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View Full Version : EY roster

21st Sep 2007, 13:54
Hi Etihad drivers,

wondering if some of you could could send me a PM with a typical roster (or post it on here if you like). 2/3 months in a row would be nice.

I`m trying to work out if I could `commute` to Brussels. Not commuting in the strict sense, but more going back- and fore-wards as much as practically possible.

There are flights on Mon, Wed and Fri I believe. Can you ask to adapt your roster or is crewing not that flexible ?

Many thanks for the effort,

22nd Sep 2007, 04:14
Crewing is entirely inflexible. You are allowed to request one flight per month,which may or may not be granted. The way schedules are individually
given appear to be arbitrary.

You can not plan on having the days off or the flights you need in order to commute back and forth to Europe. As BRU flights are popular because of the length of the layovers 48 hours + vs 14, pretty much everyone requests them, especially the Europeans.

Giving you a roster won't help. On average once the rosters are first published you will get 6-10 changes to it over the next month.

There is no bidding and no seniority sytem.

Sorry,but it sucks.

22nd Sep 2007, 09:54
Thanks for your reply Toubob,

what do you mean by `vs 14` ?
How many days off do you get in a row ? enough to jump on a company flight back to BRU and come back 2 days later ?

I would still appreciate a roster though! OK, you get a lot of roster changes, but they wont change your D/O`s would they ?

If you`re afraid for your anonymity, just leave your name and the months away. I can assure you though I`m not management or something. Just somebody who wants to have a clear idea about the situation before committing.


22nd Sep 2007, 10:13
Yes they will change days off or at least try to.

The schedule does not make it possible to commute to Europe. If it did many of us would be using that option.

That aside, the flights to Europe are quite busy on EY and the other carriers as well which makes commuting difficult and unpredictable.

7th Oct 2007, 14:55
I cant believe it is that hard to send some rosters to a possible future colleague....

Plas Teek
7th Oct 2007, 15:53
Dude, forget the commute.
Either you want the job or not. Live in the desert and fly or stay where you are.
The captains can hardly get on flights to Europe let alone commute from there.
I know a few who have yet to see Bru or Gnev and they have been in for nearly a year.

It's not that they dont want to send you any rosters its just that they dont want to get your hopes up. Even those that live in Dubai have fun....

Desert Diner
7th Oct 2007, 16:15
I cant believe it is that hard to send some rosters to a possible future colleague....

Believe it!

8th Oct 2007, 04:38

Check yer PMs...

9th Oct 2007, 14:18
Can Anyone PM me with Shawn Gideas Email or telephone number, I believe he is on the 330. I'M a friend from the states.

9th Oct 2007, 16:05
What's up Man !!
Check your PMs.

An old friend from the Canyon...