View Full Version : Dispatch Jobs

6th May 2000, 11:31
I'm interested in moving to the Middle East and trying to find a Dispatcher job. Anyone know the best way to pursue this, or have any advice ? I have an FAA dispatch licence and pilot certificates.

no sig
7th May 2000, 15:20
Nimbus, Do your research, decide where you want to be most, get a list of the airlines in that area, get the name of the Ops/Dispatch Manager and then send him a letter/email + CV. It is always useful to try and get a contact from within the organisation who can give you the inside story first. Who to write to and indeed if you want to work with that airline at all.

Good Luck

Hope that helps.

9th Jun 2000, 17:10
Been thgere, seen it, done it... glad to get back to the REAL WORLD.

The Middle East changed a lot during my 9 years as a Dispatcher in the region, and the contract are now no where near the level I was lucky enough to get.

I ended up with a decent salary with all the perks, but was working 19+ hour days at one point.

Tread very carefully when looking for job's in the Middle East....your up against the sub-continent/ East European labour market who will work 24 hours a day for food and accomodation so don't expect the salary to be worth the hassle.

Get the job first, do a full financial and professional background check on your prospective employer, and the ONLy then make the move. Just ask anyone who worked for Air Ilia...No employemnt visa's, no rent paid, no salaries paid...Now having to pay the Immigration Authorities thousands of dollars just to get out of the country.

Bitter? ME? Not a chance..


[This message has been edited by Whooaahh (edited 09 June 2000).]