View Full Version : Interlopers

tatenda shamwari
5th Sep 2000, 02:34
What is it with companies that seem to think they need consultants to resolve apparant problems.

They come it, look over your shoulder, watch every move, then make their findings to the management. What do you discover, they come up with what you have been trying to explain to management is the problem, but it takes an outsider to make them listen.

Not only that, quite often you find the consultant is the one talking to you, listening to your views, and then reporting them as if they came up with the ideas(your ones) in the first place. Not only that they usually have less sharp end knowledge than you, but because they pass themselves off as 'consultants' they must be listened to.

So yes you guessed it - for whatever reason, no matter whose fault - have no time for consultants. http://smilecwm.tripod.com/cwm2/puke.gif

9th Sep 2000, 09:46
Easy enough,
consultants charge a lot of $$$ and everything that is expensive is good. If you suggest something (even it's the same) it will always be considered as something to ease your individual workload (all employees are lazy and stupid).

Ergo, let's all become consultants and sell the same work for double $$$ :)
If the result is a major screw up , it's a fault of the system (or the remaining employees).
