View Full Version : Career Change

3rd Apr 2001, 21:21
I wish to persue a different line of work in aviation - I would like to work in ops/crewing. Can anybody give me any useful information as to what I need to know in terms of knowledge, etc.. and what they look for in a person

Thanks in advance

4th Apr 2001, 00:30
A sense of humour is all that is required!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, seriously in simplified terms you need to have an understanding of CAP371 & the FTL scheme from the company's Operations Manual.

Apart from that a lot of LUCK getting in with the right company. Good Crewing Officers are hard to find as most of it is done by computers & the so called crewing officers who merely input info the system & hope that what they've done is right. If not then the computer tells them.

4th Apr 2001, 14:08
capacity to work in team, under pressure, h24 shifts...low pay, tons of stress but much of fun.
Nobody (except your collegues) realize how important is our job, but I would never change it.
And remember: Flight Dispatchers tell Pilots where to go (and crewing staff remember crews their names...)


4th Apr 2001, 14:49
Go for it..........

I'll never be a rich man but I've seen the world and for that alone it's been worth every minute (well okay perhaps there have been a few days when the sense of humour failed......).

Back in the UK in around 8 days, feel free to send an e-mail if you need any specific help.

4th Apr 2001, 18:43
A sense of humour is the big one! A day of grumpy crew can really ware you down, but then again. That's a good excuse for a pint or three.
We might whine, bitch and moan. But its a fun job ;)

4th Apr 2001, 20:03
Thanks for your answers all - appreciate it
