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View Full Version : Typhoon incident Blackpool

21st Sep 2007, 18:10
so to set the scene few aircraft arriving Blackpool for this weekends southport airshow.

one arrival a typhoon does a slow entry into Blackpools overhaed and heads off over towards warton then does a fairly high speed run and break into the circuit...nothing untoward yet.

After touchdown on the main runway the typhoon then does a touch and go lifts off then disssapears out of my sight when he reappears again it is just outside the airfield boundary he is at around 100 feet agl very nose high attitude with the brake chute streamed and fully inflated :eek: the chute then gets jettisoned i can only assume either into the sea or onto the beach a quite high engine noise is noted and after an initial dip the aircraft starts to climb.

Airfield fire siren sounds and 2 appliances trundle out aircarft makes a few passes then an unevetfull landing takes place.

anyone any idea what may have caused this?

21st Sep 2007, 20:27
As a first guess I would say...
a. Accidental chute deployment by the gaffer driving. :uhoh:
b. Deliberate chute deployment by the gaffer driving just to show off. :eek:
c. Mechanical/electrical fault deploys chute, gaffer driving does a sterling bit of work up front, notices a bit of excess drag and does the necessary, good job done, free drinks in the bar. :D
Apart from that, absolutely no idea. Not even seen a Typhoon yet. :ok:

21st Sep 2007, 22:26
He might have being doing stalls on the beach??:ok:

I wouldn't like to guess the stalling speed of a Typhoon??:oh:

21st Sep 2007, 22:33
Turin.... I do hope you are not serious about b)
Our Air Force are a wee bit more Professional than that are they not.?? :=

21st Sep 2007, 22:58
"Our Air Force are a wee bit more Professional than that are they not.?? "

You think so? Some of the "showing off" stories I have heard have been hilarious.

When a new batch of officers graduates from Initial Officer Training at RAF Cranwell, there is usually a fly-past as the officers are passing out. Going back several years, there was a fly-past due from an F4. Bang on time, a low rumble was heard, the F4 skimmed the trees dropped lower, stuck on full reheat and left two 100ft long scorch marks in the beautifully manicured college lawn as he climbed away....! The conclusion to the rumour was that the driver was demoted... :D

21st Sep 2007, 23:35
Oh how the story gets changed with each time its told again...........you were correct that it was an F4 & that was it.....no reheat, definately no scorch marks (he flew over the graduates......their hats all went flying but I never knew of anyone with a tan!!!). As for demotion, that happens in the civilian world.....he was sent to another unit to fly Jet Provosts as a punishment....he retained his rank!!
if you are going to tell a story third hand get it right.......I have the whole flypast on video & know one of the instructors present on the day:=

21st Sep 2007, 23:40
Perhaps the driver realized he was in an obsolescent dud and wanted to deploy as many chutes as possible.

General Danatt

21st Sep 2007, 23:47
Oh look. A troll:mad:

We really need a ****** smilie for guys 'like' this (no pun intended)

22nd Sep 2007, 00:00
Barrow boy like I said it was a rumour I had heard and the fact it was an F4 shows how may times it's been through the mill before it was told to me a few years ago. Still even your version of events still highlights the show-boating that sometimes does go on. That was the point I was trying to make. I know plenty of RAF pilots and to say that they never push the envelope to impress people that extra litle bit would be a complete and utter lie.
That aside I think military aviators are a sterling breed and of all the ones I have known, chips on shoulders included, I don't think I would change any of them one bit. They are amongst the best in the world.
(oh and incidentally the person who told me the (wrong) story got it from attending RAF Cranwell as an officer cadet himself... obviously tall tales grow older and bolder there over the years!)

22nd Sep 2007, 00:29

The simple fact is though that YOU stated as FACT an exaggerated story.
I.E. you represented as true something that you had heard second or third hand.
OKAY this is a rumour forum but you did state things as fact.

And you have something to do with Air Traffic Control ! - Integrity or establishing truth before transmitting not important to you????

22nd Sep 2007, 00:52
The conclusion to the rumour was that the driver was demoted...
Top Bunker I don't think that is me stating anything as fact. Please don't take what was meant to be a light hearted and innocent addition to another posters comment in any way other than the spirit in which it was intended. You only have to look in any of the humour sections of these forums to see the same old stories re-hashed and re-told. Someone always knows a friend of a colleagues friends father who they would swear was actually there when something happened when in reality we've heard the stories told slightly differently hundreds of times. Storms and teacups comes to mind.
And please, for goodness sake, at no point did I express a professional or informed opinion on the matter. I was merely passing the time. I don't think there's a need to bring my job or indeed my professionalism into the debate is there? It has the sum total of nothing to do with it!!
I don't want this thread to descend into a slanging match and if my post offended anyone then I apologise, in fact if it turns out it's caused that much offence I'll remove it!
Maybe next time I post I'll start it with the words FACT or RUMOUR just to clarify where I'm coming from.

22nd Sep 2007, 01:13
DirtyStopout - perhaps you should you have started your last post with the word RUMOUR or maybe even GUESS or LIE but the word CONCLUSION is wide of the mark - again!

