View Full Version : Tiger - Are they already in Trouble?

6th Sep 2007, 06:56
Found this on another website, not sure if accurate, but interesting if true.

"company is struggling to fill the pilots positions due to the expected package which does not compare to other Au operators, pilots are no longer willing to pay for ratings in this current market. Also, uncertainty about the project due to other projects in the past have failed. Rumour says that they are not able to get AOC from CASA. "

The Kavorka
6th Sep 2007, 07:13
I hear hat they are having a great deal of trouble getting an AOC, apparently their paperwork sent into casa was a disgrace!!

6th Sep 2007, 07:23
Here's the lineup of their key management team (http://peanuts.aero/low_cost_airline_news/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4445&Itemid=) for Tiger Australia. Seems like some pretty experienced people in there.

6th Sep 2007, 21:38
Well it's true they were announcing their routes on a very regular basis and then suddenly went very quiet... and has stayed that way.

otto the grot
6th Sep 2007, 23:38
Assuming the going rates will be well above jetstar terms, how many jetstar pilots would consider jumping ship do you think?

The Garden Knome will not be happy.

6th Sep 2007, 23:54
I would be interested to know how far down the track they are with regard to their HC AOC.

AND what problems have been encounted

Going Boeing
6th Sep 2007, 23:59
I doubt that many would be considering leaving Jetstar for Tiger in the short term because of the risk that Tiger will not stay around - even though it has the massive backing of SQ and Temasek. Jetstar is already established and getting the full support of the QF infrastructure whereas Tiger has to set everything up. The Singaporeans aren't adverse to spending money where there looks like a good long term return but they do not like to have money continuously bleeding with no returns in sight.

PS. The Tiger CEO has been having discussions with real estate agents about purchasing a penthouse apartment (circa $3million) in Melbourne for his use when in Oz.

7th Sep 2007, 02:11
Assuming the going rates will be well above jetstar terms, how many jetstar pilots would consider jumping ship do you think?

Thats the problem Otto, everyone is assuming, but I don't think I have seen one single post ( correct me if I'm wrong ) from someone who actually knows the T&Cs.
On another tread, some CC actually admited to signing up without knowing exactly what the T&Cs where :confused::confused:

Section28- BE
7th Sep 2007, 02:49

"On another tread, some CC actually admited to signing up without knowing exactly what the T&Cs where :confused::confused:"

CC will do that sort of stuff.............., so I'm told.

Did they find where the T&C's are at- or are they still looking????:} ;)

7th Sep 2007, 02:54
I doubt that many would be considering leaving Jetstar for Tiger in the short term because of the risk that Tiger will not stay around
I think I've seen this before when VB appeared on the horizon.

7th Sep 2007, 03:16
I know of 3.

Trashed Aviator
7th Sep 2007, 07:59

7th Sep 2007, 08:23
I know one pilot who does not of an A320 and he just got a start with Tiger as an FO. I believe he has to pay half of the endorsement and the other half comes out of his pay for the first year. FO pay is mid 90's

Trashed Aviator
7th Sep 2007, 10:06
I have 5000 command A320 , no contact, anybody got any ideas what to do....

Enema Bandit's Dad
7th Sep 2007, 10:15
Apply to Jetstar.

Trashed Aviator
7th Sep 2007, 10:52
but jetstar is only for f/o positions....

Enema Bandit's Dad
7th Sep 2007, 11:35
So what? Do you want to work out here or not?? :{

Mr. Hat
7th Sep 2007, 11:53
making the TC slightly better and expecting the J* pilots to jump ship is a pipe dream.

No shortage - call it what you want but last time i checked you no longer need thousands of hours for a turbine gig and nor do you need three milllion contacts to get a piston job. Those pretending that the landscape has not changed need to stop day dreaming.

7th Sep 2007, 20:58
I have 5000 command A320 , no contact, anybody got any ideas what to do....

Try here

8th Sep 2007, 01:49
I think I've seen this before when VB appeared on the horizon

Not sure if Tiger will be lucky enough to have either QF, Jetstar or VB go broke and give them 30% of the market overnight.

Howard Hughes
9th Sep 2007, 05:51
Not sure if Tiger will be lucky enough to have either QF, Jetstar or VB go broke and give them 30% of the market overnight.
You never know...;)

Trashed Aviator
9th Sep 2007, 11:35
These guys will easily roll the lot.....


9th Sep 2007, 13:16
I think this guy is kinda nutz!!

He has been advertising this sh;t for years!!

