Gentle Giant
25th Sep 2001, 17:30
Through another aviation site I have been introduced to a U.K. agency recruiting for ATR, F100, B73, B76 and Dash 8 Flight Deck.
Company is Plane Solutions and has c.v. e-mail address as [email protected], if anyone is interested

27th Sep 2001, 08:34
Would have their web site, by any chance?
Any hiring in Europe with Canadian ATPL?


27th Sep 2001, 14:40
Does this agency have a web site by a chance?

29th Sep 2001, 06:08
don't get your hopes up too quick Fellow Pilots, some of these outfits claiming to have all these vacancies are just building a database, to go shopping for customers.

On the other hand I recently spoke to the owner of a fleet of 23 corp. jets based in S. Florida, he said that their ability to fly is only limited by the Pilots they can get!

Good luck, I may be joining the ranks of those on the outside looking in, soon

29th Sep 2001, 20:17
abcd4u send me your email address as I have a suggestion for you.

on the glide
3rd Oct 2001, 08:55

Do you need Permanent residence? , or holder
of a certain Nationality?
Thank's. :p

12th Oct 2001, 15:19
What is the name of that company in S. Florida? What do they operate? Is the fact that they cannot find enough pilots perhaps caused by the compensation they offer?

12th Oct 2001, 17:04
Doesnt it worry people on this agency thing. Because if all the airlines used agencies then they could have different amounts of staff each day/season etc. So in the summer you could be offered work but then the winter you get nothing. Its great for the airlines but for you as a pilot its *****, you lose out, you get no job security or anything, and you only work when its busy, so you go for the rest of the year without cash. And you get no perks or benefits, and you have to pay for your own type ratings etc, this has happened in other professions, when will the airlines jump on the band wagon