View Full Version : IN NEED OF A BIT OF ADVICE

6th Feb 2002, 22:09
Hi peeps

I was just wondering (i know that this may touch a few nerves, but i don't mean to)...

In light of all the job cuts etc in the ground ops area do you forecast an increase/start of recruiting of ground staff, such as aircraft handlers, come the holiday season months (july/august)???

Thanks in advance. .Dave

9th Feb 2002, 08:05
Ground handling lives on seasonal employment. Always has, so summer recruitment should come as no surprise.

13th Feb 2002, 15:08
Liquidhockey, not sure about your main text but your subtext question. ."to be or not" etc. .the question was very simple.. ."Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outragious fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles". .So now you Know! <img src="wink.gif" border="0">