Give him your resume and privacy laws for a non exsistent job?? Hmmmm


joe cool69
9th Sep 2007, 14:13
T.A :zzz::zzz::zzz:

9th Sep 2007, 19:35
WangFunk: Looser? :O:O:O:E:E:E

9th Sep 2007, 22:36
Is this another terry byrt venture?
this guy was trying to get ansett off the ground again for years.

9th Sep 2007, 23:11
Crossbleed, is this what you mean? ;)

lose [ looz ] (past and past participle lost [ lawst, lost ], present participle los·ing, 3rd person present singular los·es)
1. transitive verb have something taken away: to cease to possess or have something such as a job or home
2. transitive verb make somebody forfeit something: to be the cause of somebody's failure to obtain, win, or maintain something
a mistake that lost us the game
3. transitive verb mislay something: to be unable to find something, often only temporarily
4. transitive and intransitive verb fail to win: to fail to win a victory at something, e.g. in a contest, argument, war, game, or in court
5. transitive and intransitive verb earn less money than you spend: to be worse off, or worse off by a particular amount of money, as the result of a financial transaction or through expenditure exceeding income
lost millions when the stock markets crashed
will lose on the deal
6. transitive verb experience reduction in something: to experience a reduction in something such as weight or heat
7. transitive verb cease having quality: to cease having a quality, belief, attitude, or characteristic
He's lost the will to live.
8. transitive verb cease having ability or sense: to cease having an ability or sense, e.g. through illness or an accident
lose your sight
9. transitive verb not use something to advantage: to waste or fail to take advantage of something such as time or an opportunity
10. transitive verb be unable to control something: to be unable to control an emotion or to maintain composure
He loses his temper easily.
He finally lost patience with them.
11. transitive verb have loved one die: to suffer the loss of somebody through death, e.g. a loved one, a patient, or a baby before term
12. transitive verb leave somebody following behind: to escape from or leave behind somebody who is in pursuit
13. transitive verb no longer see or hear somebody: to be unable to see or hear somebody or something any longer
14. transitive verb confuse somebody: to fail to make somebody understand something
You've lost me there.
15. transitive verb dispose of something: to get rid of something or somebody that is unwanted or undesirable
Lose that extra space on the left.
16. transitive and intransitive verb run slow: to be or become slow by an amount of time ( refers to timepieces )
[ Old English losian "perish, destroy, lose" < los (see loss)]
los·a·ble adjective
lose it
1. to become removed from reality
2. to be unable to maintain emotional control or composure

loose (ls)
adj. loos·er, loos·est
1. Not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks.
2. Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg.
3. Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; dogs that are loose on the streets.
4. Not tight-fitting or tightly fitted: loose shoes.
5. Not bound, bundled, stapled, or gathered together: loose papers.
6. Not compact or dense in arrangement or structure: loose gravel.
7. Lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; idle: loose talk.
8. Not formal; relaxed: a loose atmosphere at the club.
9. Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.
10. Not literal or exact: a loose translation.
11. Characterized by a free movement of fluids in the body: a loose cough; loose bowels.
In a loose manner.
v. loosed, loos·ing, loos·es
1. To let loose; release: loosed the dogs.
2. To make loose; undo: loosed his belt.
3. To cast loose; detach: hikers loosing their packs at camp.
4. To let fly; discharge: loosed an arrow.
5. To release pressure or obligation from; absolve: loosed her from the responsibility.
6. To make less strict; relax: a leader's strong authority that was loosed by easy times.
1. To become loose.
2. To discharge a missile; fire.
on the loose
1. At large; free.
2. Acting in an uninhibited fashion.
[Middle English louse, los, from Old Norse lauss; see leu- in Indo-European roots.]
loosely adv.
looseness n.
Synonyms: loose, lax, slack1
These adjectives mean not tautly bound, held, or fastened: loose reins; a lax rope; slack sails.
Antonym: tight

Spelling Police hat off. :E

10th Sep 2007, 10:09
this domain may be for sale by its owner!

yeh, right, lookout Tiger, Jet*, VB, QF, the virtual airline is coming

10th Sep 2007, 10:41
Mr.Hat Airlines........

10th Sep 2007, 10:58
OK - time for me to be flame grilled (maybe.)

If anyone has lost money, been defrauded, or otherwise suffered from these antics then all bets off - go for it.

If doing this over a long period of time has been HIS way of dealing with things then he's better off than the 15 (+/-) ex AN who have taken more severe actions to deal with their dissapointment.

Let the flame grilling begin!! :ok:

10th Sep 2007, 14:40

That was Gold...:)

PS Buzzy. Where is the bbbbbbbbuuuzzzzyyyy sign off??

Mr. Hat
11th Sep 2007, 12:56
nah not me. no thanks