View Full Version : Ex Debonair crews ref reundancy payments

17th Dec 2001, 03:31
I was with Debonair when they went bust and had my application for statutory redundancy payment rejected by the Dept of T&I.

I've just received a letter from their Watford Office stating that all previous rejections have been overturned by an industrial tribunal and they require my details to forward payment. If you were in a similar position to myself and have not been contacted may I suggest you ring Mr Brendan Cox on 01923 210700.

Does anybody know the background behind this decision?

17th Dec 2001, 04:00
To cut a (very)long story short;
finally, the Tribunal chairman lost patience with the DTI for continuing to fail to produce any coherent evidence that they were correct in their decision. The Tribunal found that "....the Secretary of State [DTI] has behaved vexatiously and unreasonably...."
Thanks largely to the efforts of BALPA's legal people the DTI were "struck out". Legal costs were awarded to BALPA and Flightline together with an order to make good the outstanding redundancy payment claims.
Happy Xmas.

17th Dec 2001, 21:38
Hello kong, long time no hear....

Hows flying phone numbers?

The DTI agreed to pay everyone from Debs, whether you applied for a tribunal or not. About time and right now a lot of us could do with the money!

21st Dec 2001, 00:32
What were the grounds for the original refusal to pay redundancy?

In that position now so interested in the topic.

E-mail me privately if you prefer

Merry Christmas.

21st Dec 2001, 04:08
On the basis of 'transfer of interests'. The DTI argued that staff had been transfered directly to another company - Flightline, who were operating Swissair, having been awarded the contract previously held by Debonair.

It was only those staff who went directly to Flightline (about 120) who were refused payment on this basis.

The President of the Tribunal ruled however that there was no transfer.

[ 21 December 2001: Message edited by: jetgirl ]</p>

A and C
21st Dec 2001, 11:47
Good to see that you are at last getting the money that is due to to you I just hope that it is not going to be just in time for your next redundancy.

Luck has not been with the ex-debonair people as no sooner than they recover from one airline failure than BMC and Flightline have to shed jobs and as allways it is last in first out.

I hope that 2002 is a better year for you all.

21st Dec 2001, 14:47
I never claimed a penny - didn't seem worth it! <img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0"> Are you saying that they'd pay me now anyway? I could sure use the cash at the mo <img src="eek.gif" border="0">

A and C - how goes it? We're near neighbours nowadays! (was that the sound of a distant groan I hear?). Don't have your number anymore. Send me an email

21st Dec 2001, 15:10
If you have'nt already contact Deloitte & Touche Tel:0207 3032098 Mr Clogg and ask for a form RP1 to be sent out to you.
Complete and send to:
Redundancy Payment Service
Po Box 15 Exchange House
60 Exchange Rd
Watford Herts
Mr Brendon Cox is the man to chat with in the Watford office and they have been told to give the Debonair issue priority Tel: 01923 310700

Hope this helps..nice to catch up the other night and good to see everyone had a good time.

Jet Man
21st Dec 2001, 22:01
What exactly does this mean in financial terms?
Is it the £220 (max for one week) in lieu of
the three months notice if you had worked there
less than a year?

21st Dec 2001, 23:12
Van, def worth claiming - cant complain when they put £274 in my account for holiday pay alone. Am now in discusion with them re. pay for the 1 - 11 Oct 99. Ring me if you want to know how much you are owned since I know it will be about the same!

I have also sent a letter to Toilette and Douch outlining the rest of my claim which may now be settled as it was held up by the DTI ruling. (not expecting much before anyone says I am living in a dream world).

As to the Debonair guys bing unlucky, yes I suppose so (twice in 2 years is a little disheartening) but loads of the guys have made it in many other places and are doing fine.

Holer Moler
25th Dec 2001, 16:08
Hi-to all you old Deb guys. I have not yet recieved a penny, but still waiting. Hey! Wobble-Head , give me a call sometime (the lowerdeck filth that used to bunk in your flat in LTN, THEN TURNED TRAITOR and joined the Brown jobs. Never was a Pinger though. Know driving a Big Bird.