View Full Version : How does it work on the other side?

13th Dec 2001, 05:02
Just trying to satisfy my curiousity. What happens to pilots in Europe when airlines downsize? I've heard the term "redundant." I'm a little unsure of the term. In the US we become furloughed. Basically, the airline cannot hire any new pilots unless all those furloughed are call back or our recall rights have expired. Our contract states that we have recall rights for five years. Of course, the airline could just go bankrupt and then all contracts are used to heat the CEO's mansion. Just wondering if things operate on a similar plan over there.

14th Dec 2001, 23:32
Okay ,

But now : Is it possible to apply for a job with another airline once furloughed ?
Or is this impossible by contract ?

15th Dec 2001, 05:59
I know in Europe that companies may require a contract once given employment. Well, no airline in the US requires that. Some cargo and charter companies require that you sign a contract for the training they pay for. However, once you receive your training at an airline there is nothing keeping you there. Give your two weeks notice and be on your merry way if you'd like. Now, if you apply for a job elsewhere then you move to the bottom of their seniority list. For example, you are a United Airlines pilot and get furloughed. For some reason you decide to take a job at Southwest Airlines. Well, you are required to give up your seniority number at United as a condition of employment at Southwest. That's usually how things work over here.