View Full Version : CV

1st Sep 2007, 08:54
hey everyone. i was wondering if someone had a sample CV for me to get an idea.

i've been in the US for the last 10 years and that's all I know. I need some reference to a CV used in EU.

thanks in advance

Life's a Beech
2nd Sep 2007, 17:38
Think what the person reading it wants to know, and put it in order of importance!

Name at the top for a label, prabably followed by contact details. Then immediately put in relevant experience, i.e. licence, ratings, hours (in as much detail as matters to that employer - for example we take on pilots for single-crew flying, and need to know their P1/IFR/MEP time). Then very brief employment history and even briefer academic qualifications.

A comment about availability (time and flexibility in location) is always useful to me, and I personally like to see interests, although that is not everyone's preference. All on one side of A4 if possible, not five like one CV of a pilot I received.