View Full Version : interview questions

4th Aug 2000, 12:06
i have today received notice of an interview
with one of the big(ish) boys as an ops controller.

does anyone have any good questions to ask in
order to make an impression ?

also has anyone had any tuff questions asked
of them that they couldn't answer?

any help/tips appreciated. i need this one!

4th Aug 2000, 20:37
16 years ago, when I was just a bagagge handler, but keen to break into the airline ops, I secured and Interview with Dan-Air.

The question was..
"What does the abbreivation "GS" stand for?"

My Answer
"Ground Support"

Every idiot knows it is "glide slope", but I had a mental block and screwed up the answer, but 2 week's later I had a letter oferring me the job I was being interviewed for.

The moral of the story.

Know your stuff, but don't panic if you get some questions wrong...They are looking for more than just current knowledge as they can soon fix that...They will probably be looking for;
a. Good attitude
b. Teamworking skill's
c. Enthusiasm for the industry (but not the anorak at the end of the runway type of enthusiasm)
d. Profesionalism and Presentation
f) Cool under pressure
g) Experience in a similar environment
and not neccessariliy in that order.

Go for it, and stop worrying about specific's but swot up on your JAR's just in case.

Good luck, buddy!!


6th Aug 2000, 23:28
Good luck with the interview.

One thing I've learnt, and it may be odvious, do your research into a potential employer first, fleet size and type, route structure and any recent press appearances.

I've always felt that this shows that you've done some homework and that your not wasting the interviewers time.

9th Aug 2000, 00:18
I found most of the interviews fairly relaxed, though I agree that having some knowledge about the company and the equipment makes an impression. I was never really quizzed about JARs (neither FARs), but that might be a picularity of the interviewer.
Indeed, the human resource folks often don't have a (major) clue about the subject anyways, so chances are that they won't be indulging to deeply into specifics.

Good luck!