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View Full Version : Astraeus salary and benefits.

18th Feb 2002, 15:43
What is the proposed salary and benefits package for flight deck crew joining Astraeus?. .Regards.

20th Feb 2002, 12:27

20th Feb 2002, 13:08
CApt. 60K + £2 per hour allowances + Loss of licence , Pension etc

SFO (Jet experienced on joining) £36K

FO (No jet experience) £28K

Share option scheme


27th Feb 2002, 22:31
blimey brad must be getting generous in his old age!!! how much pension/loss lic etc? maybe i`ll go back and work for him again-never had more fun than euroworld/early cfe but the pay and conds were appauling-times change i guess, good luck danny.. .t-bag

Devils Advocate
28th Feb 2002, 00:18
t-bag, 'appauling' (sic) was it, and you also wrote "maybe i`ll go back and work for him again" (sic), so just what makes you think that he/they would even want you ?!

The Devil, as they say, is in the detail ! <img src="wink.gif" border="0">

8th Apr 2002, 11:18
Now they are flying. Back to the top so people can see it's really quite rosey.

Best of luck guys.


9th Apr 2002, 13:30
I was under the impression that those F/O's that attended CTC were not being paid by Astraeus or if they were it was only £500.00 per month. Thats practically slave labour!

12th Apr 2002, 19:19
If that is as advertised by CTC i.e. 6 months on pockjet money and full salary afterwards it beats any other entry in a nice shinny RHS of a 73NG!! (unless BA is hiring low hours that is..)