View Full Version : Don't you just hate it when.........................

3rd Feb 2001, 03:25
after a particularily 'bad' shift, you've had to make no end of instant decisions, management in the old light of day with 20/20 hindsite pick holes in what you have managed to achieve.

We can all with the advantage of time come up with possibly better solutions to scenerios, but when the chips are down and the problem needs an immediate answer you don't have that 'time' factor on your side.

know the truth, speak the truth, but above all live the truth.

[This message has been edited by cj (edited 02 February 2001).]

3rd Feb 2001, 06:18
I take it you enjoyed that little bit of fog on 01Feb then ?

Bondy :)

3rd Feb 2001, 19:52
CJ, i can sympathise with you on that one. I can well remember how it feels to have your previous shifts decisions picked apart by people who either do not or will not appreciate the circumstances under which a lot of these decisions are made. Its no joke when you are up to your eyes in telexes, have 2 DCS systems to operate, dispatchers to co ordinate, 2 radio systems to answer and a phone which never stops ringing. And they wonder why i left......

4th Feb 2001, 02:33
...not speaking of how hard is to explain to commercial depts and big bosses (that never answer when you call friday nite) that yr solution is good...
comm: "why didn't you do that way iso this way!"
ops: "because you were sleeping, maybe?" (this is what i'm gonna say before being fired...)

I'm with you pal

4th Feb 2001, 03:35
fog no problem, at least there is more of a chance that it will clear during the day, whereas that bout of snow.. :mad:

know the truth, speak the truth, but above all live the truth.

[This message has been edited by cj (edited 03 February 2001).]