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View Full Version : HM Forces decide the election

22/7 Master
18th Oct 2007, 10:28
As part of our 'Forces Voter Registration Day' I have been completing the required form for a postal/proxy vote and have noticed something interesting.
Para 2 states ' Please give the UK address where you would like to register. This can be the address where you are currently living (or where you would be living if you were not in the Armed Forces). If you cannot say where you are living, give your last UK address before you took up your post. '
So all we need to do is blag a postal address in a series of marginal constituencies and the election is ours.
Does this constitute election fraud or a military coup.
Labour and Conservatives - let the bidding war for the Military Covenant commence........

18th Oct 2007, 10:40
We left our vote in a Jock constituency for some time after we left. We had moved to a constituency where our vote did not matter.:}

Dan Gerous
18th Oct 2007, 11:09
It has always mystifyed me when politicians refer to "the grey vote" "the asian vote" "the black vote" the gay/pink vote" "the military vote" and so on. As if these sections of society can on their own affect the outcome of an election. If there was an MP specifically elected by these minority groups I could see the point. One thing that could be done fairly easily though, would be to have an "Armed Forces" MP elected by members of the services to look after their interests, and not have their vote dilluted in the general populations vote.

18th Oct 2007, 11:41
Never mind the marginals - good old Joe Public may sort those out anyway.

Is it possible to split the Armed Forces registrations between the constituencies Brown / Browne / Ainsworth? I reckon an extra 50000 votes for the opposition parties up against these three, whilst it may not win the overall election, would be a great morale boost. And any spare could go and ruin Hoons day as well!

If only it were that easy :E

Green Flash
18th Oct 2007, 19:17
The falling % turnout is more worrying, I would suggest. What really grips my sh!t is the prats who don't vote, then whinge for years afterwards. Get out and make your mark, lazy b@stards; even if it's for the Monster Raving Looneys (of whichever political persausion) - VOTE!