22nd Sep 2007, 01:24
As for the F4 fly-by / head chopper, saw it a few years back when living at Bentley Priory, somewhere in the archive at Flight Safety. Remember that the pilot came in low over Whittle Hall, got lower then screamed across the parade ground, no doubt the cameraman in the first floor window on the East side of the parade ground filled his trousers at the sight of the belly of an F4 at very close quarters. :eek:

Have trawled You Tube thinking it might be on there by no but no luck. Don't suppose you want to put up a copy on Barrow Boy? :O
The german F4 display seems to give the same impression though, about the same height (if the grey matter still works). Spectacular - yes, no flying hats though.


PS, that's also the reason, I believe, why the flypasts are now behind the clock tower and not over the parade ground.

22nd Sep 2007, 01:36
Actually it was the second pass that rubbed salt into the wound - but my my point is that the statement above about military flying indiscipline was factually bollox!

And, DirtyStopout - there were NO DEMOTIONS - you're still WRONG!!!

P.S. No more bites from this Bunk Bloke!!!

Airborne Aircrew
22nd Sep 2007, 01:50
Errr... Perhaps we should all sit back.. acknowledge that, as young aircrew, things are done... Some of them make "legendary" status and most don't. When they make that exalted status they get... errr... a little, exaggerated... It's part of the "reality" of being aircrew.

Those that know the truth, (all right, the alleged truth), can sit back and bathe in it's glory. Those that don't or were not close to the "crime" should be allowed to spread the exaggerated glory for the benefit of the original "criminal" and the good of the RAF as a whole...

It should never be argued about in a public forum... By doing so you give ammunition to those who would disrespect the great tradition of the Junior Service, (and it is great - despite what you may be told), and therefore bring closer the dissolution of our heritage as the idiots above think that the British Military doesn't need a concentrated, mission oriented, air force.

Gentlemen, we did what we did, you do what you do... But we all did it for the betterment of Great Britain. No if's, and's or but's...

This should be the end of any argument... :E

But some silly sod is going to disagree with that... :}

22nd Sep 2007, 01:52
Actually I lied - one more bite...
May I quote from above -

"Our Air Force are a wee bit more Professional than that are they not.??
You think so?"

If this irony isn't suggesting unprofessionalism then Robert's my Aunty!!!

22nd Sep 2007, 02:08
Airborne Aircrew I agree completely. I wasn't and WOULD NEVER make light of the task our pilots face when doing the job they have trained for.
I may have met some aircrew who have some tales to tell but I take my hat off to every single one of them when faced with situations when the sh*t hits the fan.
I hope others agree that certain people have taken my comments out of context and whatever I have posted is meant in the best possible spirit. If I had wanted to provoke some venomous remarks on purpose, as an ATCO, stereotypically I suppose i could have tried anything like "Sh*t pilots" but that's not my opinion and neither is it my intention to cause a ruck.
We work together. I don't try to be the enemy and I didn't post with that in mind.

If the replies are anything to go by, I suppose all I can say is, sorry I spoke!

22nd Sep 2007, 04:36
So what happened to the original thread

It would seem these days that most threads in pprune end up as the same one.

"I'm mighty offended by someones post and we are going to thrash it out in pedantic fashion until one of us rolls over and shows his belly" thread :*

22nd Sep 2007, 04:56
I think someone got out of their bunk the wrong side.

22nd Sep 2007, 07:14
So back to the thread..... Surely showing off does not include popping the drag chute in flight.?? Is it even possible theoretically whilst the gear is up with a baulk in the system somewhere.??

22nd Sep 2007, 08:43
Must be loads of Typhoon pilots out there...??!!

Is the chute "armed" before landing (just like the Ground spoilers and autobrakes on Mr Boeings Aircraft) such that on touchdown the system is activated?

22nd Sep 2007, 09:39
"I'm mighty offended by someones post and we are going to thrash it out in pedantic fashion until one of us rolls over and shows his belly" thread

Something you are becoming a master at Rmac............

G-SPOTs Lost
22nd Sep 2007, 10:29
Having witnessed the landing typhoon. I can advise thus.......

Typhoon landed after fairly sporting typical display arrival - nothing unusual, gets to a speed possibly less than a touch and go with no chute deployed. Decides to roll.

Dry power applied, lifts off and at approx 200ft or so chute deploys, shear pin shears, chute falls away onto beach. Gear down circuit to land after a low approach, aircraft lands safely vacates at Delta (approx 1200m of 1800m) sits there with engines running brake fans on until suitable temps achieved and then parks.

Q's Why not raise gear with extra drag when it deployed - just workload/busy? and its that overpowered its not an issue or cooling brakes for impending heavy braking or are they carbon?

Didn't listen to RT just what I saw.

Pontius Navigator
22nd Sep 2007, 11:02
he retained his rank!!:=

And the student nav in the back lost 6 months seniority.

22nd Sep 2007, 12:46
or (d) ...wasn't Friday the start of the Annual Blackpool Skydiving Festival?

