View Full Version : Re: Operations Job Spec

5th May 2001, 22:43
Hey everyone!

I need a bit of help.. I'm looking for an Operations Officer's job description for some important paperwork that I need to complete. Does anyone know where I can get a hard copy of a full description for all OPS duties?

Thanks everyone


[This message has been edited by Texasgirl (edited 05 May 2001).]

6th May 2001, 19:29
sorry, dont speak to the media

6th May 2001, 22:06
Waco, Sorry to to burst the bubble (nothing personal)
TG is not the media, she is a fellow ops controller who needs to reapply for a visa.
All she is after is a good job desciption so she can word the application properly and to speed up the process.

LALA you get around any suggestions ?

7th May 2001, 01:51
Walla - you're supposedly in Ops. Texasgirl is according to you in ops - so what's your problem!

Unless of course you don't know your own job description http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/otn/angels/bat_angel.gif

7th May 2001, 09:13
How did i know you would answer with a smart comment.(i should have known better)
Our ops is not taken serious by the management like a commercial airline.

We do exactly the same flight following etc,
However, we also do crewing,FDP's,aircraft cleaning and stocking, clearing sales invoices,quoting flights,and also a personel answer service for every man and his dog.

Unfortunatly GA ops is a bit like that but thanks for the useless input.
Can anyone else shed any light on job specs.


7th May 2001, 12:12
Texas Girl + Walla

You have mail http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif

7th May 2001, 13:40
Just to let you know TG, I work for a UK FRT Company in ops and I am able to supply you with a full job description. However, it's pretty boring reading!!!
If you are still after the info, let me know.


7th May 2001, 21:35
my sincere apologies if you had exlained your situation! http://cwm.ragesofsanity.com/contrib/lilly/sten1pinkgreen.gif

Do feel free to email if you still require assistance, I can't as you don't display any ctc.

10th May 2001, 00:13
TG - If you work in Ops like Walla sez, how come you need a job spec??? Do you need one that doesn't include surfing???