13th Sep 2000, 13:39
Hey people, don't know what it's like where you sit, but I think this is proving to be one hell of a summer !!!

I have noticed that crews are becomming even more "snappy" then usual.

So sod the petrol dispute, lets promote BE NICE TO AN OPS AND CREWING PERSON TODAY CAMPAIGN !

Or smile ops and crewing are humans too!!!

Any thoughts

Grandad Flyer
13th Sep 2000, 23:57
Out of general interest, what is the feeling amongst Ops and Crewing about pilots not getting to work due to lack of fuel? I am trying my darndest but as the buses round here are about to run out of fuel (and only run during daylight hours) I will soon not be in a position to get to work. Are any airlines paying for hotels?

14th Sep 2000, 04:25
Certainly looks like I picked the right 2 weeks to take leave - Sussex is just about dry, even Eddie Stobart is having problems!!!!
Lets face it - it's going to happen, I work in STN and would have a problem, i'd have to consider moving into a local B+B. Most of our guys are spread over the South East/ Midlands, just a small handful live in the surrounding area.

Your right, is it my imagination or have the Summers got alot worse - long gone are those fun summers of work hard, play hard - it's just alot of crap these days!!!!
My only consolation - I intend this to be my last ever summer in Crew Control (Subject to some fool giving me that first flying job of course)

Hear All...See All...Say Now't.

14th Sep 2000, 14:00
Lets have national give dispatchers a break day !!

Nice one Waco !!

I'm mad as I have just taken leave to go home and see my family at the other end of the country and I don't have any motion lotion to get me there


Mr Not quite so positive http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif

roger out
18th Sep 2000, 22:24
With regard to the "not getting to work due to having no petrol" issue, I have seen a document, published by the DTI, which gives a list of workers/trades that can get fuel from those garages permitted to dispense to
vital services. We (civil aviation) feature at No.10. I've mentioned this to my boss and have suggested he gets/distributes further copies before the next blockade. I have not checked, but I think that the list is on the DTI website. Hope that this helps.
Mind you, with the way that we are treated by my Company, any excuse not to have to come in is a blessing!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by roger out (edited 19 September 2000).]