View Full Version : What Training to I Need to Acquire

25th Mar 2001, 15:44
I am a 28 year old living in Brisbane Australia who is interested in trying to find a job as a ground ops person with an airline here in Brisbane. I would consider travelling overseas if something arose. I have always had an interest in wanting to work around aircraft and I am at the stage now where I would like to take the training necessary to be able to work with aircraft, hopefully I am not to old. I would appreciate if anyone could maybe give an idea of some contacts or websites I can visit to try and find out the necessary training required. I look foward to any replys with anticipation.



no sig
25th Mar 2001, 16:36

If you were in the UK you'd start by more accurately defining what sector of ground ops you would like to work in. If its Ops Control then you'd start by doing the basic aviation studies course which covers the industry standards, the way it works, principles of flight, weather, navigation, aircraft performance etc. If in the US you might consider the FAA Aircraft Dispatchers licence.

My suggestion would be to contact a college or two in Australia or speak with people in the job to find out what standards or courses apply in your part of the world.

Although aviation operates largely to international standards, local variation do exist. Good Luck

26th Mar 2001, 09:35
mikedaw - Several years ago a collague of mine did an Aviation Studies correspondence course which was organised by a college in Redhill,Surrey U.K.
It included everything you would need to know to impress a potential employer.Unfortunately I don't know the name or address of the college - do any other ppruners know if it's still available?
Good luck.

27th Mar 2001, 20:09

I sat this course ten years ago, and it is worth doing. It can still be done by distance learning. The college in question is East Surrey College, and the address is as follows...

East Surrey College PLC.,
Airline Studies Department,
The Adult Education Centre,
Court Lodge Road,
United Kingdom

The course costs may be high for someone domiciled outside the UK, and the qualification gained (City & Guilds of London Institute Certificate in Basic Aviation Studies) is not recognised internationally.

As an alternative, I would check out if the CAAA recognises US FAA Flight Despatcher Licences. If so, I can recommend a school in Dallas Fort Worth.

Hope that helps.


:) ;)