View Full Version : CAP371OUT OF DATE

20th Feb 2001, 00:23
If a Nigel comes back from a Holiday in SYD today, and the next day he flys an aircraft to LAX he legal to do so?? ( he wouldn't be if legally rostered to do so ).

Also how come on long range Ops (3CREW)if you report between 2200-0559LT a max FDP is 11.00 for a one sector day, but if the crew are unacclimatised the crew can do either 11.30 or 13.00 hrs depending on how much rest??. That would lead me to positioning a crew in to work unacclimatised...

Question - Is CAP371 reflective of the aircraft that UK operators now fly, or is it still presuming we still fly the Atlantic on
757's tech stopping in Bangor Maine all the time. Given that the UK is trying to get a European FTL scheme for a fair playing field, do UK Nigels have it better than their European counterparts??
Certainly from a FDP and standby point of view them seem to??

20th Feb 2001, 03:39
I was under the impression that CAP371 is only an advisary document, with each carrier submitting their FTL scheme using 371 for guidance. There have been various ntaoch's supplimenting 371, which include variations that can be applied dependant on your (Airline) needs.
The unacclimatised table is based around normal sleep patterns which is why there is only the 2 options.
It is up to your company to apply the most favourable rules.