View Full Version : Macau

9th Sep 2007, 17:19
Anyone living in Macau right now? Can you post some links or info on living in Macau, possibly some apartment rental websites, life in Macau websites, or anything to do with living in Macau, pm if you wish!



20th Sep 2007, 13:51
I live in HK, but I know the living standard in Maccau is always rising. The flat rent is almost the same as in HK now. But you can expect the goods are a bit cheaper in Maccau.
However Maccau is very small and gets a huge population, so everywhere is very crowd, especially in holidays.

29th Sep 2007, 10:54
Who do you work or have worked for that has given you this negative attitude toward Macau?

16th Nov 2007, 12:34
Hi guys , i just got back from Macau and Hong Kong , and honestly it is a very safe place , quite a few europeans there which is nice .
Hong Kong is just 1h away with the Boat Ferry ( running 24h a day , 7 days a week ) when you want to party it s always nice to have multiple options... Lots of nice girls around .
Macau is very small so it may seem boring after a while but like i said HK is nearby.
Well that s about it .
Take care and fly safe.