View Full Version : Qualifications - Self Sponsorship

19th Oct 2007, 21:03
Hello all :)

I know there is a similar thread lurking about, but that was more specific to the qualifications needed for full sponsorship. I am looking to do it all self sponsored.

I am in my last year of secondary school and keen to be a pilot. I have read almost everything there is explaining the routes etc...

Soon i will have to pick which path to go to next (collage etc).

I understand that you don't necessarily need any qualifications to be a pilot, as the CPL and ATPL exams make up for that. However, what subjects would you advise me to take? I was thinking Maths and Physics + 2 others that i would have to take at A Level. Or would i be better just taking what i would enjoy doing?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is the best place for answers.

Kind Regards, Sam.

PS, if there is another thread similar to this, would you please point me in the right direction :) i did a search prior to this but couldn't find much.

19th Oct 2007, 22:01
Important to get 5 gcse's A-C as these are min requirements, including Maths and a Science subject important. Maths and Physics are the best subjects to take for A level but make sure you're fairly good at them, and you don't hate them! Taking them and failing or getting really bad grades isn't really going to help. The other 2 don't really matter, go towards your strengths and interests. Good luck!

R T Jones
19th Oct 2007, 22:03
I think the general reply to what subjects you should take is do o An A in History is probably looked nes you will do well in and are good at.upon more favourably than a D in Maths. Whichever subjects you choose do put 110% effort into them. If you can do maths and physics then personally I think they are a good choice, but do not feel pressured into doing them. I am slightly confused about your wording of self-sponsorship. If you want to do everything self-sponsored then really all you need is a large chequebook, it is generally the sponsorships that will have particular academic criteria. Hope this proves helpful.

19th Oct 2007, 22:07
For your own ease of being able to comfortably pass the ATPL exams, I would recommend Maths and Physics; the other two are up to you. I would personally recommend English, although subjects like Business Studies would just stand you in stead for the future.

If you're planning on paying for all your own training, I would also recommend subjects that would get you another job/career on which to fall back if you are not successful in getting into aviation.



19th Oct 2007, 22:14

Thanks for the replies!

I am planning to do full self sponsor ship because from what i have read, it isn't to easy to get full / partial sponsorship. I'm planning to take ICT with whatever i choose as i personally feel that i'm strong at that subject, and that would give me a good back up career if it all went t!ts up.

I think i would be ok at A level physics (although it must be a huge step-up from GCSE). However, with maths i'm un sure.... I'm ok at it, but by no means am i any good! Just one of those subjects I've never been good at.

I have an interview with the careers women at our school so i will she what she says.

Thanks for the replies :) Much appreciated :)

Sam :ok::ok:

R T Jones
20th Oct 2007, 10:17
I think all subjects the jump from GCSE to A-Level is quite big, I remember being surprised by the difference, but once you get stuck in, it becomes normal after a while! You may find the career advice at your school rather sketchy, the best research I did was on pprune and links from here I would read about something here, google it and get more sides to the story as a lot of stuff on here can be quite negative!

20th Oct 2007, 11:03
maybe wait and see what gcse grade u get at Maths? could u do AS level maths first? what r ur predicted grades? ps don't write in txt spk on application forms!! I am just lazy!

20th Oct 2007, 11:10
Please don't be lazy. Please afford everyone on this site the same courtesy as you would if you were filling in an application form. By admitting to us that you can't be bothered to type correctly implies that you don't think this readership is worth the effort. You would be surprised at how much more respect you would gain from a well-written and correctly spelt post.



20th Oct 2007, 11:10

I'm predicted a B in everything at school. Currently working on a C in maths but my teacher says i should get a B when the tests come up, so fingers crossed :O

Many thanks for the advice, it's nice to have somewhere to go and get answers :)


20th Oct 2007, 11:33
good for u, u sound like a most suitable candidate. take ur teachers advice and use all available resources to make ur decision(good crew resource management!) - yourself, your parents, can i also suggest going to a flight school open day OAT at oxford run them regularly and they will be able to give u good advice. and go and do a trial lesson at some point - get 1 for xmas - make sure u like it and will be great experience! good luck for the future.

20th Oct 2007, 11:39

look I'm in a hurry to get to work but am happy to give my professional help and advice to people on this forum. i got a great deal of help when i was looking to become a pilot so i feel i should give something back. i now have a good deal of knowledge of pilot assessment and selection procedures so think i am fairly qualified to give advice. don't see u helping him much. i have to go and fly a 737 in a few mins but dont have very long so sorry if i type quickly and don't punctuate correctly! if i dont wanna spel right proper or nuffink then i wont alrite? reespect!

glad i've just spent another 5 mins responding to you....where's my *&%&^ ID pass?

Newgen Jock
21st Oct 2007, 11:53
Hi Sam-MAN, your question was specifically i.r.o. SELF-sponsored.......
As has already been said, you only really need GCSE-standard Maths & Science to get through the work. It's not rocket-science, but IS a HUGE volume in a short time! So being able to study and absorb a huge amount in a short time is a prerequisite!
HOWEVER, when the time comes for applying for a job/ Type Rating/ SSTR/ JOC, etc, you WILL need as high Academic qualifications as you can get as it can be VERY competitive. (look up various Schools' entry and/or assessment requirements, that'll give you a good idea)
So get the highest Exam Qual's you can & go for it!
BTW, make sure you can get a Class 1 Medical before you start spending silly amounts of dosh........................
Good luck. I know many who have done just that.

9th Nov 2007, 17:02
Hello again...

Didn't want to bring this thread back from the dead but better than starting a new one.

While looking at my local collage i discovered this course. Which, for a little aviation geek like me sounds perfect!


What do you think? Worth taking it? It would leave me in a good position to get a job in the aviation industry if something went wrong and i couldn't be a pilot.

Cheers :ok:

10th Nov 2007, 11:57
Anybody know if that course would be a good choice?


10th Nov 2007, 20:45

Sam, this is an A-level equivalent course. My schoolie opinion (I do fly too) is that the best a-level level course is an A-level!

My further, more contentious opinion is that C grades in Maths and Physics A level, are more valuable that A grades in Media and Sport science.


10th Nov 2007, 20:53

Although this will proberly not contribute anything towards qualifying towards being a pilot i thought it would be a good idea as a 'back up'. To be honest i doubt i'd pass maths at A level, ad i dont want to waste 2 years doing something that i don't have much faith in. I'd much prefer to do something that i'd be good at and enjoy.

Or maybe i'm taking the wrong decision?

Thanks once again, Sam

10th Nov 2007, 21:19
GO FOR IT!! :ok:

10th Nov 2007, 21:28




11th Nov 2007, 09:08

Oh No! I have just said "Oh F*** :mad:" to myself!

Whirls, I thought you was someone else who gave a stroppy comment

a few weeks back thats why i said your always butting in.

I was in the wrong! it wasn't you!

please accept my apology..... NOW EDITED!!!

Now I feel Daft! - So Sorry!:O:O

11th Nov 2007, 11:13
Apology accepted :)



11th Nov 2007, 16:28

11th Nov 2007, 17:18

Press that start topic button