View Full Version : TWA Flight Attendants!!

14th Oct 2007, 15:54
Hi I received the next e-mail and I think we need to call to our solidarity and give a sign:

Hello friends, hello fellow flight attendants,

Please take some time to read this.

I have a friend in the US who used to be a TWA flight attendant. As many of you might know and to those of you who don´t know it: American Airlines took over TWA in 2001 with all of its assets, route authorities and employees and literally stapled all former TWA employees to the bottom of the American seniority list. There has never been a real or fair integration of these former TWA workers into the American system. You know the deal: LAST hired, FIRST fired!!!

As a result many, many employees of this so called stapled group - the former TWA group were furloughed in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and simply lost their jobs, some of them facing complete and total financial devastation. 100% of former TWA flight attendants were furloughed.

Just recently American Airlines started recalling former TWA flight attendants. The most junior one being called back in the first round has a date of employment with TWA of 1975!!! All TWA flight attendants were given 5 years of call back rights, since they were furloughed at different times (naturally the more junior ones went first) my friend who was employed by TWA in june 1999 and furloughed by American shortly after 9/11 in october 2001, already fell of the recall list in january of 2007.

Please sign this petition in order to help my dear friend and all other TWA employees to extend their recall rights. This should become law and if so it will affect all people who lost their recall rights after 9/11. It´ll give them a total of 10 years in recall rights. Another 5 years that might result in my friend and others being able to return to their jobs. Please help by signing this petition. This would be highly appreciated.

Bitte kopieren, einfügen und die Petition "unterschreiben" und absenden.
Please copy and paste it and then sign the petition.


Wäre auch schön wenn Ihr es an viele weiterschicken könntet!
Would be great if you could forward it to anyone you know!

Vielen Dank/Thank You

Jetlagged Purser
16th Oct 2007, 23:39
I've always felt badly about what happened to the flight attendants at TWA. Thank you for posting the link. I've signed the petition.