22nd Sep 2007, 21:16
No he did not

normally right blank
22nd Sep 2007, 21:38
Seen photos of a USAF F-4 doing a circuit with dragchute deployed.

23rd Sep 2007, 20:50
Vacated on to runway 31 actually there was a let 410 on the delta taxiway

23rd Sep 2007, 22:02
Q's Why not raise gear with extra drag when it deployed - just workload/busy?

I think leaving the gear down is a Typhoon SOP whilst in the circuit. I also once heard that you put it down at TOD and fly the descent dirty but I don't know how true that is.

No idea why, but I have a vauge memory of talk about a software reason for it staying down.:confused:


23rd Sep 2007, 22:10
'tis true to say that gear down circuits are the norm at CBY.

Never ever seen them stow the trollies during rolls, actually.

23rd Sep 2007, 22:11
I think leaving the gear down is a Typhoon SOP whilst in the circuit. I also once heard that you put it down at TOD and fly the descent dirty but I don't know how true that is.

No idea why, but I have a vauge memory of talk about a software reason for it staying down.:confused:

BluntySo what you are trying to say is that you have absolutely no idea what you are on about and have no idea what the Typhoon SOP says. Fabulous.:sad:

23rd Sep 2007, 22:14
With surplus power you avoid the chance of not getting the gear back down (or forgetting....) and avoid the extra cycles on the gear. Been standard practice certainly since Lightning days and I have no doubt another old crusty will tell me the Sopwith Camel did the same.

23rd Sep 2007, 22:23
Sopwith Camels did keep their gear down on circuit (sometimes retracting them in the evnt of a hard landing). I understand there was a hardware reason for this but not sure what. :hmm:

23rd Sep 2007, 23:07
Samuraimatt - bit of an over-the-top Victor Meldrew response there.

Calm down, or you might pop an artery.

Blunty was only offering a bit of harmless peripheral info.

The Helpful Stacker
23rd Sep 2007, 23:32
No, he was speculating on something he obviously knows nothing about but hey, isn't that the corner stone of Pprune?

24th Sep 2007, 02:59
Says the stacker on an aircrew forum.....

The Helpful Stacker
24th Sep 2007, 07:09
Why don't you try reading the full forum name? If that is a little beyond you I will post it here for you.

Military Aircrew A forum for the professionals who fly the non-civilian hardware, and the backroom boys and girls without whom nothing would leave the ground. Army, Navy and Airforces of the World, all equally welcome here.

Oh look at that, officially non-aircrew are welcome, how about that?


24th Sep 2007, 07:51
Oh look at that, officially non-aircrew are welcome, how about that?

You lot remind me of that Clash lyric. "You have the right to free speech, as long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it."

Seemingly the cornerstone of this forum is having a pop at anyone you percieve to be a lesser form of existence.

Samuraimatt, THS - back off. I know that the SOP is to leave the gear down in the circuit. I don't know why but I had heard that it was a software issue. A question was asked and I answered it as best I could (and better than you seem to have managed). If I'm wrong and you have better information, then share it. If you just want to make yourselves feel better then go and find a better way of doing it. If you can't back up your snide comment with better information then may I respectfully suggest that you have no idea either. Poor show.

Bob Viking
24th Sep 2007, 08:07
Well I can see that we're all happy just to be alive!
A few people here obviously didn't get laid at the weekend!

The Helpful Stacker
24th Sep 2007, 08:12
If you can't back up your snide comment with better information then may I respectfully suggest that you have no idea either.

Thats right, I know very little about the operating procedures of the Typhoon, but then again I wasn't the one speculating.

Oh and BV, although a gentleman never kisses and tells I did have a very enjoyable weekend.;)

24th Sep 2007, 08:20
Oh and BV, although a gentleman never kisses and tells I did have a very enjoyable weekend.;)

...May the blisters on your hand heal quickly...

Bob Viking
24th Sep 2007, 08:24
We were all just starting to get along and you had to go and say something like that!
I don't know our helpful friend but I'm sure that even stackers can get girlfriends!!!
God I'm funny!

The Helpful Stacker
24th Sep 2007, 08:42
My hand? I'm sure it was yours, I know those callouses and that large, well worked forearm anywhere.

24th Sep 2007, 08:55
It was all part of a secret test, code-named MAVERICK....

'I'll hit the brakes (chute), he'll fly right by.'

All TS and not to be discussed outside this forum.:8

BoVik - a good weekend I trust? How's the shade of blue/green?

Bob Viking
24th Sep 2007, 08:59
Very nice weekend thanks.
Took Mrs V to Taz, Steps and Kags' Capital city (you see what I did there?) for the weekend. It was bloody great!
I trust you have settled in to your new digs satisfactorily and that all is well in the land of no hills?!

24th Sep 2007, 09:00
Well, that's what I call a bite! :D

Thankyou, and good night. :ok:

24th Sep 2007, 10:16
An attempt to deploy the chute was made on touchdown, but it didn't deploy, so he decided to go back round. Once in the air, the chute decided to deploy itself!! Not good.... but I bet it looked pretty smart :uhoh: