View Full Version : J* Recruitment / Basings

18th Oct 2007, 11:09
Does anyone know of how interviewing is going at the moment? ie numbers, interviewing each week, time from interview to start dates?

Has anyone been through the recruitment process lately and been given any info on initial basings / hiring numbers?

How about the relative seniority for bases and the ability to transfer to your chosen base...???

I heard a rumour that the endorsement cost is Salary Sacrafice these days too...can anyone confirm??

And the great unknown....anyone heard of the B787 delay and its effect on recruitment for the coming year??

Cheers, OS and trying to get back!!
abroad :ok:

Capt Fathom
18th Oct 2007, 11:54
Cheers, OS and trying to get back!!

If you were that serious about returning, why don't you just call them and ask?

18th Oct 2007, 18:12
i would also like to know the low down on Jetstar at the moment. i would call them myself Capt, but do not have the names or the numbers. any chance you could help out with those. i have also used the 'search' function, but no luck. for myself and the girl, OS is getting a little old as well.

20th Oct 2007, 09:56
Try ringing
Ask for Cindy.
cheers good luck.

20th Oct 2007, 23:42
Cindy said she can blow my gasket for $300.
Cheap endo.