View Full Version : V Australia

17th Oct 2007, 10:01
Hey there,

Just wondering if anyone has heard any rumours about V Australia - Product, routes etc? Was expecting their to have been more details released by now...


17th Oct 2007, 11:43
They had a team of middle east expats lined up to kick off the Op..right up till they heard how low the proposed salary was to be.
Will be interesting to see who would want to fly for them. The product out the front will be slick, but for those at the coalface it will be cheap and nasty.

17th Oct 2007, 21:26
If you weren't living in the US i'd reckon you were joking...:eek:

Wednesday 25 July 2007: Competition on the Trans Pacific route is a step closer with the official announcement in Sydney today of the name of Virgin Blue’s new long haul carrier and flagship aircraft.
Virgin Blue is also pleased to announce that yesterday it received formal confirmation from Australia’s International Air Services Commission (IASC) that it has approval to operate return non-stop services between Australia and the United States commencing late 2008*.
“V Australia” will initially operate flights between the east coast of Australia and the west coast of the United States of America, with the first flight operated by a brand new B777-300ER launch aircraft named “Didgeree Blue”.
The livery of “V Australia” was also unveiled today, keeping in touch with its Virgin Blue roots, but revealing a contemporary look which will launch a new era of competition on the Trans Pacific route. The airline will sport a smart silver fuselage with a red tail featuring the stars of the Southern Cross and elements of the Australian flag.
It will be the fourth airline in the Virgin Blue Group of Airlines including multi award winning domestic carrier Virgin Blue, New Zealand based airline Pacific Blue and Polynesian Blue, the joint venture airline between Virgin Blue and the Government of Samoa.
Virgin Blue put out a call to all Australians as part of a nationwide “Name the Airline” competition in conjunction with MIX FM radio station to help name the new international airline.
The competition attracted approximately 5942 entries which included some especially creative suggestions such as “Randy Roo Airlines”, Choo Choo Flying Big Blue” and “Pineapple Airlines”.
The clear favourite was however eventually selected by the judges from the thousands of entries with “V Australia”, nominated by Teresa Manuel from Sydney, unanimously voted as the best name for the new airline.
“Didgeree Blue”, suggested by Irene Wilson of Brisbane, was also chosen as the perfect name to grace the nosecone of V Australia’s flagship and launch aircraft.
Virgin Blue Airlines Group Chief Executive, Brett Godfrey, said, “We had an amazing response to help name the airline and V Australia stood out among the entries. It is nice and simple, easily recognised, both understated and obvious and has a clear Australian identity.
“This is the first time in decades Australia has a start-up long haul international airline and we look forward to bringing competitive air fares and a new style of service to the Trans Pacific market.”
Commenting on the new livery Brett Godfrey continued, “It is important for us to use the Southern Cross not only for its geographic connotations, but also for its place in Australian aviation folklore. Southern Cross was also the name of Charles Kingsford Smith’s aircraft as the intrepid aviator opened the world to Australia with his record breaking long distance flights and we think it appropriate to reflect the very best of a modern confident Australia taking to the skies.”
V Australia has also applied for permission from the United States Government to commence services in November 2008 and is continuing its progress with the development of its launch route network, product and fare structure.

18th Oct 2007, 08:51
Interesting to hear the first guy employed is from South Africa..well done to him...but were there NO Australians available??

18th Oct 2007, 12:30
Interesting to hear the first guy employed is from South Africa

Not just the first, not by a long shot.

Another japie club.

Turbo Tim
18th Oct 2007, 19:23
Got some info from one of my mates in South Africa that a South African Airways management pilot has been appointed as the Training Manager.
Also, that airline is going through a bit of financial trouble and are theatening to get rid of about 200 pilots, so I am not surprised that they are trying to come to OZ

TAC inop.
23rd Oct 2007, 23:15
....any one know how to get to square one with this operation?

I filled out the 'expression of interest' online....but then what can a fella do?

Is it filed into the great abyss, like all the other online updates for this place?

I'm back in Oz, loads of jet time, B777 included, but strangely enough, not a squeek from HR departments (Jetstar included)

If anyone knows how to shake the cage, please let me know



On Guard
24th Oct 2007, 03:39
Yes, I have had the same issue with Jetstar HR, all sounds good via correspondnace and then you register and hear nothing? Any news on next interviews at JS?