Pete McGuirk
2nd Aug 2000, 18:56
I am planning to train as a Dispatcher next June, if anyone has an idea which airlines MAY be hiring in around 12 months time please could they let me know. Also I am A BRit who would like the chance to live and work in the states - if anyone knows how easy/hard that is I would welcome your comments. Thanks if you can help!

3rd Aug 2000, 15:48
Ahh, the vicious circle begins..

No Green-Card = No Job = No Green-Card.

I have had an FAA Aircraft Dispatchers licence for over 10 years, If I were you would not even be attempting to get a job in the states especially as you are a "freshman".

The grass is NOT as green stateside as you may think, and your FAA ticket and British Passport will be much more attractive to the Middle East or Asian markets especially if you have the City & Guilds in Aviation Studies under your belt as well.

Get back to me once you have your licence, I could well sort you out with something to get you some "front-line" experience, but not in the States.

In fact, as a Mission Support Technician, I'm assuming you are military and in that case, we could have something very soon that may include sponsoring the FAA Licence.

Send me a private E-mail, and don't forget to include your current CV.


Pete McGuirk
3rd Aug 2000, 17:29

Thanks a lot for the advice and I will certainly bear that in mind - I am not military now but was. Work for British Aerospace in Saudi witht he RSAF at the moment. Obviously I would be very interested in any sponsorship that may be on offer. I have not prepared a CV at the moment but will get one prepared and send it to you in due course. Thanks again.
By the way I am new to this so do not know how to send a private e-mail!!! again any advice would be welcome.

5th Aug 2000, 01:40
I take it that you have some experience over in the Middle East. Would be interested to find out more, though I read in other discussions that this area of the world is experiencing quite some influx from former Russia as well as South Asia.
No doubt I have met excellently trained aviation staff from this part of the world over here in Europe. Just be curious, whether the rumours about dumping salaries in the desert are true or not...

Cheers fcit