pilots.

24th Oct 2007, 07:19
Paper Planes,

Mate, you really don't want to know how much taxi drivers make. I personally know a guy in Melbourne who makes up to $500 a day.

True story, no CPL MECIR, no degree, no diploma, no ATPL, no $110 K training, just a car license.

Makes me sick.:yuk:

Howard Hughes
24th Oct 2007, 07:30
Pip? I want some crossed swords on mine...;)

24th Oct 2007, 07:39
Bloody managers have got it all backward. What we want is less epaulettes! Hell, i'd be in like a flash if the uniform was thongs/barefoot, comfy shorts, t-shirt (optional in summer). Until then i'm not leaving my Tigermoth.

And no flights above 10k so i can hang my arm out the window.

Now.......as for the hosties..... :}

24th Oct 2007, 07:44
This is likely to be the cure for the lack of aeroplane drivers


Metro man
24th Oct 2007, 09:32
I would want a proper cap as well, preferably with the scrambled eggs gold trim on the peak. If I had that I would quite happily fly their turbo props for $50 000 a year.:yuk:

24th Oct 2007, 10:40
if it's REX... they'd probably pay a squillion bucks on extra bars before paying anything more to the pilots :} anything but pay the pilots more!! :bored:

Mr. Hat
24th Oct 2007, 12:14
its okay, likely his/her company will not be around anyway. Then we'll see who has the smug look on ther face hey:eek:

Gerry harvey - god why do people go to his stores anyway - its all half the price on the net.

25th Oct 2007, 09:58
All it's gonna take is for one of the incumbant regionals to go to the wall and the "Pilot Shortage" is fixed. But only for a while.


26th Oct 2007, 00:55
I would want a proper cap as well, preferably with the scrambled eggs gold trim on the peak
Beat me to it Metro man - the bigger the better. A big, beautiful cap with unfeasibly large wings:

26th Oct 2007, 01:05
Bunch of amatuers!

I want a gold uniform. The whole thing gold.
(And a powered wheelchair to move me around while wearing it)