View Full Version : HELP

10th Oct 2000, 03:19
I am currently a pilot,but i'm off to the specialist today with a career ending eye problem.Just wondering how one would break into your part of the game i.e ops or flight dispatch.Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.

10th Oct 2000, 03:27
Sorry to hear that,
well depends where you are located. In the US you would need a license in order to dispatch aircraft. In Europe a license is (mostly) not required (country requirements), though having one or a formal course makes it a little easier.
Being a pilot you obviously already have the required knoweldge and would be eligible to obtain a FAA ticket with minimum effort (and cost).
As for the schools just check the threats, since they come up fairly frequently.


10th Oct 2000, 08:14
Thankyou for your response fcit,I am presently working in Australia but I am a british citizen and have a strong desire to work in the U.K or Europe at some stage.Any information or insight you could provide regarding careers in ops or dispatch i.e courses,opportunities,pay,job conditions etc would be greatly appreciated.CHEERS.

10th Oct 2000, 14:08
Sorry to hear the news....
Drop me an e-mail, i'll try and fill you in with what Uk operators will look for.


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