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View Full Version : Innsworth and Cosford go to the Army

12th Sep 2007, 18:50
RAF Innsworth and RAF Cosford join the long list of former RAF Stations turned over to the British Army. MoD website:


"Ministers have given provisional approval for HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (HQ ARRC), 102 Logistic Brigade (102 Log Bde) and 1 Signal Brigade (1 Sig Bde) to move from Germany to the UK between 2009 and 2014. More than 15,000 service personnel will remain in Germany. The site currently occupied by the RAF at Innsworth in Gloucestershire has been selected as the most suitable for HQ ARRC. The Defence College of Aeronautical Engineering in Cosford, Shropshire is the recommended site for 1 Signal Brigade and 102 Logistics Brigade, although other sites will continue to be assessed for them until such a time as Cosford's future Defence use has been decided."

12th Sep 2007, 19:01
Wonder what will happen to Cosfords faithful (since 1948) airfield users? Will she remain faithful in return or will the green (rot?) swallow the whole aerodrome?


12th Sep 2007, 19:06
As one of the former faithful airfield users, I will miss Cosford - many a happy hour spent in the bar and convincing myself that I was God's gift to flying (might have convinced God, never managed to convince my Boss though :\). However, I think that Telford and the squaddies are a perfect match for each other. Just watch property prices drop in the local villages.

In the interests of jointery, how about the army gives us some of their barracks to balance things out a bit - Regents Park and Chelsea should do for a start :E

12th Sep 2007, 21:10
Great. House prices are going to fall. Perhaps I should buy in the area when the Army move in. I could always rent to a crab on an exchange posting. At a suitible price.
It's just a waiting game, we will have all of your land.

12th Sep 2007, 21:15
Perhaps I should buy in the area when the Army move in

I'm sure you'd be able to find something suitable in Telford :E

12th Sep 2007, 21:36
2009 to 2014?
We may have a few left for the move by then?

Union Jack
12th Sep 2007, 22:43
Innsworth and Cosford go to the Army

Surely a case of "Let's do it the other way round", as the bishop said to the actress?:)


13th Sep 2007, 08:05
I'll miss Cosford too, and the pay that I currently get for working here :{
Thanks a lot Des Browne and his Metrix bedfellows :*
Still, I'm sure they'll find plenty of skilled aircraft technicians ready to do their instructing for them at St Athan without having to train carpet fitters as aircraft techs in 9 weeks as DARA did :}

3rd Feb 2008, 10:52
Announced by the MOD on Thursday (http://www.gnn.gov.uk/environment/fullDetail.asp?ReleaseID=349233&NewsAreaID=2&NavigatedFromDepartment=True):

I am delighted to announce that Cosford has been chosen as our preferred site to base both 1 Signal Brigade (1 Sig Bde) and 102 Logistics Brigade (102 Log Bde) when they return from Germany.

3rd Feb 2008, 11:19
Message for Light Blue from Dark Green:

"All your base belong to us"*

*For an interpretation of above, ask any person half your age, or failing that ask any over weight balding Sci-Fi chap for an explanation.

3rd Feb 2008, 11:41
Being over weight although not yet balding, I believe it is my duty to correct you......


I'd get my coat but being so overweight it sadly no longer fits....


3rd Feb 2008, 12:55
I Sir do beg your forgiveness,

What program is that from?

X - Wing commander? or is that really showing my ignorance (and age!) reference anything post Atari 500?

3rd Feb 2008, 12:56
I believe it is the Army's job to 'take ground', though I thought it was enemy ground they took. Maybe the RAF is the enemy?

Maybe noone cares anymore? I don't.

3rd Feb 2008, 17:12
What program is that from?

The text is taken from the opening cut scene of the 1989 European Sega Mega Drive version of Zero Wing, a Japanese video game by Toaplan. Its brief but intense popularity derived from its poor translation into English and its near-accidental adoption by a group of Internet humorists. Originated from Something Awful.

Taken from this Wikipedia link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_your_base_are_belong_to_us)

Something witty
3rd Feb 2008, 17:52
As I understand it, moves are afoot to use Cosford as a RLG for Shawbs, a la Tern Hill. Cosford is now within the expanded Shawbs DUA. That of course will be no barrier to the Army taking over the rest (like Clive bks at TH).

3rd Feb 2008, 18:07
And the future of the museum at Cosford is.......??

I know, sad giffer question compared to some aspects of this move, but the last time I was there, 10 years ago +, it was an excellent day out for young and old alike.....!!!

3rd Feb 2008, 19:06
'Someone set up us to Bomb' You have no chance to survive gentlemen, make your time'

Ha ha ha.


It was an early internet phenomenom from about 97-98.

brit bus driver
3rd Feb 2008, 23:06
Gone to the Army.....that's odd, I thought it went to the dogs some years ago....

(Innsworth, not Cosford, that is)

((Cue PMA / MFTS etc bashing thread degeneration....))


4th Feb 2008, 01:03
So stupid question time, what are they going to do with all the trainees? I thought it wasn't that long ago that they moved Halton up to Cosford to make a combined Heavy/Fairy centre of excellence.

Willing to admit I've got the wrong end of the stick, but too cynical to think I'm completely wrong!

4th Feb 2008, 07:09
Makes perfect sense, moving the biggest aircraft training base from smack bang in the middle of the country where it is fairly equi-distant from most places, with good motorway and rail links to the arse-end of wales :ugh:.... So every poor sod who gets stuck on a course now has an extra 100+ miles to get back into England, let alone anywhere else :ugh::ugh: A blindingly stupid move :suspect:.. Par for the course though I suppose :mad: