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22nd Feb 2002, 11:26
Hello again

Do anybody knows or works with Lido Web OC? The things I would like to know are..

- what is your opinion of working with this solution (reliability, user friendly, accuracy..)

- approximately in which group concerning the cost it is? (just for making an idea) (cheaper, average, expensive?) according to Navtech WebFP and SAS RODOS

Thanks all

22nd Feb 2002, 15:22
I hear from a friend that RODOS was at the bottom of the priceline. Would be interested how it compares to Navtech WebFP. Is the Internet based solution from Navtech like FOMS?

Thanks. .fcit

22nd Feb 2002, 15:38
WebFP is internet based solution.. didn't see it yet, but from snapshots it looks nice. It provides just flight planning + NOTAM, WHX service... Do you know the approximate costing for Lido Web OC?

23rd Feb 2002, 08:52
No sorry I don`t. Would be very interested though. Just had a chance to look in the Internet based Jetplan, which is really neat.

It would be nice to have a comparisom ref. pricing for those solutions.

Cheers. .fcit

raven flight
25th Feb 2002, 01:47
LIDO OC is certainly a Mercedes under the systems, though it is one of the rare systems to provide full cost flightplanning. as to the user friendliness ... if you are well acquainted with the system it works for you. It was designed by an airline for an airline.

25th Feb 2002, 22:58
Well raven flight, coming from FRA you certainly are close to the headquarters of Lido. Would be quite intersted to find out more about the "Mercedes", since I have only heard few real facts about the system, as yet. The one thing I heard from Lido (which I don`t know, whether it`s true, but which would certainly prove to be a disadvantge), would be that the route database structure is relying on hardcoded, canned routes. If that is the case than this system would lack much of its dispatch flexibility (once more I am not absotlutely positive that I am right).

Cheers. .fcit

25th Feb 2002, 23:58
Agree with fcit...and wish I could see the Mercedes on the way...

So can we consider the costing approximately on the same level as RM Rocade? Btw, till now I thought RM Rocade is Rolls-Royce within these services <img src="wink.gif" border="0"> <img src="wink.gif" border="0">

26th Feb 2002, 20:24
let me give you the prices Navtech gave me.... .Pricing: one time implement. costs:. .8600 usd + 3000 usd + 4500 usd (system config + installation + hardware required (1 pc)). .Recurring monthly charges usd 7500. .+ variable messaging charges.. .These prices are for unlimited usages for 10 aircraft.. .Much too expensive compared to Rodos.

Rodos prices:. .More or less 500 € per aircraft. prices getting down according amount of aircraft.. .One time fee is 165 € per PC installation.

You can also check PPS from Air Support. Prices are also good.

Contact me if you wish more info. [email protected]

28th Feb 2002, 21:12

Just wonderig what system the quote of Navtech was for, since to my knoweldge they offer a web based solution as well as a PC based solution like Jeppesen OnSight, Sabre Airpath, etc...

Well, if it is the PC based solution with your own server on site, than the pricing does not sound too bad. I have seen a presentation of this system a while ago and it did contain quite some gimicks that cannot be found with the cheaper systems.

Since I do not know the possibilities that RODOS is offering (though I would love to take a look at it), you always have to keep in mind the scope you are using the system for. Since I personally have been working with Jeppesen Service bureau, Onsight, Navtech FOMs and PPS during my career (with short glances on other systems), I can only judge from what I have seen.

Now, if I e.g. compare PPS to Jeppesen Service Bureau, than I have to admit that the flight plannig engine of PPS is lacking a little behind the one from Jepp. I am not just talking about the difficulties to determine a proper profile in PPS, but also the lack of doing RDP and DPP plans. Also, whoever has been looking at the Jeppesen aircraft database will have been amazed about the amount of twitches there are and according to Jepp their flight plans are exact to 50Lbs (and I am not talking about a LFPG-EGLL run here, but 14-15 hour re-dispatch flights). Also, if you are planning inter-continental you will certainly appreciate the existance of a filing address database and if you are taking care of a big amount of overflight allowances and do cross difficult countries a lot, than the route database is certainly a nice to have (though, I agree PPS offers the possibilities to store routes as well). Additionally you have the enroute charge calculator and a couple of other gimicks. FOMs for example was able to display WX and NOTAMs right when selecting the aerodrome, when doing the flight plan (a feature I always missed with Jepp).

Well, on the other hand if your traffic is mostly intra-European than you do not need a lot of those features. As I said, I do not know RODOS (which is SAS Support, right?), but I reckon they will not be able to offer the same features as the other systems for that price (I could be wrong).

The point I raised in my earlier message was that we do get a lot of Sales people of the flight planning systems on the board (which is good, because maybe they take note of some of the glitches their system and/or support have and fix it), but than it would be really nice to have an overview of the features and the pricing that goes with it (most of the times especially the later one appears to be a secret).

. .Cheers. .fcit

5th Mar 2002, 18:47
fcit, you are right about everything. The only thing which amazed me each time is that more or less, each company propose the same things but price goes from 1 to a million.... .Of course Jepp's is a BMW (you're from Germany) but prices are also from BMW...